Truth's_Razors's blog

A Simple Reminder

AsSalaamu Alaikum Warahmutulahi Wabarakatuhu

This is a video of a Jannazah taken a few years ago, the man who died was the grandfather of someone i knew.
The message as the title suggests is A Simple Reminder, a message i too had forgotten but Alhumdullilah i was reminded of it now and felt it is a good reminder for you too.



'Like a Garment' by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi

AsSalaamu Alaikum Warahmutulahi Wabarakatuhu Smile

I literally just found an e-mail sent by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi in my inbox and thought it most probably will be beneficial for all of you on here! (InshaAllah)

The detailed content is available on the website -

But the basic outline is that it is a 10 week e-mail course, during which he aims to enlighten us about intimacy in marriage. To recieve the e-mails you have to sign up on the website above (quick and easy, e-mail address, gender and marital status is all that is required.)

The title 'Like a Garment' links to The Holy Qur'an in which Allah says:

"Your wives are your garment and you are a garment for them." (2:187)

"The Goodly Life" - Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee

May Allah give us the strength to carry the Deen in our hearts and the ability to reflect it in our mere, temporary lives InshaAllah.

It's with simple reminders like this, that one is able to be humble with the virtues that are possessed.

The Faulty World

I think about things occurring around me and in the world at large and can’t comprehend the disgusting nature of it.

We are a faulty world.

How can people harm other people, or worse harm children? Have they no fear of Allah? Probably not.
It’s a scary thought. Like being sucked into oblivion or a dark, never ending vortex.

So lost, these people’s attitudes careless with no regard to Allah or the Hereafter. Scratch that. So lost, their attitudes careless with no regard to basic human morals.
