
My personal philosophy is that we are who we choose to be. We are where we are because of the choices we've made in life and if you dont like who you've become then its no ones fault but your own. Although there is something to be said about the element of fate, i for one refuse to believe we are helpless against it. To a certain extent id like to believe we can make our own fate and its never too late to change.
Change is difficult, even frustrating... but NOT impossible. All you need is a goal and the will to change.

Although theres no need to be the best at anything, why do we continue to strive, why do we continue to fight to succeed? Giving up is not the human condition not the human spirit. Only through struggles and hardship can you enjoy the fruits of your labour. Think of it this way: water doesnt taste as good until you've been running for an hour non-stop.

But to say "lets not do anything, lets not even participate" is to say im afraid to loose something at risk of gaining nothing. I guess thats where the saying "Nothing ventured nothing gained" comes from. That to me... speak of nothing but fear. And fear wont help you.

Only through darkness can we know the light and only through trials can we meet our better selves. If you dodge, you dodge so you dont get hit, if you protect someone you dont let anything happen to them, and if you fight.... you fight to kill.