LookingToSee's blog

To Shaytaan

To Shaytan:

Today I’m turning a new page,
Where I make my own decisions,

And I choose my own path.
For too long I have listened to you.

And for too long I have dreamt,
But today I’ve decided to take that first step.

Your advice never helped,
And your ways only deprived me,

Of being myself,
And acting on what I believe.

Their judgment won’t hurt me,
And it won’t change my mind either.

I’ve made my decision,
And I’m carrying it through.

I’m moving forward,
And leaving these thoughts.

I won’t feel weak, different or even insincere,
Because I’ve seen myself be much more than all of that.

And tomorrow, I will feel empowered,
And grateful,
Because I see my strength in standing up against you.

Is this true? "InshaaAllah"

Assalaamu 'alaikoum!

friend asked me if this was true. as far as my limited and fading knowledge of arabic goes it isnt. But im looking for someone with a lil bit more knowledge of Arabic to help

I can not be bothered to type up the whole text but its basically saying that we shouldnt write "inshallah" or "inshAllah" but we should write inshaa Allah as inshAllah = create Allah.

Im iffy abt the last bit. definetly AGAINST the "inshallah" HOW DARE YOU NOT CAPITALIZE ALLAH'S NAME. and i type it "inshaAllah" as i say it. there ARE two "a" sound in shaa Allah. and they should be pronounced clearly as this is the way it is written in arabic and is the correct grammar. but i dont believe you have to spell it out especially "inshaa allah" except it does help pronounce it better.

A message to the Youth - positive stuff, it wont eat you.

came across this vid and i liked what he said. I don't know the shaykh or anything. just the vid and what he's saying. I like.


edit: i see NO ONE (sad) has commented on this. I really liked what the shaykh said! and i thought it would be nice to share this on here.

so to my lazy friends, here is a lil overview of what talks about:

*how the youth had an important place in Islam and the spreading of Islam
*how young people were amongst the first to convert
*we are the future (sorry for cliche)
*we have the time
*how the prophet (pbuh) gave great responsibilities to the youth in his time. And he mentions lots of names and stories. (the clip is only 3mins)

Dropping further maths

bye bye. I inshaAllah definitely dropping this.

its only an As over the 2 years.
i made Salaatul-Istikhaarah
I talked to my nice maths teacher (got 2)
I talked to another girl who also wants to drop it.

told the other maths teacher (the one who teaches FM) and told him that im dropping. he said "we'll talk", It was red nose day and he had red nail varnish on one hand. I cant take this seriously.

bye bye further maths.

and if that comes to this i'll tell him what i think of studying.

he might be stubborn. but hey! Im Muslim GRINNO

Tuesday it is. the Showdown.

Looking for a hadith!!! HELP!

Salaam all! im looking for the hadith about if you do a good deed and someone copies you you get the same reward as them with their reward being decreased. And the same for bad deeds.

And if you find any comments/explanation/interpretation of the hadith, please please please please let me know!!!

JazakAllahou khayran to all that can help!!!
