Part 3 - episode 8


smaller diseases of the heart:

someone's right is taking away, he feels sad/frustrated. the right way to deal with this small illness is by giving him his rights back with justice. but if he transgresses against that person then his heart will be affected and he will become more aggresive and will find it easy to take people's right away from them.

someone's sad. we give him good news. but some people treat their sadness with the wrong type of happiness - eg: hurting other , taking their rights away = thats a disease of the heart.

^^this is easy to cure inshaaAllah

the more serious illness is the one to do with religion, when you are overwhelmed by a certain desire/passion. important aspect is that the person doesnt realise that he is doing wrong/has an illness because the illness makes you numb. (just like smoking/drinking) cant face up to reality so needs the "wrong" more - to stay numb.

start with a small sin, and gets bigger and bigger.
when you sin your heart is scarred. but instead of healing it with Quran and with asking for help from Allah, we go back to that sin, shaytaan incourages us, to drown out the pain (because when we commit sin, we become numb). and sometimes the heart break through and calls out to go back to Allah but this causes so much pain so we drown it up again. until the heart becomes dead and we have sunk to the level of animals.

story where a companion wounded his head and during the night had a wet dream so he had to take a shower, but he was afraid it would harm him so he asks his companion if they thought he could make tayamum; they said that they didnt see a reason why he should as there was water etc.. and because of that shower the companion died. when the prophet (pbuh) was told of this he said "they have killed him may Allah kill them" and he said that the remedy to ignorance is asking questions (the prophet (pbuh) called ignorance a disease)

the heart keeps givin you a hard time - sadness, emptiness, frustration - because it needs to be healed, it needs that treatment.