I may be scared of leopards.

Not so long ago, I watched a very interesting documentary about leopards. I don't know much about them besides the fact that they have sharp teeth, have beautiful skin and a part of the cat family. Watching this seemed ideal to help me to widen my horizons.

There were certain parts that made me love these creatures to bits and there were certain parts that made me angry at humans for being so inconsiderate and heartless and other parts that made me scared to ever be anywhere near one of them. A lot of mixed emotions and feelings.

I want you to watch this documentary and share your thoughts about it too, so here is the link. It's on iPlayer and apprently will remain there until 10PM today so do try to catch it. Hurry up and don't take your time. I'm not sure if it'll be uploaded on Youtube or some other site though.

Now i will copy an introduction of what it is about: 'Natural World Special. Leopards are one of India's most powerful predators. Built for strength rather than speed, they hunt in the shadows and ambush their prey.

In an ever shrinking world, their lives are colliding with people - attacks are reported regularly and hundreds of these big cats are stoned, trapped or shot. What is it like living with these animals on your doorstep? And for the leopards, what does it take to survive in a world of over a billion people?'


Leopards are strange.

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