Q and A

Islam and Freedom

Salaams all

This is from a discussion on Tribune...

The question is... Since Islam did NOT prohibit slavery... does Islam not consider freedom a basic human right?

Islam did give all humans rights, and it does highly encourage freeing slaves. However, it does/did not prohibit slavery.

So... does that mean that freedom is not a basic right?

Taking this further, what about supporting fight for freedom in places such as Kashmir, Chechnya/Ossettia and Palestine? If Islam does not say that all humans are free, where do those struggles stand?

Is freedom really that big of a thing?

The Rights Of Children

Q. So much is said these days about the rights parents have over their children, but what rights do children have over their parents and what protections and duties do their parents owe them?

A. In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and Merciful.

As with all humans, each person has some sort of rights, and children are no exception. Children are an Amana (trust) which are given to parents to look after and bring up with the best of their abilities. If brought up correctly, children are a joy and their blessings bring sustenance, mercy and an abundance of reward.

Allah says: ‘Wealth and Sons are allurements (joys) of the life of this world…’[Quran 18:46]

Hair Extensions - Is your Wudu accepted?

Q. Is your Wudhu or Ghusl accepted when you have human hair extension weaved in your hair?

Answer by Shaykh Salim Giza

A. In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Wudhu or Ghusl is accepted when a person has human hair extensions as long all the obligations are fulfilled.

The four obligations for Wudhu, according to the Hanafi Madhab, are:

1. Washing the whole face once
2. Washing both of the hands/arms up to and including the elbows once
3. Wiping one quarter of the head with wet fingers
4. Washing both feet up to and including the ankles once

The three obligations for Ghusl, according to the Hanafi Madhab, are:

1. Washing the whole of the body, head to toe, once so no part is left dry

Are Muslim students allowed to sit in Sex Education lessons

Q. Are Muslim students allowed to sit in Sex Education lessons? What does Islam say about Sex Education in general?

Answer by Shaykh Salim Ghiza

In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Sex education is a very important part of life and all Muslims who are of marriageable age must learn what is permissible with their partners and what isn’t. However, the purpose of sex education in schools in the UK is not about teaching children how to refrain from sex until they are married but they teach them how to practice safe sex. As sex before marriage is not permissible in Islam this sort of education to the children is also not permissible and therefore Haram.

Q and A By Shaykh Salim Ghisa

Q. I have recently read that Walkers use a small amount of alcohol in some flavours of their crisps (Sensations Thai Sweet Chilli, Doritos Chilli Heat Wave and Quavers Cheese), to enhance the flavour. Does that make them Haram?

A. It has become evident that some flavourings in some crisps consist of Haram ingredients. Therefore, as per the rule of the Shariah, once something permissible has something Haram added to it and cannot be separated, then the whole item becomes Haram. In which case, those crisps with Haram ingredients are Haram and therefore not permissible to eat.

Q. Can a Muslim give Haram food to a non-Muslim?

Disposing of Islamic Literature

What is the best way to dispose of literature which contains Islamic terminology, Ahadith or verses of the Qur’an etc? Is it OK to shred them and then throw them away or should we stick them in the recycle pile or burn them?

Answer by Shaykh Salim Ghiza

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

All Muslims are unanimous that the Qur’an is no ordinary piece of writing and therefore a person needs to be in ritual purification i.e. ablution to touch the words of Allah. Therefore a process of respect has to be followed when one needs to dispose old pages of the Qur’an. Also, if the pages are not from the Qur’an but contain Islamic writings i.e. Hadith, Fiqh, supplications etc then again they must also be disposed of with respect and honour.

Can a person wear perfume or aftershave that contains alcohol?

Can a person wear perfume/aftershave that contains alcohol? If so can they pray with that on?

Answer by Shaykh Salim Ghiza

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Alcohol as a form of intoxicant is not only Haram to drink but is also impure (Najis). This means that when it contacts something pure then the pure item will absorb the impurity and all will become impure. However, the question remains as to whether the alcohol that is used in perfumes is the same alcohol that is used in liquor.

Black Magic & Jinn

By Shaykh Salim Ghisa

Black Magic and evil Jinn both exist in Islam and have been proven by the Quran and Hadith.

It is evident from the Qur'an and the Hadith that Jinn are the creations of Allah and are made from Fire. Like Angels they cannot be seen by the normal human eye. Because of their fiery nature there are more evil Jinn hence disbelievers and are also referred to as Shaytaans.
They can commit havoc if interfered with but generally keep themselves to themselves. They live in the world and take their place where it suits them, usually remote areas. Evil Jinn tend to stay in impure places like the toilets etc.

The Prophet of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) advised the Muslims to pray

Religion on Trial

All the major World Religions have been charged with Crimes Against Humanity, and it is up to ace (trainee-) lawyer Ya’qub Bell to defend Islam:

People who are Religious are following something that is not true. There is no proof for it.

It is not a ‘fact’ whether any religion is true or false. People are free to choose to believe in what they think is right. A teaching of Islam is that ‘there is no compulsion in Religion’. In terms of ‘proof’ for God’s existence, Allah (swt) is so much Greater than a human, that it is impossible someone to even imagine what He looks like, this is why Allah (swt) doesn’t show Himself to us. Instead He shows us ‘signs’ (ayat) of His Existence.

The Muslim Jesus

Imaani Aslam

Jesus is a Christian though isn’t he?

Jesus (peace be upon him) isn’t just exclusive to Christianity. Muslims believe Jesus (called ‘Isa in Arabic) is a prophet - a messenger of Allah (swt) who was sent to mankind with a revelation from Allah (swt). In the Quran, stories about the life and teachings of Jesus (pbuh) are abundant. In fact, Jesus (pbuh) is mentioned more times in the Quran than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Moses (Musa), Noah (Nuh), Adam, John (Yahya), David (Da’ud), and many other key figures in the Bible, (peace be upon them all) are also prophets in Islam.
