As they say... what goes around, comes around.
The man who committed 99 Murders
On his 99th Murder
he heard someone say
"you'll be punished tomorrow
for the crimes you did today."
So he went to a man
who was respected and good
Told him what he'd done
would he be forgiven if he could?
The man shoook his head
and quickly he said
"Hell is made for people like you
God'll punish for the people you slew"
So the man said "oh well
if my final resting cell
is that fiery pit of hell
I might kill you as well"
But he still felt blue
With the fact that he knew
He was not worthy of Allah
And the tears fell down his face
As he felt out of place
In the house for Salah
Someone heard his weeping
"What painful secrets are you keeping?
Why are those your tears that are seeping
through your clothes?"
The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) once kissed Al-Hasan Ibn ‘Alee (i.e. his grandson) while Al-Aqra’ Ibn Haabis was in his presence. So Al-Aqra’ said to him: [b]"You kiss your children. I swear by Allaah, I have ten children and I never kissed any one of them!" So the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "He who doesn’t show mercy (to others) will not be shown mercy (by Allaah)."[/b]
Verily, mercy - in our religion - encompasses this world and the hereafter, as well as mankind, animals, birds, and the surrounding habitats. Allaah says:
[b] "And My mercy encompasses every thing."[/b]
Allaah has described Himself with mercy and He has also described His prophets and righteous servants with it. Allaah says: