If you wanna get the best out of Ramadan and achieve its purpose which is to gain Taqwa (God-Consciousness) then instead of 'killing time' here are some important things to do every day in Ramadan:
SALAH (Prayer)
Five daily prayers - Try to read them in congregation (Jamaat) if possible. If you don't normally pray then this is the best month to start.
Qadah Salah (Missed Prayers) - Try to make up for as many missed Salah as possible i.e. all those you have missed over the years!Try reading Qadah Salah after each prayer if you can.
Taraweeh Salah – Do your best to attend Taraweeh Salah in Ramadan, as it is a highly recommended Sunnah. If you can't make it to the mosque then make sure you read it at home.
Sunnah and Nawafil Salah – Try to increase in recommended and optional prayers, even if it is just 2 extra Rakats a day
Tahajjud prayer – You may be thinking Fajr is hard enough, but how about waking up 15 minutes before Fajr, and praying a few Rakats of the night prayer? Isn’t Allah (swt) surely worth an extra 15 minutes of your time?
Do Doha or Ishraq prayer – Just praying 2 Rakats from 15 minutes after the Sunrise could improve your situation immensely on the Day of Judgement
Seek Laylatul Qadr in the last 10 nights - Increase your Ibadah (worship) in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, as worshipping in the night in which the Qur’an was revealed = forgiveness, big-time!
Itikaaf - Venture into the Masjid to gain spiritual strength
Read the Qur'an - It’s good to complete the Qu’ran, but it’s even better if you read it alongside a translation in order to get better understanding. Try reading a few pages with translation a day.
Read one Hadith and its explanation a day – This way you will be one step further to reviving the Sunnah.
Read up on Islam - Try to finish a book or two in this month
Learn du'aa for daily activities - e.g. entering the house, before you sleep, after you wake – Try memorising one a day if possible, and remind yourself to repeat the du’aa every time you do that particular activity, even if it is by putting a Post-It note on your door!
Go through a list of Islamic videos, DVDs, documentaries audio speeches and debates – It’s easy to get free downloads from Islamic sites.
Take time out to sit with Scholars; ask questions about Islam – Being among good company will automatically cause your Iman to grow.
Islamic TV Channels - Try to only watch those programmes which will benefit you in the Akhirah e.g. Islam Channel, Noor TV, Peace TV, QTV etc.
Memorise Surahs – Try memorising one or two Ayats (verses) a day, and Insha Allah you will be well on your way to completing about 10 Surahs
Reduce swearing – Refrain from bad language as it will destroy your fast as you will never achieve Taqwa through swearing!
Lower your gaze - Make an extra effort to avoid looking lustfully at what you’re not supposed to be looking at.
Music - Try to last a whole month without RnB, Bhangra, Rap or Pop; replace your music with Qu'ranic Recitations, Nasheeds and Islamic lectures, or try tuning in to your local Ramadan Radio!
Backbiting – Ask yourself: have you back bitten anyone today? If you have then you haven’t got anything out of your fast, have you?
Cut down on smoking – Whether it’s 1 or 20 cigarettes a day, try to reduce the amount and try extra hard to quit completely in Ramadan
Don’t stuff yourself - Remember, the point of Ramadan is not to increase your weight, rather it is to increase your Taqwa.
Eat Iftar and Suhoor with your family, everyday if possible – You will find it a lot easier to fast when others are around you to support you.
Give food at Iftari - This is a blessed and humble act. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “He who gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will receive the same reward as him, except that nothing will be reduced from the fasting persons reward.” [Ahmad]
Make Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah (swt)) – When you remember Allah (swt), Allah (swt) will remember you. We have time for everyone but not our Creator?
Make Tawbah (forgiveness) – The act of repentance in Ramadan is even more important, as Ramadan is a month of Forgiveness and Mercy from Allah (swt) the Almighty.
Give extra Sadaqah – Ramadan is a month of mercy and generosity, so play your part.
Help your parents out – Household duties may seem boring, but try and give your Mum a break, by hoovering, cooking, or shopping a few times.
Purify your intentions - Think about the intention of your actions before you do anything; do things to please Allah (swt) alone.
Make extra du’aa – Allah (swt) never tires of hearing your requests.
If you really want to change and improve Islamically and become a better person then try to do as much from the above list this Ramadan. If done with the right intention and done properly you will definitely become a better Muslim and Inshallah this will continue for the rest of the year.
Has the Qadah Salah (making up for missed prayers) got any basis in authentic Islamic sources? The only reason I ask is because it seems inconsistent with Allah (swt) being all-Merciful and all-Forgiving.
I've heard imams tell friends of mine who have converted to Islam that they have to pray every prayer that they should have done from the age of about 11 or 12 onwards.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
No idea, but from what I know, it does not apply to converts - it is only prayers you have missed. Once an adult. and a Muslim.
But that is also based on hearsay...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Scholarly Consensus on Making-Up Past Missed Prayers
The links on that page are dead (and the page itself has the wrong encoding set - hence the diamonds in some places.).
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
well the thng is you HAVE to start praying after puberty starts but a good way is to start praying when your 7 about 2 or 3 prayers then push forward when ur 10 so you get into a habit.
I can't wait!
With what Niyat would you start a Qadah Salah ? Ans how many rakats should you pray ?
One Ummah...x
intention: oh Allah i am intending to pray qadha salah for xyz salah. the niyya doesn't have to be verbal, you have already made the niyya before saying takbir (making wudhu for salah)
you just pray the fardh for that particular salah, so:
fajr - 2
dhur - 4
asr - 4
maghrib - 3
isha - 4 and 3 witr
If, like me, you have years and years and even more years of qada salah to make up, then the niyah I use is 'I intend to perform the first qada due on me for [name of salah] salah...'
That way if you say first each time in your niyah, then after you've prayed that qada salah, the second one will automatically become your first one now. (... If you don't understand, then say so and I'll try wording it better.)
Alvida Mahe Ramadhan
i just needed to wake up this article
(linked by You)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
OMG i have given up watching television and listening to music for the whole month
itss so hard :O
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
i gave up cartoons T.T
are you a girl or a boy? sorry, so that i can say "she" or "he" and not she/he...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
haha thankkyou
same to you .. oh im a girl 
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
Me too - which is why (i'm guessing, it's most likely anyway) - that i have so much time to be on here (and do other stuff)..
How do you find yourself filling up the time?
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
Quran and islamic book reading.
and i can come on revival at humane hours.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
given up musics and inshAllah shunt start again after ramadhan....(cant believe i havent listened to music for like 2 weeks =O)
Gave up tv for few days then got bored at early hours of the morning.
ermm mostly studying,reading, baking, cooking, listening to religious lectures and excersising, cleaning etcc
what about you?
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
Wellll, reading the Qur'an, praying, playing with my nephews, occasional housework, talking, talking, talking, sometimes having naps, coming on here, phew - it's a long day!
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
- it is a really long day
quite hard at times, but entirley worth it
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
I was told that's the correct way of making the niyah
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi