I am giving up on all this hate stuff,
I wanna live a peaceful existence, perhaps giving life is greater than taking it...
you should write it down somewhere. and stick it up. Shaytaan will do anything to fade that feeling away. and feelings are so inconsistent and ...weak... and asbtract or whatever..you cant pinpoint them. ARGH! rambling. just write it down if you think it will help you stay [insert correct word here]
Aint is being sexist calling a women 'vulnerable'?
SO you see it's a fact rather than a sexist remark. It's a known fact that men are generally physically stronger than women, nothing sexist there.
ur scientific evidence???
Women go through childbirth
throughout many countries in the world (judging by a documentary on Africa)
they go to chop wood for fire and carry it back with pots of water on their heads WHILE carrying babies on their backs at the same time
weaker sex?
I would hav punched you if you had said that in front of me
Could you accept that men could be better than women at anything?
Back when I was at uni, another person once asked about how women can be superior when even the worlds best/most famous chefs were men.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Foysol89 on 11 April, 2011 - 00:46 #44
Straight up. Women and men are not the same.
Men have their strengths and weaknesses and women have theirs.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Submitted by The Lamp on 11 April, 2011 - 15:47 #45
1R4M wrote:
Ocean wrote:
ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Aint is being sexist calling a women 'vulnerable'?
SO you see it's a fact rather than a sexist remark. It's a known fact that men are generally physically stronger than women, nothing sexist there.
ur scientific evidence???
Women go through childbirth
throughout many countries in the world (judging by a documentary on Africa)
they go to chop wood for fire and carry it back with pots of water on their heads WHILE carrying babies on their backs at the same time
weaker sex?
I would hav punched you if you had said that in front of me
Yes women do go through childbirth- but they sometimes say to their husbands some time later that they want another baby. A man would never ask to be kicked in the balls!
No one's saying that women are "WEAK". OK, say if a rapist/attacker had you cornered. Would you like me to walk on saying: "She's strong enough to look after herself." Or would you like me to at least call for help and maybe defend you? What's the decent thing to do? For the same reason you shouldn't hit girls; they are physically weaker than you/men.
There's a reason why "Men are the protectors and providers of women." You shoul take it as an honour!
By the way, Iram- why're you so angry these days? What's on your mind? ;P
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
A desperately crazy one, but yeah
If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"
I am giving up on all this hate stuff,
I wanna live a peaceful existence, perhaps giving life is greater than taking it...
If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"
Why *desperately* crazy?
And good on ya, for giving up on all the hate!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
you should write it down somewhere. and stick it up. Shaytaan will do anything to fade that feeling away. and feelings are so inconsistent and ...weak... and asbtract or whatever..you cant pinpoint them. ARGH! rambling. just write it down if you think it will help you stay [insert correct word here]
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Maybe I was just born like dat...
If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"
[size=7]Maybe its maybelline[/size]
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
i dont get it, must be an english thing, what is it?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
u knw the Maybeline advert??? when they say, maybe its her, maybe its Maybeline??? or suin like tht anyways...
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
ohh ohh ohh! well you know, me who dont watch tv...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
oh i knw u...alien life form tht walketh among us
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
ur scientific evidence???
Women go through childbirth
throughout many countries in the world (judging by a documentary on Africa)
they go to chop wood for fire and carry it back with pots of water on their heads WHILE carrying babies on their backs at the same time
weaker sex?
I would hav punched you if you had said that in front of me
Could you accept that men could be better than women at anything?
Back when I was at uni, another person once asked about how women can be superior when even the worlds best/most famous chefs were men.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Straight up. Women and men are not the same.
Men have their strengths and weaknesses and women have theirs.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Yes women do go through childbirth- but they sometimes say to their husbands some time later that they want another baby. A man would never ask to be kicked in the balls!
No one's saying that women are "WEAK". OK, say if a rapist/attacker had you cornered. Would you like me to walk on saying: "She's strong enough to look after herself." Or would you like me to at least call for help and maybe defend you? What's the decent thing to do?
For the same reason you shouldn't hit girls; they are physically weaker than you/men.
There's a reason why "Men are the protectors and providers of women." You shoul take it as an honour!
By the way, Iram- why're you so angry these days? What's on your mind? ;P
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Well put Ocean!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
yep yep! (Y)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Jack- I think you should write a novel... The description was awesome.. . and it will allow you to put all that hate on paper and think clearly...
Death is the end of time. Not the end of Life.
I agree with that
life is for living, live it peacefully...
You know, it seems like all that was written with love, not hate. The person sure does take pleasure in writing all that...stuff.