[color=magenta]As'salaamu alaykum[/color]
Women Only JihadThere are around 1,600 mosques in Britain. Well over half do not allow women access to worship and hardly any allow women a say on how the mosques are managed and run. Journalist Tazeen Ahmad follows a group of young Muslim women who are waging a determined campaign to force these mosques to open up. She also investigates the recent Muslim scarf/veil controversies and speaks to some of the young women who choose to wear them
[color=magenta]tommorow (30th October) Channel four will be showing a programme about sisters trying to get equal facilities in mosques and by the looks of it many of the elders/male are quite hostile against it, it makes me appreciate the facilities my local mosque provides for sisters[/color]
[color=darkviolet][b]Title:[/b] Dispatches: women only jihad
[b]Date:[/b] Monday 30th october
[b]Time: [/b]8.00pm
[b]Channel:[/b] four[/color]
[b][color=indigo]This should be intresting.
Jazks sis for letting us no.[/color][/b]
My uncles have been talking about this all week....I think this programme was made by the MPAC girls.
I rate their work and agree with almost all that they stand for....but unfortunatly, they sometimes have a tendency to take matters to the extreme.
I was speaking to one of them a few weeks ago in B'ham...I started off agreeing with him, regarding the importance of female involvement and participation in Mosques...however, he took it to the extreme when he started arguing with me about how woman CAN be Imams. :?
they can be imams
[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]
there are female imams in china :?
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
[b][color=indigo]The program was totally utterly rubbish. The sisters were waaaaaay outoff control and their approach was very wrong IMO. They could have been atleast a lil calmer in how they dealth with things. They didn't really provide any Islamic arguments at all. There was no need of them to pray in the street, we all no the hadith where the Holy Prophet May the blessings and mercy of Allah be upon him said: It is more rewardable for a woman to pray at home. They was onabout how so many mosques dont give women rights to pray their and what not.. i dont think thats true at all. Not even one mosque in Sheffield stops women from praying their.
They should have prepared themselves properly, they looked so un-organised and a total mess![/color][/b]
[color=magenta]yep i agree with you there, i can understand where the sisters were coming from because i love attending my local mosque especially during the month of ramadan but their approach was messy n disorganised[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
I do support women's rights. I don't think MPAC is a fitting champion. To succeed, they should have left the planning to the presenter, who seemed more eloquent and presentable than all the rest put together but who in fairness was busy making a documentary.
[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]
n standing outside the masjids when men were cumin out of jummah am not suprised the bros got angry personaly i think thay was a stupid move!!! i wud never stand right outside a masjid esp at jummah time when u kno its gna me rammed with bros. and frankly i think its given the westernn world and the uneducation a chance to have another dig at us cos know theyre gna def think were "oppressed not bein allowed to pray in our own masjids!!"
which aint the case.. there a loadza masjids were sisters do have facilitles and can pray n i agree with noor its clear the woman also gets rewards for prayin at home!!!!
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
i also agre with snoop and noor .
theses kind of programmes which go on about muslim women not getting treated rigt do my heading . u know its not allowed for women to lead prayers why are they trying to do it. and if i didn' tmiss heared the sister on the show said "yeh i dnt mind praying next to a brother,"
wat she on
sister kadijah from camp had her say
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
[color=indigo][b]Women can't lead men in prays nor can they lead other women. (However i think Shafi Fiqh allows women) But from my understanding a woman can only lead other women in pray when she is actually teaching them how to pray, other than that its a no.
has said: “There is no good in the congregation of women.” (Ahmad, and Tabrani in Awsat)[/b][/color]
What a programme..
Firstly, the way the sisters approached the issue was disappointing…if you end up in a Mosque with a camera crew and demand access, of course there’s going to be some tension.
Also, doesn’t it make sense to first petition and THEN barge in, should ones petition be ignored?...at least then they could claim that they tried the peaceful approach first.
Secondly, Balfor Mosque in Ilford is wrong for not allowing women to pray there BUT, had they wanted to pray, they could have gone to Albert Road Mosque in Ilford (which was directly opposite Albert Road Community centre, where the sisters held their first meeting)…they could have walked it to Barking Mosque (the place where they did their petition)…..OR they could have caught the number 25 0r 86 bus and gone to Forest gate which is 20min away from Ilford, where LOADS of Mosques allow women to pray.
Ilford as a whole accommodates very thoroughly for the needs of Sister’s.
Also, as this is a Muslim issue, it should it have been addressed within the community….what is the point of non Muslims, having yet another reason to criticise Islam? This is airing ones dirty laundry in public
I nearly always agree with MPAC’s, views, beliefs and the issues they raise…however, their approach is embarrassing.
MS you summed it up there in a nutshell...
i need to calm down, drink some water...
i need to ring asgar bukhari...now!!!
totally agree n the skinny man with glasses wateva his name is doesssss my headin
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

live and let live!!!!!!!
:shock: u missed it??
i dont think it will be repeated...
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Asgar Bukhari is not you by a long shot. You should accept that and be proud. I read about you recently. You were surrounded by fools. But you did well.
[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]
is asgar bukhari the skinny man with glasses
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
[i]you talking to me?
what are you on about?[/i]
i like asgar bukhari...he has courage, he speaks out, hes one of the few active Muslims who represents the Muslim youth, plus hes well spoken and passionate...
but.. this time he went too far, it was not professional, looked awfully bad, created more bad than good....
is heeeeeeee the man with glasses :?
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
ok wel he was chatin aloada hoohaa haa today n was really annoyin
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
n ed ezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz with the !!! u scared ikkle me
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
I disagree but I am not the Muslim youth.
[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]
Salaam all,
In my area there are many Masjids. We have a centre for women where they can hold events, pray, present lectures and lots more. A few other Masjids have sisters sections also.
EVERY Masjid should provide facilities for Mothers and Sisters.
In saying that not all can.
Even though I empathise with the cause, I must say that the actions of the some of the sisters were wrong in the programme and equally the reaction of some of the brothers were wrong.
There is a growing emphasis on the Muslim women in Islam. One day you’re lambasted for your modesty and you say its your religious right. The next day you’re told to rebel.
[color=blue]This is not a major problem in our society. There are Masjids in every area where women can go.[/color]
Remember; be proud of your status in Islam. You are our sisters, our mothers. You embody what is pure and more so than ever, your Hijabs/Niqabs/Burqas make us all stand up salute you. You have much responsibility and you never fail. May Allah bless you with courage.
He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!
saima. Don't worry.
I rang Channel 4 for you.
They have agreed to repeat the program.
Just for you.
It will be on Saturday morning at 4:30 am.
[color=magenta]my form tutor watched the programme n OMG he got the total wrong impression, he thought that muslim women are second class, and the older folks are so backward, he was like they just wanted to hand leaflets out, n he even goes i bet that if you were there you would be at the fore front and he can imagine me doing it, i was like no sir i dont agree with their approach, n he goes i would be more aggresive im like no way i wouldnt behave like that, i wouldnt even be doing like that, [/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
Muslim women need to be able to talk down some traditionalists who would have them ignored and abused, shut up in their rooms and married off without consent. In these cases it doesn't pay to continue with the path of least resistance. Muslims can tell me I've no right to say that, but nobody has any right to tell me not to care. Therefore it makes sense to demand acceptance into all-male mosques. Many Muslim girls ARE very much second class citizens. Who has not seen this first hand? It is terrible to deny it.
[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]
I agree.
I think they both brought out the worst in each other…the sisters tackled a serious issue with all guns blazing and the brothers also reacted in a reactionary manner.
As a result, non of them got anywhere.
Gatecrashing is unacceptable.
what u on Mr Ed
IMO ur just a slightly toned down version of Asghar-
and the MPAC lot are a joke-i rated them in the beg but this programme just showed gobby, mouthy women
which even embarrassed ME :shock: