im at work at the moment.
At work everythings usually ok and everyones friendly
but there is this guy who isn't muslim and all he ever tries to do is make me convert to christianity.
hes also predicted i will turn christian by february 2012
help me people how do i shut him up?
and he never lets me talk and is always on about how jesus is god and how he has the power of jesus in him bla bla bla
when i mention the fact that Jesus (Isa) peace be upon him was a prophet he gets angry and defencive. he's a nice person overall and i dont want to have a fall out with him but how do i get him to understand islam and what do i say to him?....HELP!
Published by mush91 on 21 December, 2010 - 17:04
Who cares if you "understand" each other's religion? This link posits argumentative Christian and atheist but you can surely apply it to your situation.
im not asking him to properly understand islam im not asking him to embrace islam
but hes trying for me to become christian and try out christian teaching and i want him to know that its not right for us to do that but he doesnt understand
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
lol yes because im a priest ini

i know im not interested but i think i'll upset him if i say that i need a nice way to say it
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
look dude i dont mind talking to him
i have no problem with people talking to me about their religion etc. but its the fact that he wants me to convert i dont like and i told him like thats never going to happen but the message doesnt go through to him lol
and me convert? thats crazy dude! LOL 100 times for that suggestion
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
If he wants an argument, give him one.
You may convince him of the truth.
Or you may just get him to shut up.
Win win?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You can maintain principles and be firm and in a professional environment he has no place taking it the wrong way. If he isn't responding to your reasonable irritation I would refuse to discuss religion and tell him that if he does you will seek to have him issued an official warning, and tell him you like him and would rather not. And if he carries on have a word with the boss and make sure it's all friendly, in fact possibly ask him to discuss it between the three of you and if he won't at least that should do the trick. I know that sounds like tension to you. To me it is about dealing with things in society and your life, as a human being who values his values.
yeah thats quite cool you know think thats a good idea lol except hes finished and im still here

i think next time i'll just tell him to shut his nose but in a proffessional way
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
lol, i find myself using 'shut ur nose' now! ur a baaaad influence dude
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
raaaaa you just become a copy cat dude
thats no nice lol
actually....wait it is...Spread the disease
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
lol..come to think of it, where i work (from time to time), they dont wanna convert me to another religion, but to condemn me to a life of booze, babes and bacon :twisted: !!!
dont know how much longer i can, i kid, i kid!
i'll just tell em to shut their nose too!! (that should teach them :x !!)
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
actually, change the babes, to blokes..(didn wanna break up my Bssss, but now i dnt have to lol, so booze, blokes and bacon!!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
yes yes and poke them in the eye aswel that'll teach them more
where do you work in a bar?
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
hahaha, yeah they have me throw the punters outta the bar and give em the good old" get outta ma pub!!"
lol, boy, u 2 kindsa crazy!!! nah, dnt work in a bar:lol:
dnt rlly know what to call where i work.... :doubt:
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
lol yes yes the old peggy mitchell on their asses yeah
what kinda crazy is that then dude? crazy as in ermmmm yeah
or crazy as in ermmmmm thats all i got?
what do you do then?
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
(trying to get the hand of this quoting thing same as u, PoS is kinda touchy about that :lol:!)
im actually at uni, i just work when i can...and as for the 2 kindsa crazy u dnt watch enough black comedy lol! they always have some little old lady saying that, how could i resist???![/quote]
LOL! not only did i NOT get the quoting right, i replied twice!!
it can only happen to me right???
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
LOL! not only did i NOT get the quoting right, i replied twice!!
it can only happen to me right???[/quote]
lol yeah i know why they always being so touchy touchy about this stuff its only quoting
but who the hell is PoS?
ok cool how long you been going uni? this your second year?....
fyi i do watch black comedy i watch all comedy so i did understand that i just felt like twisting it on its head
yeah yeah only to you
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
lol yeah i know why they always being so touchy touchy about this stuff its only quoting
but who the hell is PoS?
ok cool how long you been going uni? this your second year?....
fyi i do watch black comedy i watch all comedy so i did understand that i just felt like twisting it on its head
yeah yeah only to you ;)[/quote]
oh PoS is the power of silence but thats just long to write man (sorry PoS)
yup yup, ive managed to last till my second year, people got a pool goin to see if im gonna last till my third lol (i kid i kid)
comedy is my favo genre, i love anything that makes me laugh

how can this guy say that he doesnt like Everybody hates Chris, cos he cant relate to it....ITS COMEDY, U DONT HAVE TO!! thats the beauty of it
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
If you can't relate to it, you might not understand it either so don't see where the humour is. But yeah "Everybody hates chris" is funny.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
every body hates chris lol are you meant to relate to him? if you do i dont think it'll be funny anymore it just makes your life seem depressing that your mum beats you up and you got nothing good going for you
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
lol I was just talking in general really - like some jokes may only be understood by certain age groups/ethnic groups/people from a certain religion etc
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
lol watch the one where chris's mum says shes going to slap him to anopther generation and he imagines her slapping him and he becomes chinese haha thats tooooo jokes
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
LOL i remember that episode!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
i like friends even though its been repeating itself for like the past god knows how many years
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
LOL thats exactly the one i was remembering when i was writing that! what about the one where he tries to get rude and says WHAT??!
and then the next scene shows Chris in hospital with an x-ray of him mum's shoe up his ass!!!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
nah, i just say that he has dryyyy humor! (and he does, i know)
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
I love friendssss
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
yeah omg i actually remember that it just made me laugh
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
i think i can relate to chandler mixed with joeys charm
ok im just chandler :oops:
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, D/w I like chandlers humour but tbh i think you're dopey like joey!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
like omg i would have been offended if i didnt agree!
The Wisest of Man Is Not The One Who Knows, But The One Who Seeks Knowledge In Order To Perform
if you can get me some chocolate that would be great.