I don't think this question is one for a poll, but one for a scholar.
The answer from the lets talk show the other day was as mentioned above - you can read the qur'an without wudhu. You however cannot touch the qur'an without wudhu.
when menstruating - for those that do - reading the qur'an is not allowed. It should be avoided.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by MuslimBro on 30 August, 2010 - 03:58 #5
You wrote:
I don't think this question is one for a poll, but one for a scholar.
I was thinking the same thing.
You wrote:
when menstruating - for those that do - reading the qur'an is not allowed. It should be avoided.
...unless Qur'an is recited with the intention of du'a, such as reading Ayat-ul-Qursi before going to sleep.
Re touching tafsir without wudu - if the commentary exceeds the amount of Qur'anic verses (which it normally does) then wudu is not needed to touch it, although it is makruh.
As for the translation of the Qur'an - it recently came to my attention that one cannot touch it without wudu.
What about books which have ayahs/translation of the Qur'an. Like they're know books of translation or anything but used as evidence for whatever is being said etc. Can you read/touch them without wudhu/whilst menstruating?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by MuslimBro on 30 August, 2010 - 18:23 #9
ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
What about books which have ayahs/translation of the Qur'an
Same rules as with tafsir (as long as the verses constitute only a small percentage of the contents of the book.) However one cannot touch the actual verses of the Qur'an without wudu.
i read somewhere that when you're in state of Janabah, you cant even recite/read the ayahs (from memory, in books) is this true?
(i really need to read up on this...)
Shaykh Jibalee wrote something about women being allowed to touch the Quran and recite from it during that time of the month. But most scholars say its not allowed.
what about reading the Quran online during that time of the month?
I think the majority opinion (whatever that means) is you're not allowed to read it in an unbroken sense at all, even if from memory.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I think the majority opinion is you're not allowed to read it in an unbroken sense at all, even if from memory.
are you talking for the Janabaah state?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Submitted by MuslimBro on 30 August, 2010 - 18:35 #13
Lilly wrote:
i read somewhere that when you're in state of Janabah, you cant even recite/read the ayahs (from memory, in books) is this true?
Yes - a man/woman who are in janabah are in the same state of impurity as a woman being in haidh (menstruation) and nifas (bleeding after child-birth).
Submitted by Samurai on 5 September, 2010 - 17:46 #14
We can! since there is a case for non muslims......of those who know not of ablution!
We can! since there is a case for non muslims......of those who know not of ablution!
ignorance is forgiven. But most of the time we do ask non muslims to purify (or at least wash their hands) before touching the Quran. Most of the time they touch one with translation so its not too bad.
BUT we know we have to make wudu.
and why ask if you "knew" the answer...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Submitted by Samurai on 6 September, 2010 - 01:24 #16
during mensturation, there is no problem reading it, but there is touching it. And we can certainly hold the Holy book while there is for example a pak cloth between one's hands and Quran.
In the name of Allah, to serve, the samurai...
Submitted by Samurai on 6 September, 2010 - 01:28 #17
In the name of Allah, to serve, the samurai...
Submitted by azramushtaq (not verified) on 16 April, 2013 - 16:16 #18
i think to read and learn quran we need to do wazu.without touching quran we can recite verses of quran without wazu i suggest you http://www.onlinequranreading.org
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
QuranForKids is an online Quran Academy that teaches Quran from Basic to Advance level and other basic teachings like how to make wadhu & How to offer Salah etc. We are offering one week Free Trial so Register Yourself Now And Start Your One Week 100% Free Trial!
1) Reading Quran without touching it and without wudu - Yes.
2) Reading Quran whilst touching it without wudu - No.
* Two exceptions to the second rule:-
a) Touching can be done if one is using a cloth which one is not wearing,
b) Young children.
Under no circumstances are you permitted to to touch the Quran without wudu
unless obviously young children, but you should help them do wudu first
it isnt just any book, it is the holy quran
"Love your haterz
Took the stairs, no escalators :)"
and then there is all the rulings about Tafseer, Quran with translation etc..
and then the rulings for menstruation women.
etc.. etc..
my head hurts...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I don't think this question is one for a poll, but one for a scholar.
The answer from the lets talk show the other day was as mentioned above - you can read the qur'an without wudhu. You however cannot touch the qur'an without wudhu.
when menstruating - for those that do - reading the qur'an is not allowed. It should be avoided.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I was thinking the same thing.
...unless Qur'an is recited with the intention of du'a, such as reading Ayat-ul-Qursi before going to sleep.
Re touching tafsir without wudu - if the commentary exceeds the amount of Qur'anic verses (which it normally does) then wudu is not needed to touch it, although it is makruh.
As for the translation of the Qur'an - it recently came to my attention that one cannot touch it without wudu.
what's the difference between tafseer and commentary? :S
and what about translation? can u read that without wudhu?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Corrected - meant translation
See above
What about books which have ayahs/translation of the Qur'an. Like they're know books of translation or anything but used as evidence for whatever is being said etc. Can you read/touch them without wudhu/whilst menstruating?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Same rules as with tafsir (as long as the verses constitute only a small percentage of the contents of the book.) However one cannot touch the actual verses of the Qur'an without wudu.
i read somewhere that when you're in state of Janabah, you cant even recite/read the ayahs (from memory, in books) is this true?
(i really need to read up on this...)
Shaykh Jibalee wrote something about women being allowed to touch the Quran and recite from it during that time of the month. But most scholars say its not allowed.
what about reading the Quran online during that time of the month?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I think the majority opinion (whatever that means) is you're not allowed to read it in an unbroken sense at all, even if from memory.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
are you talking for the Janabaah state?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Yes - a man/woman who are in janabah are in the same state of impurity as a woman being in haidh (menstruation) and nifas (bleeding after child-birth).
We can! since there is a case for non muslims......of those who know not of ablution!
In the name of Allah, to serve, the samurai...
ignorance is forgiven. But most of the time we do ask non muslims to purify (or at least wash their hands) before touching the Quran. Most of the time they touch one with translation so its not too bad.
BUT we know we have to make wudu.
and why ask if you "knew" the answer...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
during mensturation, there is no problem reading it, but there is touching it. And we can certainly hold the Holy book while there is for example a pak cloth between one's hands and Quran.
In the name of Allah, to serve, the samurai...
In the name of Allah, to serve, the samurai...
i think to read and learn quran we need to do wazu.without touching quran we can recite verses of quran without wazu i suggest you http://www.onlinequranreading.org
Actually you can and can't read.
if you are reading it by looking at the Quran book it is not permissible to do so.
and if you want to read it by heart without looking at the Quran then yes you can do that,
and if you meant that you have to do the ghusal, then no you can't read it anyway.
hopefully this was clear and easy to understand.
for details about obligatory sunnah and makrooh acts in wudu and Ghusl I will recomment this website. Online Quran Classes
you can read the english translation without ablution
You can read the Qur'an without wudhu.
You cannot touch the Qur'an without wudhu.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Exactly, I would say this the good answer, cuz you said the whole thing in just 2 lines.
QuranForKids is an online Quran Academy that teaches Quran from Basic to Advance level and other basic teachings like how to make wadhu & How to offer Salah etc. We are offering one week Free Trial so Register Yourself Now And Start Your One Week 100% Free Trial!
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