I was alone at home the other night when i randomly decided to watch a horror film, even though I hadnt watched a horror film in years. For some reason i thought it would be a good idea, on reflection past experience should have taught me otherwise :/ Bcoz after watching a horror film nothing is ever okay...
But on that night, for no particular reason, I felt like I could handle it. And it went a lil something like this.
Immediately after I turned off the TV, a feeling of apprehension welled up inside of me. I could feel my psyche organizing what I had just seen into a highlight reel that will be freely embellished by my own imagination and then called upon to torture me for the rest of my life. It will be dredged up over and over, turning innocuous everyday occurrences into terrifying threats against my survival. Every noise that is not immediately identifiable will make me think that there's something in the house that is trying to kill me...
The lesson here is that i really shouldnt watch horror films while alone at home.
Hope you've enjoyed my retarded drawings (took me three days to do them)...
Aarrrghhh the images dont show up!!
EDIT: problem fixed
haha EPIC
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
HAHA @ the story.
The pics are AMAZING!!!!
you need to join the revival editorial team
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Like the pictures, amusing!
I could have written that word for word! But,you probably have more guts than me, I wouldn't be able to touch the dvd case even if there was SOMEONE TO WATCH IT WITH....
Love is a serious mental disease.
Scaredy cats!
Horrors are the best!
I think theres a typo in the title? :S it looks wrong - scarey
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Did you know that the original japansese version of the ring is supposed to be scarier?
(and good job - quite a talented blog, all illustrated too! quite the commitment to work on it for 3 days!)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Lol, there's a scarier version (gulp)?
Love is a serious mental disease.
yeh been meaning to watch that, gotta find a copy
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
ah...watched the japanese grudge with some friends...im sorry to say, I HAD to make a ridiculous/funny comment to ease the tension and to see my friend's annoyed faces when i ruined the scary bit.
was a great day!
until...i got beaten up with pillows and threaten of all sorts to shut up...that was scarey..
so was the bit about hte pictures and the eyes o.o
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Did i say how much i LOVE your drawings? I know you might think im saying this because of all the other comments, and this thought might be reinforced by the fact that i didnt mention your drawings in my original comment BUT i want you to completely ignore those two above facts and read this.
THIS DRAWINGS ARE AWESOME, YOU ARE AWESOME! mashallah!!! I LOVE this blogpost! and i will defo go back to it whenever i feel down in the dumps, you know what? im going to post the link of this blogpost as my FB status. I MUST share the awesomeness!
the way the lady is still in covering fully even at night, by herself, watching a scary movie is quite cool.
i like the closeups, the slight changes in the pictures. i love the blue, i love the way this is all handmade and awesome and awesome and awesome.
lets me just say it again, AWESOME! (im ogna go back to read this blogpost again right now)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
urgh...i had a feeling this would happen, im sorry, got a double postm which now looks like a triple post, i really should write something here, coz...its not fun it being just a "ohh i posted the same twice and i havent got the vocab to write something in this one"
so...what shall i talk about?
ohh! the way, when i went to my cousin's, we stayed up at night and watched scary movie. Then we wanted to watch "paranormal activity" but were worried coz of the "range" of feedback from people who watched it. SO we decided to watch it in broad daylight, then chickened out and decided to drag her older brother along with us. but...HE chickened out! o.o
so in the end we didnt watch it. we watched "sixth sense" i think...
after i came back from her house, i watched about FIVE "chick flics" in a row...which is disturbing...i NEVER watch chick flics...
ahhh..i feel better about this whole triple posting thing...
edit: i cant believe i have MORE to say after those THREE posts, but just finished re-reading and YOU WATCH SCARY MOVIES BY YOURSELF? o.o
^ that, my dear friend, was your first mistake...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Back in BLACK
I love horror movies, they are more fun to watch alone late at night.
Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.
-Imam Al-Ghazali
LOL awwww thanx guys.
I thought my drawing was really cr@p.
It seemed like a funny idea when i first thought of it, but after putting it up i wasnt sure if it was funny :/
I hate watching Scarey films, esp alone. Im too much of a scaredy cat lol. I thnk ill stick to commedy and drama's.
It took me three days AT WORK! lol Its basically when i got bored and didnt have much to do.
On picture 7. the bowl of popcorn disappeared...o.o RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
LOL you must be reading it really closely if you noticed that.
Haha the drawing were awesome, and yup never watch a horror film alone lol or be prepered for a loooong night.