This is an excellent song, listen to the whole thing first, before you make your mind up.
Don't Talk to Me About Muhammad (saw)
Published by Courage on 31 March, 2008 - 14:34
This is an excellent song, listen to the whole thing first, before you make your mind up.
Or if you want the lyrics then here they are:
It would be such a pleasure to have you come along with me
I accept your gracious offer
Kindness and company
But as we walk along young man
And as you help me with my load
I've only one request as we travel down this road
Don't talk to me about Muhammad
Because of him there is no peace
And I have trouble in my mind
So don't talk to me about Muhammad
And as we walk along together
We will get along just fine
As we walk along together
We will get along
That man upsets me so
So much more than you could know
I hear of his name and reputation everywhere I go
Though his family and his clan once knew him as an honest man
He's dividing everyone
With his claim that God is One
So don't talk to me about Muhammad
Because of him there is no peace
And I have trouble in my mind
So don't talk to me about Muhammad
And as we walk along together
We will get along just fine
As we walk along together
We will get along
He's misled all the weak ones
And the poor ones and the slaves
They think they've all found wealth and freedom
Following his ways
He's corrupted all the youth
With his twisted brand of truth
Convinced them that they all are strong
Giving them somewhere to belong
So don't talk to me about Muhammad
Because of him there is no peace
And I have trouble in my mind
So don't talk to me about Muhammad
And as we walk along together
We will get along just fine
As we walk along together
We will get along
Now before we part and go
If its alright just the same
May I ask my dear young man
Who are you, what's your name
Forgive me what was that?
Your words weren't very clear
My ears are getting old
Sometimes its difficult to hear
It's truly rather funny though I'm sure I must be wrong
But I thought I heard you say
Your name is Muhammad
Ashaadu anlah ilaha illalla
Wa ashadu ana muhammadur rasululla
O talk to me, Muhammad
Upon you I pray for peace
For you have eased my troubled mind
O talk to me, Muhammad
And as we walk along together
We will get along just fine
As I travel down life's road
I will get along
Just fine
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
this a nice story/song
SMILE! its charity
I Love This Nasheed
Its A Good Story
i dont understand!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
its about basically an old person goes on a walk with a man but they say to this man dont talk to me about muhammad
and say a lot of bad stuff about him but in the end it turns out this man is muhammad and becvause he even though she called him a lot of things and accused him af a lot of stuff, he still treated her nice and with respect this made the person revert to islam.
SMILE! its charity
that's what i thought... lol
but is this a true story?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.