
The intent to offend

Recently something happened where many expected a ballistic reaction from Muslims in general - The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) was depicted in a two part south park episode.

The media was salivating at the expected reaction, the network broadcasting it was cowering in fear - it censored the second of the two episodes to sucha degree that even speeches that did not mention Islam or the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) werew bleeped out.

CNN and other media were positive of a reaction - why wouldn't there be one? Remember the dutch cartoon saga and the many protests?

CNN even rolled out the chief Islamophobe Ayaan Ali Hirsi to condemn Islam as an extremist religion and the state was set.

Can Muslims take a Joke?

By Maqsood Ahmed and Majed Iqbal-

Borat approached a passer-by in a New York street and said in the style of his Kazakh alter ego: “I like your clothings. Are nice! Please may I buying? I want have sex with it.” But the target of his joke didn’t see the funny side and punched Cohen repeatedly in the face.

This is not the first time Americans failed to get the Borat joke. Two US students who appeared in the Borat movie are suing Sacha Baron Cohen, the architect and player of the notorious Kazakh Borat character claiming they have suffered “mental anguish” after they were filmed making racist and sexist remarks.