Yasmin Mogahed

How do I know if I am being tested or punished?

I watched this video a week or two back. It's beautiful and powerful and I think YOU, yes YOU, person of Revvy who has opened this post should watch, okay? It's definitely one of those must-watch's and so i'd recommend it to you all. I hope it touches you in the same way that it touched me and continues to touch me. It also mentions Rida which i briefly explained in my previous blog. Let me know your thoughts or anything else you want to say.


Every Moment a New Birth

Learn to see each moment as it’s own birth–entirely separate from the moment that proceeded it, and from the moment that will follow. Each moment is a new existence, a new world in which we will be born and will die. Our problem is that we become enslaved to the moments that have passed, enslaved to old worlds that have already passed away. But in reality, more than a thousand times a day, we are born. Yet many of us choose to just let ourselves die again and again, as each new moment fades. We forget that each birth is a new opportunity to start over, to turn around, or to keep going. To rise higher, to heal, to grow. To be different. Better. Each new moment calls for transformation, renewal, return. Tawbah. But we’re too busy dying.