Muslim parents kill daughter for being too westernised

The parents of Cheshire schoolgirl Shafilea Ahmed, the victim of a so-called honour killing, have been charged with her murder.

The sister of the Cheshire schoolgirl who went missing in 2003 saw their parents kill her, a court has heard.

At the start of their trial at Chester Crown Court, the jury heard Alesha Ahmed witnessed the killing.

Mr Edis said she drank bleach on the trip as her parents tried to bully her into an arranged marriage.

"She was a thoroughly Westernised young British girl of Pakistani origin. Her parents had standards which she was reluctant to follow."

The court heard Shafilea was taken to Pakistan by her family in 2003 in an attempt to force her into a marriage

Killed. Allegedly. 9 years ago.

If they did and are convicted, then justice ... cant call it served with a prison sentence. it will be served in the hereafter.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.