Mount Kilimanjaro Trek 2011

Asalaam alaikum

I hope everyone is well.

I am taking part in the Mount Kilimanjaro Trek in September insha'Allah to raise money for orphans through Minhaj Welfare Foundation.

It is in aid of Aghosh - an orphanage being built in Pakistan for more than 500 orphans that have been affected by last years devastating floods, it will be equipped with full facilities to cater for all their emotional, social, physical, spiritual and academic needs.

I decided to take up the challenge of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro despite not usually being a very active person at all! My strong desire and passion to help orphan children is what drives me to take part in such challenges.

I have a target to reach £2450 and I am still in the process of raising money, so please donate whatever u can, however big or small as every penny really does count and may Allah reward you!

You do not have to send any money to myself, you can visit my Just Giving page from where you can make a payment directly to Minhaj Welfare Foundation.

Please visit my page on and help me raise my target but more importantly help the orphan children.

Our Beloved Prophet has said -

"I and the caretaker of the orphan will enter Paradise together like this, raising (by way of illustration) his forefinger and middle finger jointly, leaving no space in between." [Bukhaari]

