Ramadan Resolutions


You know the way some people make “New Year” resolutions….with only 3 weeks left till Ramadan starts-why don’t we all make a list of our “Ramadan resolutions”?

What are we going to try and accomplish this year? Read more Qur’an? Attend the Mosque regularly? Control our temper? Eat less at Iftar time? Read our Tahajid?

Are we going to make sure that we don’t miss our Sehri? Are we going to try to read our Tarawih daily?

Or are we like many (weak) people who make resolutions we will break them five fasts down the line?

Or are we going to fall into the category of those unfortunate ones who derive nothing from our fasts other then hunger?

The month of Ramadan is a special time for purifying ourselves and breaking bad habits.

Ramadan is the time to break habits that is providing we WANT to change for the better.

Without effort and sincere trust, Ramadan can easily be just another 30 days in a year. One cannot help but notice a tragedy in this; Allah (swt) generously opens portals in time, truly special opportunities for us to grow, learn, better ourselves, build something for the hereafter and gain proximity to Allah (swt), yet some people turn away from it and unfortunately derive nothing out of their fasts other then hunger.

So share your Ramadan resolution lists.


1-read quran at sehri time

2-not sleep before i read my Fajr

3-try to read Tarwaih

4-watch less TV

i dont make unatainable goals :oops:


Well i luv the month of ramadhan but wat i really find hard is sehri Sad

I struggle 4 fajr a lot but i do wake up most times so i already no dat sehri is gnna b even harder.

1) wake up 4 sehri
2) read the holy qur'an
3) read fajr n stay awake thru out the week days so i dnt get late 4 wrk, apart 4rm weekends
5) read my namaz e taraveeh

N by the end of ramadhan get myself in2 a habit of waking 4 sehri/fajr easier 4 a benefit after the month of ramadhan.

"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"

My one are simple

Not come on The Revival even once in Ramadan.

Read a seerah and abit of Tafseer.

Go and pray Tarweeh in as much different mosque as possible, I aiming for 5.

Exercise regularly, I need too.

Spend more time at the mosque and around the community.

They is some more, I think of them later.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


i too intend to give up Revival in Ramadan

or at least limit its usage to ONCE day-no longer then half hour

lets see which one of us will be stronger in this resolution :roll:

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i too intend to give up Revival in Ramadan

or at least limit its usage to ONCE day-no longer then half hour

lets see which one of us will be stronger in this resolution :roll:

Well god know how many alter ego you got on this forum, are you going to restrict yourself to one for all of them :twisted:

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


i dont need to make up alter ego's to praise myself

as you can see-I'm extremly popular as it is-which is why I dont have to resort to such lame tactics


will give up smoking inshAllah..

[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]


This year I also intend to cut down the time spent on this forum. Maybe I’ll just view the messages once a day…

I also have to read all my Tarawih’s…..increase the rakahs to 20 if I can.

Be more active at Sehri time…read a lot more Quran.

I have a lot of things on this Ramadan….but still I want to try to stay awake for night worship for as long as I can.

I’ll eat a decent full on Iftari this Ramadan…but I wont eat dinner at all.

I’ll try to implement the sleep less, eat less and speak less teachings this Ramadan also…

I pray that Allah (swt) give us all the tawfeeq to do whatever it is we want to do this Ramadan…



"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"

My ramadan resolutions:

No time-wasting
Wake up for fajar
Strenthen my iman
Read the Quran daily whatever the amount
Listen to lectures/Read books
Talk less, defnitley eat less and need to also cut down on sleep
Try to stay awake after fajar to read Quran/durood sharif etc

Overall take maximum benefit from this blessed month.

and NO fighting at Iftar time

if bro wants to jack all the food even tho I'm tired and hungry-he can have it

if my mum and sister will not stick up for me or jump to my rescue it wont bother me

if mum sends me to silly aunties houses MINUTES before I have to open my fast-I'll go-I wont moan

boy if i accomplish that this year-I'll consider myself SORTED

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
and NO fighting at Iftar time

if bro wants to jack all the food even tho I'm tired and hungry-he can have it

if my mum and sister will not stick up for me or jump to my rescue it wont bother me

if mum sends me to silly aunties houses MINUTES before I have to open my fast-I'll go-I wont moan

boy if i accomplish that this year-I'll consider myself SORTED

I thought you said you dont set unattainable goals?? :roll:

I simply intend to cut back on profanity(it seems to have increased since i started driving).
Try my best to stick to the GODS truth, rather than having a Sort-Of-Tru policy.
Try to take things more seriously.
Strengthen my Imaan.
Concentrate more on reading the Quran.
Stay away from the company of [b]BAD BAD BAD PEOPLE... NAMELY YOU PEOPLE!!![/b] LOL kidding.

But most importantly will do my best to not wrong anyone with my hands, tongue, eyes (no dirty looks). Not that i normally go around doing that stuff... i'm just gonna be more cautious that i dont do it unintentionally.

Back in BLACK

oh aye, i think im gona try that one as well Inshallah....be more conscious of what i say and do....i hope to use this blessed month to improve my personality

im goin with the no time wasting one as well....at the moment, this whole week has been spent doin jack!! well not entirely, but too many hours a day on this site :oops:

i too will not be on here for more than half an hour Inshallah....i think to refrain would be hard, unless theres no posts Biggrin

spend more hours of the day in Ibadah, in whatever form possible

i cant cut down on food, sorry Dirol

oh yeah....i think i said this on the ramadan thread.....im gona at least attend ONE tarawih :oops: .....Inshallah all if possible

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


I've promised mum I'm gonna give up TV and Music this month

boy this Ramadan will be hard... :?

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
I've promised mum I'm gonna give up TV and Music this month

boy this Ramadan will be hard... :?

Aren't you not allowed to listen to music anyway?

"Dave" wrote:

Aren't you not allowed to listen to music anyway?

two opinions on this

some say it is forbidden and some say that it is allowed

i follow the latter

BUT everyone agrees that listening to MTV is fobidden

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

two opinions on this

some say it is forbidden and some say that it is allowed

i follow the latter

BUT everyone agrees that listening to MTV is fobidden

well technically you watch MTV not listen to it. Hence the 'TV' after the 'M'.

You knw it makes sense Wink

Back in BLACK

Just curious - what do your community mosques do after sunset during ramadan and for eid?

One of the coolest things I have ever seen was Ramadan at the Islamic Center in Charleston. Basically all the women in the community spend the day cooking and preparing for the evening, they set up a stage and when the sun goes down they have a gigantic party and try to read the entire quran each night until the end of the month.

It's probably the biggest community event for muslims.

Is there anything like that at your mosques?

I figured it was an American thing because there are so few muslims and most are immigrants

this ramadhan hopefully:

i will study the meaning of the quran aswell as just read it

try to get on more with my bros and sis

try to keep some form of zikr going on whilst doing work

eat less....

catch up on al the sajidah tilaawats i've missed

watch only islamic programmes

try to stop lieing and backbiting which happens unintentionally

give more money to charity than last year

and not to worry to much about having a good wardrobe.

by the way regarding tarwihs ...i thought its a must to pray them being 20 rakaats,,,or are they arite to miss and to read however many rakaats

"Dave" wrote:
Just curious - what do your community mosques do after sunset during ramadan and for eid?

One of the coolest things I have ever seen was Ramadan at the Islamic Center in Charleston. Basically all the women in the community spend the day cooking and preparing for the evening, they set up a stage and when the sun goes down they have a gigantic party and try to read the entire quran each night until the end of the month.

It's probably the biggest community event for muslims.

Is there anything like that at your mosques?

I figured it was an American thing because there are so few muslims and most are immigrants

well every mosque serves food at sunset/Iftar time (I think)

not sure who cooks

and EVERY mosque EVERY night reads one chapter of the Quran

after 30 days the Quran is finished

(cos there are 30 chapters/surahs in the Quran)

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Dave" wrote:
Just curious - what do your community mosques do after sunset during ramadan and for eid?

One of the coolest things I have ever seen was Ramadan at the Islamic Center in Charleston. Basically all the women in the community spend the day cooking and preparing for the evening, they set up a stage and when the sun goes down they have a gigantic party and try to read the entire quran each night until the end of the month.

It's probably the biggest community event for muslims.

Is there anything like that at your mosques?

I figured it was an American thing because there are so few muslims and most are immigrants

well every mosque serves food at sunset/Iftar time (I think)

not sure who cooks

and EVERY mosque EVERY night reads one chapter of the Quran

after 30 days the Quran is finished

(cos there are 30 chapters/surahs in the Quran)

That is really cool - do you all usually attend?

when I went to Makkah/medinah five years ago during Ramadan I used to attend every night

the exp was out of this world

Arabs used to give me and sis SO much munch at sunset time

then we'd go and listen to a chapter of the quran being recited in the evening-we'd always pray outside cos the weather was cool and the sky was so black and the stars were shining so brightly

and the reciter of the Quran there is the most famous reciter in the world

havent really attended any in London

might do so though this year

Yikes... I can see why you might have missed them in London - comparatively it would be a let down.

Just seemed to me very fun and enjoyable for the local muslims I was surprised I never heard them mention anything about it before.

lol detached curiousity - you understand i'm sure.

yeh London Ramadan is VERY lame compared to Ramadan in Saudi

btw whenever u hear people referring to "Tarawih" prayer

they're chatting about what u just mentioned-listeing to a chapter of the quran in prayer in the Mosque every night

The quran is ususally part oftaraweeh prayer. its long but most people do attend.

the food is at iftar time (sunset). This does occur in most if not all mosques. However not many attend this. (I normally do not) everybody normally brings abit.

For the last ten days there has to be atleast one person from the community who is Doing I'tikaaf (staying and praying in the mosque 24/7 only leaving for natures necessities). Normally there are a group of people that do this. In these days at Iftar there are more people who eat in the mosque.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
yeh London Ramadan is VERY lame compared to Ramadan in Saudi

btw whenever u hear people referring to "Tarawih" prayer

they're chatting about what u just mentioned-listeing to a chapter of the quran in prayer in the Mosque every night

So Tarawih isn't really a prayer as such, it's the recitation of a chapter of the Qur'an?

"Admin" wrote:
The quran is ususally part oftaraweeh prayer. its long but most people do attend.

the food is at iftar time (sunset). This does occur in most if not all mosques. However not many attend this. (I normally do not) everybody normally brings abit.

For the last ten days there has to be atleast one person from the community who is Doing I'tikaaf (staying and praying in the mosque 24/7 only leaving for natures necessities). Normally there are a group of people that do this. In these days at Iftar there are more people who eat in the mosque.

How much of this is obligatory?

"Dave" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
yeh London Ramadan is VERY lame compared to Ramadan in Saudi

btw whenever u hear people referring to "Tarawih" prayer

they're chatting about what u just mentioned-listeing to a chapter of the quran in prayer in the Mosque every night

So Tarawih isn't really a prayer as such, it's the recitation of a chapter of the Qur'an?

it is a prayer

cos u do ALL the motions of prayer

howvever in our prayer we normally read short chapters/verses from the quran (not more then a few lines)

in the "tarawih prayer" we try to include a WHOLE chapter of the quran in that prayer

maybe someone else can explain this to u in a simpler way

even I'm not sure how this is done-I usually follow the Imam

"Dave" wrote:

How much of this is obligatory?

its not obligatory

no sin on a Muslim if they dont attend

MOST people do attend tho

cos Ramdan is all about doing extra worship
