Top Scientist condemns black brothers

These are views of world's top scientist:

Black people are thick. They are less intelligent than whites.

They have more sex than whites. They have higher sex drive.

Blacks breed more than white people.

Women should not give birth to babies who are gays.
They should kill them. Have an abortion.

its all over BBC as well. i was watching CNN and they blasted him all night.

He was close to tears but he did not take back his claims.

I think black brothers and sisters should hold a rally to condemns Kaafirs like him.

Gonads, blacks are smart and as thick as any other people.

He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!

Muslims have no racism because Islam has made everyone brothers and sisters. We love our black brothers and sisters as much as anyone. All colours are colours from Allah. Islam eradicted racism once and for all the day Prophet Muhammad (phuh) chose a black person by the name of Bilal as one his best companions and gave him the honourable position of giving the Azaan.

But I am shocked that Dr James Watson is a racists person depite his education.

When the world best scientists who discovered the DNA holds racists views, then it is no wonder that there is so much racism among Kaafirs.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Islam teaches against racism, but unfortunately this doesn't mean the followers of the faith aren't racist. Sadly there are plenty of racist muslims around, racism exists amongst muslims as much as it does amongst other faith groups, races, cultures etc.

i think the uk should ban the book coz if they claim to be a great moral civilisation they should not help disseminate such ignorant views amongst its population. Black ppl are a part of our country, they contribute to society as much as other races do, and they are just as intelligent as other races. God never said that certain races are superior over others and i believe what God says over this scientist, who like many scholars of his standing has developed a God complex.

Why are people getting so worked up this scientists is from the era where racism was acceptable im not so suprised yet shocked he still seen as respectable. Its obvious that it was the society that he was brought up in that he shows these views.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...