"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i've been watching GGM repeats on Sky these days

I've forgotten how funny that programme was

post all asian/exagerrated stereotypes here-NO COPY PASTE JOBS

also post weird rules that ur parents may have/did enforce on u

my family from back home never let me lean against/touch their precious creamy white walls :roll:

i also have a melodramatic extended family

Watching TV is haram.

Anyway with me, every time I went to Pakistan. They would all act so paranoid. I'd go on my roof and they would tell me not to go on the roof the neighborers might think I am checking there sisters and daughters out!

Or how once I was in the this car kinda/taxi things they have in Punjab and there was a girl with a burqu on sitting opposite me and her knee would touch my knee it was tight. And later my aunty was you should be cerfual of such girls, blah, blah, blah...

Then my cozen sister accused me of "checking her out" when she was the one who used to come and secretly chat to me, and used to make me those pratay. We had a big falling out.

And then 3 years later I got back and I have her sister writing me love letters - honestly in English, I was shocked.

I had all sorts of girl talking about me back home, some would actually whistle at me when walking in the straight when they would go to get the water form the well.

I thought is so strange. And if you do look at a girl and one of the elders see you oh god damn then its like the end of the world. :roll:

What messed up society, the girls have become so desperate - and he guys feel each other up! its pathetic!

"Raj" wrote:
Watching TV is haram.

Depends what you watch....

Televisions and its like, such as screens of computers, that display numerous programs are not haram in themselves, but what is haram is showing programs that go against the shari`ah, such as showing women who are dressed and undressed, the drinking of alcohol, relations of love and intimacy that are against the shari`ah, and singing that is accompanied by haram music. Showing all of these things is haram and so is looking at them.

"Muslim Bro" wrote:
"Raj" wrote:
Watching TV is haram.

Depends what you watch....

Televisions and its like, such as screens of computers, that display numerous programs are not haram in themselves, but what is haram is showing programs that go against the shari`ah, such as showing women who are dressed and undressed, the drinking of alcohol, relations of love and intimacy that are against the shari`ah, and singing that is accompanied by haram music. Showing all of these things is haram and so is looking at them.

I don't agree with that fatwa. If Music is haram and banned then so should TV be. You background music in TV dramatic music. Unless if you watch it "mute"

If you going to be a Muslim then you be a proper not a half ass,ed one.

Understand what you know.

lol i think Muslim Bro is the forums new Q&A a question? He'll do the search on sunnipath!

stick to topic please

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


Raj said music is haram (which is wrong) so thought I might aswell give him something.

It's better a scholar saying than me saying something.

"Muslim Bro" wrote:
"Raj" wrote:
I don't agree with that fatwa. If [b]Music is haram and banned[/b] then so should TV be. You background music in TV dramatic music. Unless if you watch it "mute"

Again, it depends on the singing and instruments used


You'll rather be save then sorry. Allah don't like half Muslims

Understand what you know.

i agree with Raj, music is haraam, so watching telly should be too, firstly because most programmes have music in them, secondly, because since a man isn't allowed to see an unveiled women, it would be sinful for him and the same the other way round, women aint ment to look at men unless it is a close relative. (forgot the islamic word for it)
So unless you watch cartoons...

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"zara" wrote:
i agree with Raj, music is haraam, so watching telly should be too, firstly because most programmes have music in them, secondly, because since a man isn't allowed to see an unveiled women, it would be sinful for him and the same the other way round, women aint ment to look at men unless it is a close relative. (forgot the islamic word for it)
So unless you watch cartoons...

mashaALLAH May ALLAH put barakah in your understanding and accept you for service to deen.


very mature approach - you sure you're not older than you're letting on? Blum 3

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar


Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"zara" wrote:
women aint ment to look at men unless it is a close relative. (forgot the islamic word for it)


Does that mean i cannot watch live trawih prayers in Ramadhan, sumat i look forward too.

Alot of people know the rights and wrongs its just V hard to do amal upon what you know.

"naj" wrote:
"zara" wrote:
women aint ment to look at men unless it is a close relative. (forgot the islamic word for it)


Does that mean i cannot watch live trawih prayers in Ramadhan, sumat i look forward too.

Alot of people know the rights and wrongs its just V hard to do amal upon what you know.

That's the problem, people find it hard but then they give up. It's what Jihad is about. You struggle to give up your desires for the sake of Allah.

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

And He (S.A.W.) also said: “The most excellent type of Jihad is to practice jihad against your own self and own desires for the sake of Allah.” {Reported by Imam At-Tirmithi who said this is a good and sound Hadith .}

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"zara" wrote:
women aint ment to look at men unless it is a close relative. (forgot the islamic word for it)


"Muslim Bro" wrote:
"zara" wrote:
women aint ment to look at men unless it is a close relative. (forgot the islamic word for it)


oh yeah! thanks, but as you might have noticed, we have to stick to the topic. Wink

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

It is the topic now...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Muslim Bro" wrote:
"zara" wrote:
women aint ment to look at men unless it is a close relative. (forgot the islamic word for it)


so zara do u walk round society with ur eyes shut?

do u ever bash into lamposts :roll:

ok, not any more

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
do u ever bash into lamposts :roll:

I am not zara (obviously!)

but I gotta say I have done a fair amount of the above.

There is a fine (painful) art to it where the side of your face whacks into it full pelt.

Basically the way it works is that there are a binch of you, so you walk backwards with quick glances to keep an eye on obstacles. You spot the lampost a while off, and decide when closer, you will turn around and avoid it.

You miscalculate (actually your estimate is too exact...) the distance ever so slightly, and as you are turning to avoid it, SLAM!

Not done it in a fair few years, but lets say I did it pretty consistently at one point.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Muslim Bro" wrote:
"zara" wrote:
women aint ment to look at men unless it is a close relative. (forgot the islamic word for it)


so zara do u walk round society with ur eyes shut?

do u ever bash into lamposts :roll:

well, no i don't walk with my eyes shut, but i 'lower my gaze' and don't look around much.

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

TV in itself isnt haraam, its only a materialistic thing, however what you watch can either be halal or haraam. Yes TV programmes do have people not dressed acording to the islamic way but doesn't society? So if were to go out of the house were going to close our eyes and look at the floor, we shouldnt have to do that becasue of those people. Yes we will lower our gaze to an extent that in the process of it we dont get killed. Cz what if a car is coming and were crossing the road but some1 isnt covered properly...and bang! get the drift.
And as for music, everthing has music and as the bro said therz differnce of opnion on that, so i wud think u stay in the house, dnt go to partys, shops, etc etc, cz it all has music.
Allahu Aalam

"Admin" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
do u ever bash into lamposts :roll:

I am not zara (obviously!)

but I gotta say I have done a fair amount of the above.

There is a fine (painful) art to it where the side of your face whacks into it full pelt.

Basically the way it works is that there are a binch of you, so you walk backwards with quick glances to keep an eye on obstacles. You spot the lampost a while off, and decide when closer, you will turn around and avoid it.

You miscalculate (actually your estimate is too exact...) the distance ever so slightly, and as you are turning to avoid it, SLAM!

Not done it in a fair few years, but lets say I did it pretty consistently at one point.

was ur clumsiness due to avoiding looking at members of the opposite sex?

No, but becasue I was facing the wrong direction.

That is not exactly clumsy.

Clumsy is dropping things. Which I also have done quite alot.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Muslim Bro" wrote:
"zara" wrote:
women aint ment to look at men unless it is a close relative. (forgot the islamic word for it)


so zara do u walk round society with ur eyes shut?

do u ever bash into lamposts :roll:

oh come on lilsis, are you denying the fact that as Muslims we should lower our gaze as much as possible when out and about? Wink


Again it depends on what you watch, if its an educational programme or news then its allowed but if its something that is against Islamic teachings then its wrong.

Raj, i personally don't see any difference between the net and the tele coz you can access exactly what you can on tele if not more on the net. Hence one should act upon it fully, your words not mine. So why do u use the net?

There is a difference of opinions abt TV.

According to some it comes under picture-making and is haraam.

According to others in principle it is jaaiz.

We need to respect both stances and not make blanket statements like its haraam/halaal.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

There was a Sheikh on Islam Channel who said that picture making is haraam/Video, however if that was so true i wonder why he was on TV in the first place...

It has the ability to do so much damage regardless of content that it isnt even an issue. It is the modern day Dajjal that The Prophet said will be in every home, the one eyed beast that lets you believe one reality whilst reality passed you by, again regardless of content.

Read Shaykh Hamza Yusuf's essay on it and you'll learn more

"Raj" wrote:
and he guys feel each other up! its pathetic!

lol i noticed that too in Pakistan.

Apparently its okay for guys to walk around hand in hand... and sit down with youre arm around the guy next to you... or when two guys are on a motorcycle istead of holding onto the motor cycle they choose to hold onto each other and loosely place their hands on the laps of guy in freaky!!!

I remember when i was on a motorcycle with my cousin and he was like: "hold onto me" i said "nah im alright i'll hold onto the rear of the motorcycle"

Its a strange country... :roll: but funny when the electricity goes out everyday on time around 8pm.

Back in BLACK

In regards to men holding hands if Im not mistaken this was done by Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam as well. Its nothing wrong.

Back home my uncle was ALWAYS grabbing my hand and so were my cousins - felt weird at first but then realised that in that place its not considered gay or anything.

Similarly when I was in Madinah Munawwarah last year - on the way back to Masjid Nabawi alayhis salaam from Masjid Quba some Pathan brothers met me along the way and their ameer sahib held my hand for a while aswell (offered me a meal too Lol ). Point is it feels weird cos of where we live innit - if we were back home wud be normal.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

i agree with brother Shazan. In fact it was Shk Hamza Yusuf's article that prompted me to ditch the TV. The Shk doesn't suggest that we can't use it with exceptions i.e education, documentaries, hsitory, news. It might be worth reading his essay. I also read a few from non muslims and from a psychological point of view they explain how TV shapes our minds and in particular effects our children. Makes for shocking reading. I would encourage everyone to seriously cut back on TV have a specific number of hrs that you watch it and stick to that. It's unrealistic to ask everyone to throw their TVs out the window coz this sure won't happen, but most ppl can cut back.

Here;s one article i'm pretty sure i posted before, read it please i had trouble digging it out:

Hamza Yusuf:

Non religious articles, look under the "research" and "essays" section plenty to read:
