So What Phobia Do YOU have?

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"Mez" wrote:
Yeh after watching the Movie 'IT' by Stephen King! :twisted:

i knew it - was gonna ask seraph if he got that phobia after reading the above book... Lol


Biggrin I got to admit it was scary! but did not scare me!

Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!

"*DUST*" wrote:
"Mez" wrote:
Yeh after watching the Movie 'IT' by Stephen King! :twisted:

i knew it - was gonna ask seraph if he got that phobia after reading the above book... Lol

The book... no... the movie... yeah...

I must have been 10/11 at the time when i saw that movie.

Ever since never really liked clowns. Cray 2

Back in BLACK


Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!

"Mez" wrote:

[b]SILENCE[/b] :evil:

Ms Im-Too-Scared-To-Go-Into-The-Back-Garden coz im scared of lil creepy crawlys....

That is just irrational.

Back in BLACK

The clown biting the arm bit made me jump also.

First thing that did that.

The second was the bit in jaws where the head pops out.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
The clown biting the arm bit made me jump also.

First thing that did that.

The second was the bit in jaws where the head pops out.


Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!

"Mez" wrote:
"Admin" wrote:
The clown biting the arm bit made me jump also.

First thing that did that.

The second was the bit in jaws where the head pops out.


head pops out :?

i got sharkphobia after watching jaws...looking back it looks even faker.

Oh yeh that was scary!

It did look fake! Blum 3

Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!

long ago this drama was on tv and all i can vividly remember is this woman being buried alive. They thght she was dead. But sometimes ppl pass out, and hours later revive. Well she did awake only the soil was being put on her coffin.

I can't foget that scene. I tend to dream about it sometimes.

Won't it be like that for us? When we're in our graves according to Islam as soon as the mourners, and those prayign for us leave our grave side, the questioning and punishments begin. We wil be as if we are alive today, cept in our graves. So in that sense i guess i'm very afraid, whether it's a phobia i duno.

I had a proper phobia once, and i'm still conscious of it although it's gone. but i don't wana freak you out, so i'm not revealing nowt loool husband already said u were nuts no wonder you're so freaky about hygiene levels in the home and personally for myself. It's related with germs but i can;t be the only one freaky about germs.

"yashmaki" wrote:
It's related with germs but i can;t be the only one freaky about germs.

no ur not

snobby Dave has is the only other person i know who has the same paranoia as u :twisted:

antlophobia: ... floods
apiphobia: ... bees
arachnophobia: ... spiders
entomophobia: ... insects
hadephobia: ... hell
necrophobia: ... death
ophidiophobia: ... snakes
pyrophobia: ... fire
taphephobia: ... being buried alive

Thats some of them, they kinda have a theme.....

phobias are strong irrational aversions to things right? So just being slightly afraid wouldn't mean you have a phobia would it. you sure you guys actually have phobias or is it just the thght of certain things that make you squeemish?

I don't like the look of big grey, or brown rats with loong tales. but the thght of small white ones don't seem to have the same effect. So i wouldn't say i have a phobia against them.

I once saw a huge rat, and i mean huge. I was walking home after work, through this small garden area in town, surrounded by bushes. No one was there except me. Just as I was getting into the clearing on the main road, out popped a huge dirty grey thing, on my path. I never scream and i mean never, boy did i learn to scream that day ahahaha. I'm always on alert, in case some weirdo pops out the bushes, but i wasn't ready for a rat.

I don't like creepy crawlies, and i thght i was afraid of them. But i'm in my own house now, so mother isn't here to remove crawlies for me. Well i hung the laundry out one summers day. I shook them in case there were insects on them. I obviously missed one coz i put the clothes on my bed, ready to iron, and i noticed a centipede :shock: All them legs, so wriggly i didn't wana touch it. But I saw it moving fast, if i didn't catch it fast, it would have gone under my duvet somewhere. I wasn't gona let it sleep in my bed! I forgot my fears i picked it up, and through it out the window. Now creepy crawlies aren't so bad to me. I need to pick up a big house spider next :shock:

Wasps not afraid of them anymore, just don't want one to bite me so i keep my guard. I have a wasp story but leave it till next time.

"Angel" wrote:
antlophobia: ... floods
apiphobia: ... bees
arachnophobia: ... spiders
entomophobia: ... insects
hadephobia: ... hell
necrophobia: ... death
ophidiophobia: ... snakes
pyrophobia: ... fire
taphephobia: ... being buried alive

Thats some of them, they kinda have a theme.....

yeah they do.... they all have the letter 'e' in there somewhere.

Back in BLACK

I think she's afraid of the letter 'E'

"Seraphim" wrote:
"Angel" wrote:
antlophobia: ... floods
apiphobia: ... bees
arachnophobia: ... spiders
entomophobia: ... insects
hadephobia: ... hell
necrophobia: ... death
ophidiophobia: ... snakes
pyrophobia: ... fire
taphephobia: ... being buried alive

Thats some of them, they kinda have a theme.....

yeah they do.... they all have the letter 'e' in there somewhere.

Yeh they also have "phobia" at the end :shock: :roll:

Nah Dave its not phobia of the letter "E" but rather of the letters D-A-V-E i think its called Davephobia Blum 3

"Angel" wrote:
Yeh they also have "phobia" at the end :shock: :roll:

Nah Dave its not phobia of the letter "E" but rather of the letters D-A-V-E i think its called Davephobia Blum 3

Hey i'm not scary! I'm snobby!

And so are you.

You lost the trial remember (2v1) - you have to apologize to me and Hayder.

"Augustus" wrote:

Hey i'm not scary! I'm snobby!

And so are you.

You lost the trial remember (2v1) - you have to apologize to me and Hayder.

Wow you finally admit your snobby hehe...i aint snobby - i dont own a porsche, i dont use big/confusing words, if its any consolation i would like to be snobby if it meant having a porsche Blum 3

No apology for you or duhboy talkin of which he hasnt been here lately - good riddance :twisted:

i don't have a porsche anymore - and I don't use big words!!


That is seven letrs.

us chavs strgle after 5.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Augustus" wrote:
...I can see that

:shock: wat a snobby reply... Cray 2 Sad

ps. dave wat happened to your porsche?

"Angel" wrote:
"Augustus" wrote:
...I can see that

:shock: wat a snobby reply... Cray 2 Sad

ps. dave wat happened to your porsche?


8 letrs.





"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Angel" wrote:
"Augustus" wrote:
...I can see that

:shock: wat a snobby reply... Cray 2 Sad

ps. dave wat happened to your porsche?

I had to get rid of it! I promised Annette no more dangerous activities and she promised me Sebastian and Isabel Hamilton.

Win win situation.

I've got a new phobia.

the phone - because it's goi ngto be her again!!!

That insufferable woman is driving me crazy!

Jogging in harlem and now she has 5 FIVE official bride groom dances at her coronation

I'm going to marry a dolphin like that woman if this continues!

"Augustus" wrote:
I've got a new phobia.

the phone - because it's goi ngto be her again!!!

That insufferable woman is driving me crazy!

Jogging in harlem and now she has 5 FIVE official bride groom dances at her coronation

I'm going to marry a dolphin like that woman if this continues!

lol. put ur foot down then... or risk being called a mouse by lilsis.... Lol


calm down.

just remember one day it'll all be over.

You will be happily married.

and skint.

with loads of bills to pay.

with the screaming Isabel and Sebastian keeping you up at night.

and mindnumbing work keeping you asleep during the day.

and you will do that for the rest of your life.

So just remember its all downhill, and enjoy the moment.


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
