The Big Questions

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Asghar Bukhari blames it on Muslim Institutes but not on Muslims themselves, well isn't it the Muslims that make up the Institutes in the first place? One thing i realised and that i'm actually disappointed about is the fact that he didn't even acknowledge the Institutes that ARE doing so much work. He talks about them needing to do MORE but that goes with every single aspect of life then. Saying much is not being done is one issue, but providing solutions and saying what CAN be done is a whole new issue. Specifics are needed. 

I can't remember which speaker called mosque teachers cowardly and pathetic, well i don't know what kind of mosque teachers he's come across because he's forgetting all those that are simply awesome, not pathetic and not cowardly. That's a very hasty generalisation and shows his lack of communication and attendance with mosques up and down the country. 

Since when are Muslim kids taught that they are better than everyone else? Thinking you are better than everyone else is having pride in you and Islam teaches you not to even have an ounce of pride, so clearly that's a misunderstanding of what teachers are teaching. Ever since i was a kid, i was always taught that i'm not better than anyone else, don't know about the rest of you? I'm sure you were taught the same too, right?

Who is the man in the brown jacket? I don't mean to be rude or anything like that but what in the world is he talking about? He seems to be very disrespectful and a little confused. At the end of the day there are differences in opinion regarding certain matters but it's about tolerating differences. I bet half of those non-Muslims had no idea what he was talking about anyway cause there was one word i've never even heard of. Do Salafis and Wahhabis actually teach extremism to their kids and families?!  Really? That's worrying, or did he just want to point his finger at them?

They talk about Muslims not being integrated into society well what's all that about? I don't think i've ever met a youth who isn't integrated into this society, ever and i'd actually want to just know what it feels like to not be integrated. About the language barrier itself, yes i think that's something that all people living in this country should try to make the effort to learn. There is no harm in doing so. 

But Imams and mosque teachers not knowing English, well i think that's changing ALOT now. If i think about the nearest 10 mosques from my house, every single one of them has English speakers without a doubt. There was this conference that my dad attended during this week and they had an Urdu speaker upstairs for all those speaking in Urdu including the elders and downstairs they had another scholar who was translating everything into English for the youth, reverts and those that aren't so confident in speaking in Urdu, so in my opinion, i think the language barrier within mosques isn't an issue at all. 

Say for example your local mosque has speakers who don't speak English (which i think is highly unlikely), all you have to do is walk 10 steps down the road and right before your eyes will be another masjid that has English speakers. Where i live, there isn't a weekend that goes past when there aren't events taking place. Sometimes there's so many, you don't have time to attend all of them either. 

And if there is anyone who thinks that there is a language barrier in mosques, well i'm afraid to say, but you haven't actually been to many mosques. Sometimes i think Asghar Bukhari hasn't been to many mosques either since he hasn't acknowledged what any institutes or mosques do. 

I like that guy who was sitting next to Salma Yakoob. Thank you for talking about the media that brainwashes absolutely everybody. I was waiting for someone to talk about that, and he did. 

After watching the entire 30 minutes, i still don't know what Muslims can do about tackling extremism, so what was the point in talking about what Muslims are doing wrong. They've adressed the issues but haven't said what actually could be done about it. Hmph. 


"Everybodys worried about stopping terrorism. Well theres a really easy way; stop participating in it."

-Noam Chomsky

Back in BLACK

I liked what Ajmal Masroor had to say.