March for Peace and Liberty

North Mancester Against Wars has booked a coach for the national demonstration on Saturday, September the 24th.

The coach will leave at 7.00 am from outside the Al Hilal Centre on Briedoak Street in Cheetham Hill. The coach will leave central London at approximately 5.30 p.m.

Tickets are available now: £10 unwaged, £15 waged, £20 solidarity.
To buy tickets please phone Emma on 07732 249 355.

How can you help?
- Forward this email to family, friends and colleagues
- Book tickets early (this may allow us to book additional transport)
- Make a donation. If you cannot make it to London but support the aims of the demonstration, then please make a solidarity donation to North Manchester Against Wars. This would allow us to provide more subsidised places for students, unemloyed and refugees and others who cannot afford the full cost of a ticket.
- Leaflet your street and help to sell tickets.
- Come to the North Manchester Against Wars planning meeting at 7.30 pm on Wednesday the 14th of September at Venus Restaurant, Cheetham Hill Rd. A chance to buy tickets, collect leaflets and plan together for the demonstration.

For further information please contact Emma on 07732 249 355 or by return email.

Why march?
Stop the bombings - Stop the War
Bush and Blair's "War on Terror" has made the world a more dangerous place. 85% of people in Britain believe that there is a link between the London bombings and the Iraq conflict.

Defend the Muslim commuinity
We reject the view that terrorism is rooted in Muslim fanatacism. It is no more real than saying that George Bush is following a "Christian fundamentalist" foreign policy. Blair's talk of an evil ideology will create a backlash against Muslims. Attacks on Muslims have already increased by 600%. It must be said loud and clear: neither Muslims nor Islam are the problem. Terrorism is rooted in real problems here on Earth.

Defend civil liberties
Terrorist organisations can maim and kill but they cannot take away our civil liberties, only our own government can do that. Blair says that he is concerned to defend "our way of life" but his proposals will take away fundamental freedoms. One man has already paid with his life for "increased police powers". If these new measures go through, more injustice will be visited on us all.

Bring the troops home by xmas.
We must redouble our campaign for the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq. We should do this, not only beacuse of the 7th July, but because it is right. It is right because of the 100,000 civilian deaths. Right because of the economic and social chaos after two years of occupation. Right because of the torture and degradation of civilians carried out at Abu Ghraib and Camp Breadbasket. Right because the reasons given the war have all been shown to be false. Right because the war was illegal, and the occupation an affront to international law. And right because of the 92 British soldiers killed, and the hundreds wounded.

March for Peace and Liberty
Saturday September the 24th

Organised by the Stop the War Coalition, the Muslim Association of Britain and CND.

For further information on transport from other areas of Greater Manchester, please contact the CND office: 0161 273 8283.