BIRMINGHAM: Shaykh Hamza Yusuf & Imam Zaid Shakir

Sacred Knowledge


The Grand Mawlid

Celebrating the birth of the Prophet (PBUH)


Shaykh Hamza Yusuf & Imam Zaid Shakir

VENUE: Ghamkhol Sharif Masjid, Birmingham
DATE: Friday 4th April
TIME: 7.45pm

For further info, email:

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf - is he the one from the US?


To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

Just deleted a post which could be considered either slander or backbiting depending on where you come from. It also included baseless accusations. (shirk is a very major accusation which should be wielded with care.)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Just deleted a post which could be considered either slander or backbiting depending on where you come from. It also included baseless accusations. (shirk is a very major accusation which should be wielded with care.)

Slanser and Backbiting ?

Subhan'Allaah or more Like You Can't Hadle The Truth
Do You Close Your Ears To The Truth, He Openly Said It Subhan'Allaah - Allaah and His Messenger Did Warn Us about People Who Would Close Their Ears To The Truth

Do We Witness It Today - Ofcourse We Do

If You Can't Handle the Truth No Point Trying To Run an "Islamic" Forum


baseless accusations of shirk without providing evidence are either slander or backbiting (depending on if it is true or not). This is not even going into the subject of incorrectly calling another a non-muslim.

Please go study the subject. Pretty enlightening.

And then bring a list of real scholars who agree with your opinion.

I can handle the truth. The question, is can you?

Or is the world too romanticised a notion for it to exist in a way you cannot imagine?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

it would be a good idea to look into your own scholars, the sufi scholar Hamza Yusuf (if your not blinded by their ideas) also another idea to listen to his speech to His Good friend Bush - would be ideal

sorry to say

most of the ideas you promote in this forum are oipnions of members and provide no evidence what so ever, it would be nice to look through some of the threads and question some of the practices which are Bid'ah even considered permissable

The Prophet (Saw) said Bid'ah is innovation, innovation is misguidance and misguidance leads to hellfire,
if your ready to handle the truth bring forth proof to celebrate the Prophet (Saw)'s birthday which is an innovation in itself as nor did the prophet(Saw) celebrate it nor did the best of the best people who loved him more than you and me celebrate his birthday.

Principle in islaam every form of worship is forbidden unless text permits it

so id like to be enlightened to know onwhat basis you celebrate this innovation when Prophet(Saw) clearly stated we only have two celebrations in Islaam - the two Eids

Imam Al-Hafiz Al-Nawawi (radi Allahu anhu) said in Vol.6, p.21 in his "Commentary on Sahih Al-Bukhari": What the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) meant when he said "very" or "all" innovations, is that it is general but restricted, i.e. that most innovations are "evil" but not "all". In "Tahdhib Al-Asma wal Lugat" Bid'ah is explained as follows: "Bid'ah in Shari'ah is the invention of that which was not there in the period of the Messenger of Allah, and it is divided into two categories Hasanah (or good) and Qabihah (or evil)".

Noor wrote:
Imam Al-Hafiz Al-Nawawi (radi Allahu anhu) said in Vol.6, p.21 in his "Commentary on Sahih Al-Bukhari": What the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) meant when he said "very" or "all" innovations, is that it is general but restricted, i.e. that most innovations are "evil" but not "all". In "Tahdhib Al-Asma wal Lugat" Bid'ah is explained as follows: "Bid'ah in Shari'ah is the invention of that which was not there in the period of the Messenger of Allah, and it is divided into two categories Hasanah (or good) and Qabihah (or evil)".

Sorry to say, im sure i gave you hadith about the prophet (Saw) which clearly stated what Bid'ah was?

are you trying to change the meaning by pasting sayings of latter scholars,
how does that justify the celebration of Prophet (Saw)??
esp after i gave you the hadith of having onely two celebrations in Islaam??

do you not take that hadith or what ??

and the book you mention Tahdhib al-Asma Wal Lugat is by whom ? as its not certaily recognised in sharia as a book of Hadith ?

Just to make things for you, here is a website, where you will find the speeches by your scholar Hamza Yusuf after 9/11

Hamza Yusuf Hanson
Tuesday, 29 November 2005
America exports a lot of garbage around the world. McDonalds, Coca Cola, and Microsoft, are prime examples of damaging and useless brands that are turned into 'world leaders' as a result of Marketing strategies and monopolies. Its latest product, the US manufactured scholar, exhibits the same bad qualities as these various brands. They are jetted around the Western world to cause mischief, tell lies, change Islam and meet with the Presidents and the Prime ministers discussing how Islam is full of 'love' and 'peace' whilst the West kill men, women and children in its war against Islam. These shameless scholars are the likes of Hamzah Yusuf, who before September 11th vehemently attacked America as Satanic (to sell a few tapes and earn a living) and now advises the 'sincere' - as he put it - President on how to deal with Muslims. He claims to have had a change of heart and now says the US are far from being satanic, in fact they are better than Muslims. The fire-fighters who died saving lives were performing Jihad and are 'mujahid'. We say to Hamzah Yusuf, whilst he stood outside the Whitehouse lawn with his friend George singing "God save America", did it not occur to him that Islam forbade making the Kuffar his intimate, let alone making the greatest enemy of the Muslims his 'buddy'? We would like to remind Hamzah Yusuf of the great Imam Abu Hanifah (ra), who said, "if you see a scholar at the gates of a ruler, question him in his deen". [Excerpt taken from Khilafah Magazine November 2001 Edition]

To learn more on this, please visit the following website which has more extensive evidences and refutation:

btw, he is not "OUR" scholar. (I was gonna say "my", but others have got involved.)

About him advising Bush - would you rather that noone advised non-muslims about Islam? Da'wah should be done to all - even presidents. If his relationship was otherwise, well I do not know the details and my default reaction to him is not one of cynicism.

Saying that - he is still human. I am sure he has and will get many things wrong.

That does not make him evil incarnate.

EDIT - and ftr, I doubt I have heard more than ten minutes of him speaking since 9/11.

I find speeches and lectures boring, and have probably only paid attention toa handful by any scholar in my life. Even before 9/11 I think I heard half of one speech by him. Then after 9/11 there was one interview/group talk on some news show - in which he got maybe 2 minutes. Apart from that the rest is based on what others think of him.

Most of the criticism against him is "because he decided to advise Bush - and was against 9/11". In both those categories I do not agree with the criticism.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
btw, he is not "OUR" scholar. (I was gonna say "my", but others have got involved.)

About him advising Bush - would you rather that noone advised non-muslims about Islam? Da'wah should be done to all - even presidents. If his relationship was otherwise, well I do not know the details and my default reaction to him is not one of cynicism.

Saying that - he is still human. I am sure he has and will get many things wrong.

That does not make him evil incarnate.

If he was advising about Islaam, Im Sure we wouldn't have a problem with this man, the fact he Gets His salary from Bush i think its Bush telling him what the Do's/Don'ts are, Scholars NEVER go to the gates of the rulers as even laymens we know that Islaam warns the scholars to take that root for it leads to nothing but destruction and we are advised by Imam Abu Hanifah (ra), who said, "if you see a scholar at the gates of a ruler, question him in his deen".

and his audios themselves are evident he is paid to misguide the masses from the correct path and divert them into not paying attention to the state of the muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir and Bosnia.

sorry about that bro/sis i thought the "Blanket statement" was from yourself

Ghareeba wrote:

I Think This May Help Insh'Allaah

I don't know very much about Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, I have seen excerpts of him speaking and he has impressed me- especially on the show 'the Muslim Jesus (as)' last year. I have never seen him talk on 9/11 so I can't comment on that.

What I Do know is that he has qualifications from Egypt, Saudi, West Africa and many other places, so he is probably very clued-up.

Brother/Sister Ghareeba, can I ask what qualifications you have? Cos you seem to be giving a lot of fatawa. Thanks.


Don't just do something! Stand there.

Subhan'Allaah are you tring to say that Hamza Yusuf is Infallible ??

that he can't make mistakes

Iblis had way more knowledge than Hamza Yusuf, did he not become misguided

just by studying in insititutes doesn't make you truthful, Prophet (Saw) never studied in them nor did the sahabah, so who gave such institutes recognition?

Fatwa ?? sorry could you point out where i have given a Fatwa, as far as i can see its only been Hadith after Hadith in relation to my claims,

even at the time of p(Saw) there were munafiqeen even though they studied under Rasool'Allaah (Saw), were they not misguided, Allaah (Swt) is the one who guides whom he wills and misguides who he wills.

was it the Prophet (Saw) who said a time will come where there will emrge a people who will prayer better than you, worship better than you but will be upon falsehood,

just because some one is good at talking and inspirin you with their speeches, that isn't proof Of Guidance, even Allaah (Swt) states in the quran relation to those who will be good at talking and delivering speeches but it will not be accepted of them as they were misguiding the masses.

When did I say he was infallible or that he can't make mistakes?

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) didn't need to study at a university because he was given direct guidance from Allah (swt), and the Sahaba (ra) were given direct lessons from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) which didn't take place at a university, but were still lessons!

It seems that you are saying that we shouldn't study at institutions, but should just read hadith collections and make up our own rules.


Don't just do something! Stand there.

Yes i agree with this brother/sister lets make up our own fatwas which suit us, do the pick and mix with scholars and find the ones who agree with us and add our own commentary on hadiths. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

I think the crux of your argument is highlighting Shaykh Hamzah meeting with President Bush. Much has been written but little understood on what actually transpired. Although I’m not in favour of such meeting but understand it’s importance.

Narrated by Abu Dawood, states that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam, said:

“The best Jihad is saying a word of truth in the court of an unjust ruler.”

Shaykh Hamza himself has said [b]“I advised George Bush, but he didn’t take my advice”. People criticized the Shaykh for this meeting with Bush, but it has to be understood that Shaykh Hamza advised Bush of the consequences of going into war with Afghanistan. [/b]


All praise to Allah and peace and blessings upon Rasulullah Muhammad (s).

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf- A living example of the pious

A city, famous in history for its sweet onions and agriculture, gave birth to a little boy who had a great future ahead for him which compensated for his great efforts and struggle for mankind.
In the year 1960, in a Greek orthodox family, Mark Hanson was born to a US academic world war two veteran father and an activist mother in Walla Walla, Washington which is in the southeastern region of Washington, approximately five hours by car from Seattle, Washington and thirteen miles from the Oregon border.

Having attended mostly catholic schools and boarding schools where sometimes he would stay for just one month in Santa Barbara, California in the year 1977 when Mark was traveling in a car, there was a car accident. This was to be a dramatic turning point for the teenager. For some this is known as a near death experience, but to him it is something different. Speaking to Mark Lawson about Islam in America, he mentioned that “God gave me a second chance”.

It is amazing for a young boy of seventeen to start thinking about religions. Most young men and women of our time only think about nightclubs, rock and roll, alcohol, crime, drugs….the list is endless. But for Mark it was to be a different thought altogether. What is the purpose of life? Where I’m I going? What I’m I doing here?
His mum used to take him to Church, Mosque, Hindu temples etc. to give him an insight into different religions. Mark opted to look into Islam.
It was a time just before his eighteenth birthday that Mark Hanson, in the year 1977, embraced Islam. He is now to be called Hamza Yusuf Hanson.

Hamza Yusuf embarked on a journey that would change his life and others who tagged along in his spiritual journey.
He spent four years studying in the United Arab Emirates and other places in the Middle East.
He then traveled to West Africa and studied in Mauritania, Medina, Algeria, and Morocco under prominent scholars such as Shaykh Murabit al Haaj; Sheikh Baya bin Salik, head of the Islamic court in Al-'Ain, United Arab Emirates; Sheikh Muhammad Shaybani, Mufti of Abu Dhabi; Sheikh Hamad al-Wali; and Sheikh Muhammad al-Fatrati of Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.

Having returned from the knowledgeable journey in the East, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf (as we recognise him now) along with Hesham Alalusi founded Zaytuna Institute in California, United States of America with the inspiration of commitment to revive and promote the Sufi version of Islam in a contemporary context.

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf came into the public spotlight when in 2001 he advised President George W Bush. This was to be the driving force in which Shaykh Hamza was to be criticized or be complimented. It was in fact from the advice and instruction of his teacher Shaykh Abdullah bin Bayyah that Shaykh Hamza met with President Bush.
Shaykh Hamza himself has said “I advised George Bush, but he didn’t take my advice”. People criticized the Shaykh for this meeting with Bush, but it has to be understood that Shaykh Hamza advised Bush of the consequences of going into war with Afghanistan.

Shaykh Hamza made many journeys to the United Kingdom and often appears in Friends House, Euston Road. He delivers speeches from his heart which creates great love for Allah and his messenger Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) amongst the listeners of his bayans and speeches.

Many criticize Shaykh Hamza, but he is one scholar who openly talks against falsehood and condemns extremism. His words unite people together. He talks about unity, to bring people together. His knowledge is on various subjects.
I have never seen a scholar like Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, who has all these silly remarks and criticisms surrounding him, talk beautifully about Rasulullah (s). He even cried when he mentioned about the Prophet’s (s) struggle of Uhud!

May Allah give us the tawfiq to sit in the gatherings of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and be enlightened by his wisdom and speeches. May Allah preserve him and his family and those who make dua for him.

Abu Ubaidah

Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah

“Take Aqeedah from the Salaf, learn Adab from the Tableeghi Jamaat, and brotherhood from the Ikhwaan"


If you want, it may be better to put that in a blog post rather than just leaving it in a topic about an event.

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"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

The talk was organised for 7:45 but the Sheikh came on after 11 - thats atleast 3 hrs 15mins late! It was a Friday, I was tired after work and my little niece was frustrated. We had to leave early - upset I couldn't listen to all the Sheikhs lecture, which I had looked forward to for so long. Sad

Didn't you realise they would be running on IslamTime (tm)?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

I suppose, silly me. Smile I just wasn't sharing the same time zone as the Sheikh.
Anyway, that was ages ago and I'm replying like ages later - I really am in my own world! Wink

Btw [b]LISTEN EVERYONE!!![/b] There's something else going on in the Ghamkol Sharif Masjid - check it out on youtube:

See you all there inshAllah. Biggrin

Please use a shorter name next time or just log in.... whoever you are. It messes up the layout.

A standard computer can put up with it - what are you using - a phone or sumtin?

A standard computer can put up with it - what are you using - a phone or sumtin?

A standard computer can put up with it - what are you using - a phone or sumtin?

Hamza Yusuf is one of those Scholars who after i began practising Islam found to be very eloquent, well learned and well balanced. However after having heard nearly all his lectures not to mention going to see him when he came to the UK pre 9/11, then watching him slowly going out his way to appease the non muslims and going with the flow jumping on the bandwaggon etc, i personally began to lose respect for him for his stance, for it was through the lectures of Imam Hamza i had learnt many things about Islam and then i found that practise what you preach philosophy did not seem to apply to Imam Hamza for a period of time after 9/11. Even to this day when he is being criticised i will try my best to make excuses for him, but for some things i just cannot. A perfect example is when he came to Ghamkol sharif and in the Dua at the end he prayed that Allah bring the 'British soldiers' back home safe to their families(you can find this on youtube for those who do not beleive he made this dua, as i did not beleive it when i was told). I found that a bit far fetched, but i still made excuse for it (dont know why) also refering to the Hoor of jannah as metaphors when its established this is a reality as is the reality of the gardens of paradise and not a metaphor as many Mutazalites beleived regarding issues of the hereafter. However if i was to advise a new muslim or someone wanting to learn about Islam I would still recomend some of the early lectures by Imam Hamza but would point out these issues and let the people make their own judgement. The works on Usool ul Fiqh (translating his sheikhs words), Purification of the heart, the life of Prophet Mohammed amongst many others.

Hamza Yusuf is one of those Scholars who after i began practising Islam found to be very eloquent, well learned and well balanced. However after having heard nearly all his lectures not to mention going to see him when he came to the UK pre 9/11, then watching him slowly going out his way to appease the non muslims and going with the flow jumping on the bandwaggon etc, i personally began to lose respect for him for his stance, for it was through the lectures of Imam Hamza i had learnt many things about Islam and then i found that practise what you preach philosophy did not seem to apply to Imam Hamza for a period of time after 9/11. Even to this day when he is being criticised i will try my best to make excuses for him, but for some things i just cannot. A perfect example is when he came to Ghamkol sharif and in the Dua at the end he prayed that Allah bring the 'British soldiers' back home safe to their families(you can find this on youtube for those who do not beleive he made this dua, as i did not beleive it when i was told). I found that a bit far fetched, but i still made excuse for it (dont know why) also refering to the Hoor of jannah as metaphors when its established this is a reality as is the reality of the gardens of paradise and not a metaphor as many Mutazalites beleived regarding issues of the hereafter. However if i was to advise a new muslim or someone wanting to learn about Islam I would still recomend some of the early lectures by Imam Hamza but would point out these issues and let the people make their own judgement. The works on Usool ul Fiqh (translating his sheikhs words), Purification of the heart, the life of Prophet Mohammed amongst many others.

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