Be a host to humanity

Be a host to humanity.

What do you think that means?

I will edit this later to add stuff from a talk I heard, but please do share your ideas Smile


Being a host to humanity. This is what i think it means:

Obviously, as humans, we were given birth to, we then progress into adults, we live our life and soon its time to say goodbye. In this life time, we are travellers and we're given only one chance to live. There's no way we can repeat our life and ask to somehow be reborn again.

So, as we pass through this temporary life as travellers, we should act as hosts to those we pass by, those we meet, those we live with and those we work with. So with this at our advanatage, we should benefit those around us with our goodness. We should guide and advise. We should care and support. We should leave a footprint in the hearts of others.

We should do something amazing for humanity, which can't be forgotten. We should leave a legacy behind. This doesn't necessarily mean, us as people, but more towards our personality, our character, our wise words and our contribution to society and those who will live life after us.


Be a host to humanity:

if you are an alien, throw humanity a party and be great host!

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