talking to myself dont pay attention

sooo i've been awake since... 6h20am and...

i'm tired
i'm tired and hum...
my weetabix is cold...

mixing my weetabix with mix must have been an ENDOtermic reation... it can't be mixing with the sugar as this is a physical change... or maybe my hot milk (not so hot) on its own WAS an exothermic reaction, gave out all its heat to its surrounding... stupid ml coulndt you keep some for me??

i dont really like weetabix, but my teeth are hurting (braces) and this is the only food i dont have to chew, just GULP it down...

yesterday i had to touch catpiss... after eating... in my pajamas... (i shall leave this to ur imagination)

why am i not in bed? because i'm tired!!

if i go to bed i might not wake up, i've taken up my dad's role, he usually dont go to sleep after Fajr and wakeus up when its time to go.

my mum came to wake me up (an action deliberate from her part, my phone was gonna ring in 5mins!!) and told me how tired she was... so i thought "as the eldest i must take up the responsability, be brave!!!" so here i am, talking to myself.

i think the PC became my bestfriend... this is bad!!!... yeaterday when iwas switching it off, i thought " i dont wanna switch you off" i need to get out...

what else? my weetabix is going all thick and I'm going all sick (06h57)

i dont wanna go to school!

i think my mum gonna stay awake tomorrow... (after reflection) i dont really think so... maybe i HOPE so...

i ad a science test and because i'm soo kind i lend my calculator to my friend ( that was last hum... tuesday or wednesday...) and she didnt give it back, and she wasnt here yesterday and WOUHOU!!! i needed the calculator!!! (thank god i'm good at maths)

by the way, when i dwecide to switch on when i go to school i get call a "freak" and "weird" by my so-called friends who sooo blank me yesterday...

one of my "friend" just openly diss me and this other girl handwriting, excuse me!! when ur soo small, you sould watch your mouth coz u never know what might happen to you around the corner!!! (i am sure i can be late just to give her a "lesson" my mum wont say anything.. inshAllah...)

anyway, my weetabix is still here but im gonna finish this off SALAM