Phoenix's blog


Do you do prayer 5 times a day? I was just wondering, as I find it very hard to remember. And all the negative energy that surrounds me doesn't help; for eg TV, PS3, Laptop.


Salaam to everyone

I'm in a very big dilemma. My friend loves a boy to death and wants to get married to him when she gets older. She's only in year 9 like me. But her family is very strict, if they find out that she likes that person, they'll move to another place with her. What should I tell her to do? And also, is it wrong in Islam to tell your parents that you want to get married to a certain person?


Assalamu Alaikum,

I'm Phoenix and I'm in year 9. My options are coming real
fast and I am thinking about choosing Psychology for a
subject. I asked my brother, he says Psychology is too hard
for me.
What shall I do? By the way, I am very interested in the way
peoples mind work, motives and etc.
Plus, more importantly I'd like to know if this subject any how
goes against our religion. [I wouldn't mind anyones perception]

Heaven and Hell?

Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters.

I have been having a debate with my father, about the heavens and hells.
I believe that there are seven heavens, and eight hells.
However, my father comepletely disagrees with me and says there are eight
Heavens and seven hells.
What should I believe?
Please give references for your views.