Must Watch !

Assalamu Alaykoum Biggrin

Even though this video is 34 minutes long, it is DEFINITELY worth the watch InshAllah. (Personal experience btw) Smile



Addicted Music Lovers must watch? Im not one of those, but it's good to listen to these experiences..


Hummus wrote:

Addicted Music Lovers must watch? Im not one of those, but it's good to listen to these experiences..


But you do listen to music 


Not a lot to be honest.. Hardly..

Are nasheeds included?


Titanium wrote:

Is it going to tell me not to listen to music and try and justify the reasons?



LOL, pretty much yeah

The guy talks about his experience too and how listening to music has afffected him and all the rest of it..


i am freeeeeeeeeeeeee from this.

i must

not listen to this vid. otherwise i will become MORE of a judgemental holier than thou.


 quite well establishing my holierthanthou-ness it seems...


there's a ghost in revvy and a ghost in my keyboard and they teamed up to randomly pressed enter when im typing.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?