Breathe in. Breathe out.

Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

I'm not supposed to be visiting this site nor replying to the dozen threads that need replying to, but having come home, I feel like creating a blog post and here I am doing exactly that. During this fun filled exam season, I think about strange things. I do a lot of over-thinking and over-analysing. 

I have strange ideas whizzing around in my head too and i realised something. When i'm revising, i'm revising for an exam, i'm learning for the short term. I'm not revising for the long term and neither am i revising for life. For me, doing such a thing doesn't sound like a great idea.

This realisation led me to put more effort and thinking into memorising and understanding what i was trying to learn. On Monday evening I was coming to the end of my revision for Biology, when i thought about breathing. Breathing alone.

Don't you find inspiration and expiration amazing concepts? The fact that when your intercostal muscles contract, your ribs move upwards and outward to increase the volume of your thorax...

And then your diaphragm muscles contract to make your diaphragm flatten to increase the volume too. Then as the volume of the thorax increases, the pressure decreases which forces the air in the atmosphere to be forced into us.

This all happens because of the pressure gradient, so air moves along the gradient not against it. - From high to low.

The fact that when your intercostal muscles relax, your ribs move downwards and inward to decrease the volume of your thorax...

And then your diaphragm muscles relax to make your diaphragm become dome like to decrease the volume of your thorax. Then as the volume of thorax decreases, pressure increases which forces the air back into the atmosphere.

Once again, air moving along the pressure gradient. From a high pressure which is inside of us to a lower pressure which is outside of us.

I don't know if any of you reading this thought about this amazing-ness either, but it's nice to ponder over something which occurs so often that we don't even realise. Something without which, we would be dead.

So take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

Toodles for now.


im suddenly becoming over conscious of my breathing.... =/

Back in BLACK

You basically just revised in blog form.

I tend to think about these little things every time I learn something new and fascinating. I'm a ponderer like that.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

And... The complexity of the respiratory system.

Our bodies are SO perfect.