
The Revival's Guide to Ramadan

By Alveena Salim & Sajid Iqbal

You mean you can’t eat ANYTHING? Not even drink water? Isn’t that like bad for you?”

Yep, when Muslims fast for the 30 days in the month of Ramadan from dawn till dusk they can’t eat or drink anything throughout Ramadan.
Fasting is not bad for your health, even Celebs occasionally fast (they call it “detox”), abstaining from food and drink cleans out your insides, gives your digestive system a rest and causes harmful chemicals to be flushed out of your system.(1)

30 whole days?! You’d die!

Ermm… No you wouldn’t. Muslims are required to fast from dawn to dusk. The fast begins just before dawn when Muslims eat a light meal (suhoor) and confirm their intention to fast for the day; the fast ends at sunset.

Nutrition Advice for Fasting During Ramadan

Lauren Evans

*Lauren Evans is a nutritionist with BSc (Hons) in Human Nutrition and MSc in Exercise & Nutrition Science

Fasting during Ramadan is already a challenge within itself; however fasting during one of the warmest months of the year not only intensifies this challenge but also requires a true commitment that can only be marvelled. With an average of 14 hours fasting between Suhoor (Sunrise) and Iftar meals (Sunset), nutrition and hydration during meal time are both highly important.


Ramadan Mubarak 2011

Ramadan Mubarak to all!

Inshallah we will all recieve the full benefits of this blessed month.

Just something to note: After a long gruelling fast, I am sure none of us would want to open our fasts with blood dates.

Yes, I mean those juicy succulent Medjoul dates that are ever so sweet - they are grown on stolen land on the West Bank. Avoid them and all other produce from the occupied territories - unless it is from the Palestinians themselves. Make sure you read the labels avoid Medjoul Dates, King Solomon and Jordan Valley dates as they all have high chances of being grown on stolen land.

Read more: This Ramadan, make sure your dates are halaal

Ramadan Kareem

Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Ramadan Fasting

Ramadan is the most auspicious and blessed month of the entire Islamic calendar. Among all Muslims, the month of Ramadan is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion and Muslims start preparing for the Ramadan spirit soon after Shab-e-Barat. During this month, Muslims pray a lot and fast regularly for an entire month till the celebration of Eid.For more details please visit the site below:


The longest fast

No not today/yesterday, but time ago.

Back, time ago I went for umrah. as you do. during ramadan. As you do. Because my mum wanted to go and I had calculated that if I said no, I wouldn't hear the end of it for atleast a year. As you do.

any way, I tried at first to sort of drag my feet but eventually everything got sorted and we were off on our way.

Walking in Muslim shoes for a day

Tim Body

My name's Tim and I am a non Muslim who fasted for a day last Ramadan.

I'm not a religious person, but something I do believe in is cultural integration, and that the best way to understand some one is to walk in their shoes once in a while.

I've been around people who were fasting at work and heard them describe getting up at 4am and eating a huge breakfast, then at the end of the day waiting until the sun goes down before hurrying into the nearest eatery on Wilmslow road. It looked hard, and it was something that someone like me has never had any reason to do. More than anything it was simple curiosity that that set the idea in motion.

[Let's Talk Show] Q & A on Ramadan with Imam Zahoor Chishti


A question and answer session on issues relating to Ramadan as asked by the listeners and answered by Imam Zahoor Chishti.

(Actual Q & A starts 14 minutes in)

Broadcast date: 12 August 2010
Duration: and is 1hr 30mins.

Presenters: Zahid Maqbool, Sajid Iqbal

Guest: Imam Zahoor Chishti
