
16 Kids with 14 mums: Staggering numbers exposed feckless dad

THE most shameless dad in the land is today expecting the birth of his 16th child ­– with 14 different mums.

Jobless Jamie Cumming, 34, was called a “predator” by his own ­mother over his latest fling.

She said: “He likes them young ­because they are gullible.”

The teenager, who we cannot name for legal reasons, was in labour last night. Cumming was exposed by The People this summer after his 13th young lover ­became pregnant with his baby number 15. But unknown to us, another ­teenager – lover number 14 – was also ­carrying his child

Almost half of Britons think children are violent and starting to behave like animals

Almost half of Britons think children are violent and starting to behave like animals, a Barnardo's survey suggests.

The children's charity says the research suggests society holds a negative view towards children despite the majority being well behaved.

Of the more than 2,000 people questioned by ICM Research, 44% said young people were becoming feral.

Barnado's chief executive Anne Marie Carrie said it was "depressing" so many were ready to give up on children.

The survey revealed that:

49% agreed children are beginning to behave like animals

Almost 47% thought youngsters were angry, violent and abusive

One in four said those who behaved badly were beyond help by the age of 10

Whilst 36% thought children who get into trouble need help, 38% disagreed

Immigrants have children for benefits, says Asian peer

The UK's first female Asian peer has used a debate in the Lords to criticise Pakistani and Bangladeshi families for having too many children.

Baroness Flather suggested people in some minority communities had a large number of children in order to be able to claim more benefits.

The peer, born in Lahore before the partition of India, said the issue did not apply to families of Indian origin.

The cross-bencher said benefit cuts could help to discourage extra births.

Baroness Flather, speaking during a debate on the government's welfare changes, said: "The minority communities in this country, particularly the Pakistanis and the Bangladeshis have a very large number of children and the attraction is the large number of benefits that follow the child.

Children as young as five are admitted to hospital for eating disorders

Children as young as five are admitted to hospital for treatment for eating disorders, a recovering anorexic says the blame should not be placed on magazines

Just under 600 were aged 12 or under, with 98 aged between five and seven, 99 aged eight or nine and almost 400 between 10 and 12.

The figures came from 35 NHS trusts in England and were released as part of a Freedom of Information request.

Johanna Harrison is a recovering anorexic who was diagnosed at 15.

She said: "I had an emotional and negative relationship with food for a long time. I remember being secretive about eating at seven, eight and nine.


Look Into Their Eyes

People Crying, People Dying..The Truth Has Been Murdered

I Know They're All Lying..

It's All An Illusion, It's A Pre-Planned Deception

If You're A Non Believer Then You're An Exception

I Watch Them Suffer, I Watch Them Cry

I Have Seen Their Hopes...Their Happiness Die

My Sisters Tears Aren't Fake, She's Drowned In Devastation

My Eyes Fill With Tears..Watching This Manipulation

Baby Haniya Is Waiting For Mummy To Be Free

My Heart Breaks Watching Her Wait

Watching Her Wait So Patiently

A Mother Is Eagerly Waiting For Her Son

Innocent Abdullah...Six Years He's Been Gone

I Read It In The Papers, In The News..Everyday

That Innocence Is A Danger To Us In Every Way

But Brothers And Sisters You've Gotta Help Me Out

And This Is Why My Mummys A Hijabi :D

My Mummy Covers From Head To Toe

But Why She Does That, I Did Not Know

She Never Ever Shows Her Hair

What People Think She Does Not Care

Yesterday When She Came To Kiss Me Goodnight

I Asked Her The Reason, She Said With Delight

The Hijab Is What Makes Me Free

Makes Me Feel That I Can Be Me

The Hijab Is My Protector, My Corrector, My Pride

It Embellishes The Feeling That ALLAH Is By My Side

Its A Barrier For Lustful Eyes, It Separates Me From Sin

It Helps Me To Appreciate This Beautiful World I'm In

My Little Princess This World Is Not What It Seems You Shall Learn

With This Perfected Hijab, A Respected Identity You Shall Earn

When People Look At You, A Pure Muslimah They Shall See

A Woman With Self Respect, A Woman Like Me

The Rights Of Children

Q. So much is said these days about the rights parents have over their children, but what rights do children have over their parents and what protections and duties do their parents owe them?

A. In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and Merciful.

As with all humans, each person has some sort of rights, and children are no exception. Children are an Amana (trust) which are given to parents to look after and bring up with the best of their abilities. If brought up correctly, children are a joy and their blessings bring sustenance, mercy and an abundance of reward.

Allah says: ‘Wealth and Sons are allurements (joys) of the life of this world…’[Quran 18:46]
