
All Terrorists are Muslims… Except the 94% that Aren’t

I am not a fan of loonwatch or their methods of debate, but I liked this title. Disclaimer: It is about the US of A.

CNN recently published an article entitled Study: Threat of Muslim-American terrorism in U.S. exaggerated; according to a study released by Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “the terrorist threat posed by radicalized Muslim-Americans has been exaggerated.”

Muslim MP: security profiling at airports is 'price we have to pay'

A Muslim MP has opened up divisions within the Islamic community by saying it is reasonable for Muslims to be singled out for extra airport security measures following the Detroit bomb attempt.

Khalid Mahmood, the Labour MP for Birmingham Perry Barr, said it had become necessary to 'profile' passengers from certain racial and religious groups in order to weed out possible terror suspects.

He said: "I think most people would rather be profiled than blown up. It wouldn't be victimisation of an entire community.

Read more @ Telegraph

Taliban declare war on all of pakistan

I think someone forgot to tell them that killing innocents, women and children is haraam.

Blasts rock Pakistan university

Two suicide bombers have killed at least four people at a university in the Pakistani capital Islamabad.

At least 18 people were wounded in the twin blasts at the International Islamic University.

The attack is the first since the Pakistani army began its offensive against militants in South Waziristan, in the country's north-west.

In a telephone call to the BBC, a senior Taliban commander has claimed his movement was behind the bombings.

Qari Hussain, the man reportedly responsible for training Pakistani Taliban suicide bombers, said his organisation now considered all of Pakistan to now be a war zone.

Misconceptions about Islam


A recording of The Revival's "Let's Talk Show" from 14 September 2008 where Shaykh Ibrahim Ossi Effa is bombarded with questions about Islam mainly on topics where there are misconceptions held either within the Muslim community or by Non Muslims.

Questions were asked and answered on many topics mainly focussing on:

  1. The Qur'an
  2. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him)
  3. Violence and terrorism
  4. Women's rights

A few other questions were sprinkled in for good measure.

Three guilty of airline bomb plot

Three men have been found guilty of plotting to kill thousands of people by blowing up planes flying from London to America with home-made liquid bombs.

A Woolwich Crown Court jury convicted Abdulla Ahmed Ali, 28, Tanvir Hussain, 28, and Assad Sarwar, 29, of conspiring to activate bombs disguised as drinks.

Four other men were found not guilty of involvement in the suicide bomb plot.

The men's arrests in August 2006 led to new airport restrictions on liquids and brought chaos to travellers.

Are all terrorists Muslims?

Further discourse with members of Casuals United:

"Its a fact that whilst not all muslims are terrorists, All terrorists these days are muslims so why does the so called peace loving religion stamp it out?"

erm.. you need to get yourself some figures. Muslim terorism accounts for probably less than one % of all terrorism related activity in Europe - "Know your enemy"

Know your enemy

Why isn’t the trial of a man charged with preparing for terror attacks using tennis-ball bombs being reported? He’s not a bearded Muslim

Imagine, for a moment, that Neil Lewington, who is on trial at the Old Bailey for preparing for a “campaign of terrorism” using tennis-ball bombs, was a British Muslim. The story would be splashed across the front page of every newspaper in Britain, and Sky News would be rolling a loop of images of his scowling, bearded, dark face.

Israel Using Human Shields

EDIT - these videos are old stuff and not related to the current conflict in Gaza. We have no idea what is happening now as foreign journalists are not allowed in. However, Beast does link to something further down the page about Humans shields being used in the current conflict too.


Another video on the same issue after the break.

