Man United
92% (206 votes)
Man City
1% (2 votes)
0% (1 vote)
0% (0 votes)
1% (3 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
West Brom
0% (0 votes)
0% (1 vote)
West Ham
0% (1 vote)
Other - Which?
5% (11 votes)
Total votes: 225
lol what's with the silly options? I guess you'll be able to tell if someone voted for the sake of voting.
I voted Man Utd but I don't think it's all quite over yet, especially as Utd have to still face the top teams whilst City get easier matches.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Silly options = The last few teams that are most likely not going to make it lol. I just felt i shouldn't be TOO biased and atleast give those teams a bit of a chance since they've made it into the top 11 atleast.
whats so islamic about this
This site is for Muslim youth to air the opinions on more than the obvious Islamic stuff.
A better question is what's so UNIslamic about this?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
unececsessary chat occuring between the 2 gender is harram now whats so islamic about this
youth are prone to freemixing and creating things that are making it easier leads to it and im not reffering to kissing hugging and all that for zina comes in different forms the zina of the tongue eyes hands feets ears and others this falls in under the zina of the tongue
Verse No. 53 of Surat al-Ahzab, or the Confederates (Interpretation of the meaning); "...for anything ye want, ask them from before a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs..."
In explaining this Verse, Ibn Kathir (May Allaah have mercy on him) said: "Meaning, as I forbade you to enter their rooms, I forbid you to look at them at all. If one wants to take something from a woman, one should do so without looking at her. If one wants to ask a woman for something, the same has to be done from behind a screen."
also their is a hadith in which muhammad saw saw a sahaba ra and a sahabiah ra chatting jsut general chat their was no sign of desire between the 2 and when muhammad saw saw this he told both of them to go home and not to do this again
so it doesnt matter if it leads to greater evil or not chit chat between the 2 gender must not be done in any forms and a discussion between the 2 gender that is needed then even then many things has to be done first
and last i checked talking about football isnt a necessity is it sister
muhammad saw didnt sit and talk to the sahabia ra about wrestling or games
No one asked you to participate did they?
Also it's a poll, you don't need to talk to people to have your say.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), “Whoever among you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand [by taking action]; if he cannot, then with his tongue [by speaking out]; and if he cannot, then with his heart [by hating it and feeling that it is wrong] – and that is the weakest of faith” (Narrated by Muslim, 49)
i am doing it for the sake of allah for also my own benefit would i rather be ina position in front of allah that i did nothing good in life or be in a situation in which i have no good to say
still unnecessary
being on this site is unnecessary
Is there a particular reason why you chose this topic to give that message not any of the other unnecessary topics?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Since when is discussing sports an 'evil action'? (rhetorical question). PS Utd will win. Citys hearts just not in it this year >:(
And didnt the Prophet (pbuh) take part in sports? Didnt he used to have races with his wife, Aisha (ra)?
And as you can clearly see, this is a message board. Not singles night at your local. If thats what you're into may i direct you to the halal option of ... if not my auntie Parveen hooks people up too. She could find you a wicked wife (call me...)
There is no intermixing of the sexes here... unless you're saying you think the girls find my typing sexy. Which would be understandable as i do use the Arial font and all sorts of smileys
Incase you cant tell im being sarcastic... yes i know its not mature but it makes me laugh and in the end is that not whole point of this?... the answer is yes.
Because if this place and other places like it didnt exist then there would be even more clueless muslim youths out there. Which seems rather grim anyway you slice it mate. Can we assume these kids will educate themselves and attend circles and go to islamic academys? Or learn something from their parents about Islam? I rather doubt it.
Therefore res ipsa loquitur tabula in naufragio the forum is the lessor of the two evils. Im sure theres a hadith to that affect too. I wont bother cutting and pasting it, you seem like a knowledgeable fellow im sure you know what im on about.
Back in BLACK
Sorry, what are we talking about here? Funnily enough i thought Abu was gong to start off something silly, and i wake up to find that exactly happening!
If you feel that this is not the place for you and you dislike everything, then i URGE you to leave and begin thinking of ways to make the Muslim Youth listen to your method of getting-the-message-across and of having discussions which can be general or Islam based.
Islam was and never should be about being extremely strict. Islam is about moderation. Sports are encouraged. Football is something that the Muslim Youth might be into. You need to understand that first and foremost.
Haters out, yeah?
theirs nothing wrong with sports but men women talking about it is the problem watching is another scenario
muhammad saw did allow women to watch some entertainment like sword displays and nasheed but he also said as soon as any emotion comes leave
but in regards to talking whether their is desire or not it is not allowed only in neccesity it was allowed
Once the Prophet (peace be upon him) saw men and women mixing together (talking) on the road upon their departure from the mosque. He said to the women: "Hold back a bit. You do not have to walk in the middle of the road. You may keep to the sides." The narrator of the hadith commented that after that time, women would come so close to the buildings that their dresses would sometime cling to the walls." Sunan Abi Dawud
you see how muhammad saw didnt even allow chit chats and ordered the women to stay on the sides and men on the center to make sure their is no chance for this to happen again
aisha ra and other sahabia ra may watch the sword display but they didnt go to sahaba ra and talk about it
when men would come to sahabia ra to ask question the sahabia ra would be behind curtains and talk to them and as soon as they would get their answer they would leave
dont crack a joke thats not even funny
and it is harram to look talk touch so text message forum its still harram
a men and women sending letters or messages is equally as dangerous othersie things like love letters or other nonsense wouldnt exist
as for looking for a wife looking for a wife in forums/this forum? yeah right
even in lesser of 2 evils when the time is right correct it
as for learning islam i learnt from my father so it is possible all those things even in forums it is possible but atleast keep it halal what benefit will they get if the halal is not even their
second never make the forum a primary form of learning make it secondary way of getting better explanation of things
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Any woman who puts on perfume then goes and passes by some men to let them find her scent is a type of adulteress." [Musnad Ahmad, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Abi Daw�d, and Sunan al-Nasa'i with a sound chain of transmission]
the prophet saw warned us about this mentality your showing
Abu Malik al-Ash’ari (Allah be pleased with him) reports that he heard the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) say: “There will appear people in my Ummah, who will hold adultery, silk, alcohol and musical instruments to be lawful” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Abu Malik al-Ash’ari (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Soon there will be people from my Ummah who will consume alcohol, they will change its name (by regarding it permissible. m), on there heads will be instruments of music and singing. Allah will make the ground swallow them up, and turn them into monkeys and swine” (Sahih Ibn Hibban & Sunan Ibn Majah, with a sound chain of narration).
today your saying be moderate with these things but their are people who are already in the level of saying its all halal muhammad saw was right
theirs noething wrong with playing sports what the problem is freemixing men and women talking about it is harram if you watch play sports do it but dont go around men talking about it thats the harram
its not the sports its the freemixing you are doing here talking freely with men about it thats harram
islam moderate is taken out of context muhammad saw used to give death penalty are you gonna say thats extreme
as for me being here
Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, say: “When any one of you sees anything that is disapproved (of by Allah), let him change it with his hand. If he is not able to do so, then let him change it with his tongue. And if he is not able to do so, then let him change it with his heart, though that is the weakest (kind of) faith.” [Muslim]
Speaking for myself and for most of the members here, i think that's exactly what we DO do. Forums are a place of giving opinions and sharing ideas. It's not as though we don't attend courses, SEGREGATED events, speeches and anything of that sort to LEARN and gain a better understanding of our religion and to bring us closer to Allah and His Messenger (PBUH). We already do that alongside being members of The Revival. Stop assuming that forums are the first place we turn to.
*Sigh* This poll was supposed to be about football.
that comment was not aimed at you was it so how about allowing the person i said this to to answer it
@abualabbasassaffah7: Would you like me to pick out the verse in Surah Baqarah which talks about the Muslims being a moderate nation? THAT is what i was talking about.
For your information and just to clarify a few things to you, stop trying to accuse me of making adultery and consuming alcohol, lawful and permissable, for i have done NOTHING of the sort.
Neither have i intended to make those things which are CLEARLY impermissable and wrong, into what IS allowed and lawful in Islam. Being moderate does NOT mean that you change Islamic rulings.
So what MENTALITY are you talking about? You've just proven to everyone here how good you are at taking things out of context and how you accuse others for what they have not done.
If you feel so strongly that the members here are freemixing, then i suggest you stop justifying YOUR permissablity of being here.
once upon a time there was a poll created, two girls commented on it and were discussing it in all lawful manner, then suddenly a boy came along and asked a question (im guessing directed at those particular two girls)
later on that very same boy said that talking to opposite sex is wrong.
and that boy is right btw, we shld reduce male-female unnecessary DIRECt interaction. but just because both genders are psoting on the same thread doesnt mean they're talking to each other. except if they are talking to each other.
and i dnt even like football.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
lets see i was talking about freemixing being harram and your saying we should be moderate now what will i conclude from this?
You've got it wrong agaaaaain. Scroll up and take a look at that paragraph. What exactly was i referring to when i talked about being moderate? Sports. Yes sports. Not freemixing.
I think i should begin to ignore you.
who on earth was talking about sports being harram so again when did i say sports is harram i was reffering to freemixing all along
uneccesary chit chat between men and women
Why are you replying to me then?
Stick to your own words.
because you started the whole mess so needed to clear things up
Seems like everyone has their hope in United over here!
The poll isn't about support - with just a quarter of the season to go it is just very unlikely that United will drop a 12 point lead. Even my friends who are ardent supporters of other teams including City acknowledge this. (In fact I am always the one saying to them that anything can happen and often does, but in this case 12 points is a massive lead.)
It seems very doubtful that any element of Nani's attempt to control a high ball was intended to harm Arbeloa or even to tackle him, so if Arbeloa ran into a dangerously high foot when Nani couldn't see him coming, it is a very harsh decision to send him off. If Nani's high foot shouldn't be allowed that surely has wider implications for football and would rule out some very skillful play including bicycle kicks. Having said which, I think the ref and his assistants saw Nani raise his foot that high in a very fast game and it did Arbeloa some damage, so I don't think they can be blamed too much.
It would have been nice if United on home turf had been able to overcome Real even with 10 men or before it came to that. That's my disappointment. I don't agree with Mourinho that we played better. His respect for Ferguson masks a bit of braggery (ie "you should see us on a good day!"). Can't really begrudge them the win.
Before the match I thought Real would win, I mean I know Utd are in form but I wasn't that confident they could *Real*- who'd just beat Barca twice in one week! But I kept those thoughts to myself and knew it'd be a tight, exciting game nonetheless.
But then they started playing and SAF's decision to leave out Rooney seemed to be working, all the tactics were working. Giggs was brilliant at stopping Ronaldo and well everyone was playing great football until the red card. Real didn't look like they would win before Nani got sent off, that was a real game changer. I know it would've been great if Utd still won with 10 men but I think the players and everyone was just shocked and that led them to making the defensive mistakes, perhaps if it wasn't such harsh decision they may have recovered. Almost everyone - utd supporter or not, agreed it *was* extremely harsh and should've been a yellow! Utd still gave it their all though, but with Modric coming on and Real changing a bit, it was too much for Utd and yes in the end Real did get the better of them - only with the ref's help! I think the referee ruined a great game and would've felt better if Utd had been *truly* outclassed as I expected before the game.
The atmosphere at Old Trafford seemed amazing. I only recently noticed how relatively quiet it usually is over there, but the fans were so loud on Tuesday!
Lol people are saying Mourinhio said the best team lost because he wants the Utd job. He'd have to wait a while for it though! Him being humble sounds/looks strange
After the game my friend was joking she'd burn his autobiography and portrait that she has lol, but I couldn't hate on him! He was visibly very emotional and in the interview he was saying how he was "shy" in his game and sad for Utd to go out
I know if it was any other team, he'd be overjoyed, skidding on the pitch and everything!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
not to be hypocritte even i atch football but reality is:
Is it permissible to watch football (soccer) games on television?
Is it allowed to women to watch football games on Television ?.
Praise be to Allaah.
Football games that are shown on television include a number of things that are contrary to sharee‘ah:
· In most cases -- if not all -- it may come under the category of gambling and betting which are haraam.
· They involve uncovering of ‘awrahs, mixing of men and women and listening to musical instruments.
In addition to that, they are a waste of time, which is spent on something that is not beneficial and distracts one from that which is more beneficial to him in religious and worldly terms.
As that is the case, the Muslim, whether male or female, should not preoccupy himself with that. He should keep himself busy with useful things that will benefit him in this world and in the Hereafter.
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked: What is the ruling on watching sports tournaments such as the World Cup and so on?
They replied: Football matches that are played for money and similar prizes are haraam, because that is gambling. It is not permissible to accept a prize except in things that sharee‘ah has deemed permissible, namely racing horses and camels, and competing in archery. Based on that, going to matches is haraam and so is watching them [on TV], for the one who knows that they are being played for a prize, because going to them implies approval of them.
But if the match is not for a prize and does not distract one from what Allah has enjoined, such as prayer and the like, and it does not involve anything that is contrary to sharee‘ah, such as uncovering ‘awrahs, mixing of men and women or musical instruments, there is nothing wrong with that or with watching it. End quote.
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 15/238
Shaykh Ibn Jibreen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: What is the ruling on women watching football matches for entertainment and to support a team?
He replied:
It is not permissible to watch matches, as the players are usually not dressed properly and some of the thighs show, or the awrah may be outlined by the clothes, and that is a fitnah for women. If the aim is to relax, then that may be done by remembering Allah, reciting Qur’aan, and reading books of hadeeth, fiqh and ahkaam. End quote from the website of Shaykh Ibn Jibreen.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: What is the ruling on watching football matches that are shown on television?
He replied:
What I think is that watching matches that are shown on television and other events is a waste of time; a smart and wise man would not waste his time with such matters that bring no benefit at all.
This applies if it is free of other evils; if it is accompanied by other evils, such as if the viewer begins to venerate a kaafir player for example, then it is undoubtedly haraam, because it is not permissible for us to venerate the kuffaar at all, no matter how far they have advanced. It is also haraam if the thighs of young men appear, which may result in fitnah. So the correct view in my opinion is that it is not permissible for young men when they play football to let their thighs show, because that involves fitnah, even according to the view that the thigh is not ‘awrah. So I do not think that young men should ever show their thighs. If we say that the thigh is ‘awrah, which is a well-known view of the madhhab of Imam Ahmad, then the matter is clear: it is not permissible in any case.
What I advise our brothers to do is to make good use of their time, for time is the most precious of wealth. End quote.
And Allah knows best.
Islam Q&A