In This Issue:

Now if you had a massive migraine and went to your GP and he gave you foot cream for the cure you’d probably think he's either lost the plot or a dodgy geezer who's really a plumber but only got the job coz his dad owns the surgery!

By Alveena Salim
You've been through uni, you've got your education out the way, you don't fancy anyone and the chances of meeting someone have become increasingly slim so you've agreed to go through the meat market and meet a number of eligible bachelors/bachelorettes personally hand-picked by your parents. And in this incredibly socially awkward get together, in presence of your nearest and dearest over a cup of PG tips, you have to decide whether or not you can spend the rest of your life with the one introduced to you by your parents. No pressure eh?
By Alveena Salim
By Fatima Khonat
So there we were, doing all those laborious tasks the Editor had demanded us to do when only one of the most talented Nasheed artists walked into the media room. Hearts pulsing and trying to keep the ecstatic smiles hidden of our faces we managed to grab a few words with him...without leaving him thinking of The Revival team as freaks.

By Shaykh Salim Ghisa
The rule for contraception is different depending on the type of contraception used.
The basic ruling for contraception identifies two types:
1) Permanent Contraception
2) Temporary Contraception
1) Permanent Contraception
Any permanent form of contraception such as permanent sterilisation, the removal of ovaries, vasectomy etc is not permissible unless there is a risk of serious illness or death if it is not performed. The reasons for this are as follows: A person is taking an unnecessary risk to their health by having such an operation or procedure.
A person is permanently changing the nature of the body from what Allah has created.
By Sajid Iqbal & Irfan Jalil
Jamal bumps in to Ali at the local Job Centre...
Jamal: Salaam Ali, you lookin depressed what's up bro?
Ali: What's Up?! The bills and rent that’s what’s up!
Jamal: What do you mean?
Ali: Jam I got bills to pay, rent to pay, food to buy and that's the easy bit... me aint got no Benjamins to buy any gear!
Jamal: Gear? But you don't even have a car?
Ali: Nah, nah man. I mean GEAR... you know what I mean Jam!
Jamal: Oh Gear! Astagfirullah! I thought you stopped all that and what's with your priorities, you are putting drugs before food.

By Irfan Jalil
For the past year and a bit the world has been going through a financial crisis. People have been unable to pay back debts that they owed and now there is less money going around in the world economy. Businesses are going bust. Prices are getting higher and higher. Banks are running out of money and people are losing their jobs. This is leading to a global economic meltdown.

By Zulfi Bukhari
Are you angry at the media coverage about Islam?
Imagine right now that you are a non-Muslim who knows nothing about Islam. Most of the information you receive about Islam is through the media and over 90% of this is negative. What would you eventually start to think about Islam and Muslims? You would start to think they are a bunch of hate-filled extremists who are a threat to Britain, your children and the world at large. This image would slowly chip away at the tolerance in your brain and you would eventually want to destroy that threat. Yes you would.

By Oldham Community Health Services
The Hookah also known as Shisha has been used to smoke tobacco for about 400 years. It has various other names, one being a water pipe.
It exists in a variety of sizes, shapes and designs. The tobacco used can have one of many different flavours. It is burned using glowing charcoal. The smoke produced is passed though water before being inhaled using a mouthpiece attached to a flexible tube.
Many users believe that smoking tobacco in this way is less harmful than using cigarettes.
This isn’t true.
Using a Hookah/Shisha often happens in a group. Everyone shares the same mouthpiece. This can lead to the spread of diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), herpes, hepatitis and other viruses.

By Irfan Jalil
Islamic finance is a system of monetary trade based on the Islamic principles and jurisprudence. It seeks to create wealth based on partnership and fairness with risks and profits being shared. Islamic finance, believe it or not, is worth £250bn worldwide. So, clearly, there's a buck to be made. And it's not just about mortgages – multi-million pound global businesses based in Muslim countries increasingly want to base their trade on Islamic principles. Recently, two Kuwaiti companies bought Aston Martin using Sharia-compliant finance.

By Oldham Community Health Services
“Trance†is the name given to any state of mind in which a person has a narrow focus of attention. Typically, in the trance state, the subject is very relaxed, has a quiet mind and is aware of what is going on. In the state of trance (altered state of conscious awareness), the subject is provided with powerful hypnotic suggestions which act as a healing therapy for the individual. Contrary to common belief, there is nothing stopping the person from being able to reject any suggestion or awaken at any time -- unless the subject believes otherwise.

Select messages received by the Editor
Salaam Alaykum I hope that you are well, Inshallah. I just wanted to congratulate you on your magazine. I love your mag. I cannot put it down. Alhamdullilah, I have benefited a lot from it. I have managed to get hold of the Sep/Oct edition and I love it. I love the previous issue too when you interviewed 786, they are my favourite nasheed artists so I loved the interview. Hope you make more magazines. My dua's are with you. Saima Arshad
Hi there,

There are many words we read and hear but aren’t too sure what they mean. So The Revival attempts to define some Islamic terms used in this issue... Alim/Alimah – a man/woman of knowledge, a scholar, especially in the sciences of Islam.
Fiqh – the science of the application of the Sharia. A practitioner or expert in Fiqh is called a Faqih.
Fard al-'ayn - an individual obligation.
Fard al-kifaya - a collective obligation, something which is obligatory for the community as a whole and is satisfied if one adult performs it. Ghiba – backbiting, slander, mentioning anything about a person that they would dislike to hear, even if it is true.

By Irfan Jalil
This is an online exclusive article added to the website for Issue 14.
From the death of Jesus and World War I to the death of Tupac and 9/11, Jews get the blame for anything that goes wrong and everything that is bad. It's as if they control the world and whatever they say goes. All perfectly plausible you might think. But this idea that a group of people secretly plot major events and manipulate political happenings from behind the scenes is called a conspiracy theory.
My journey to Egypt was the first time I had ever set foot in an Islamic country, and because I had recently become a Muslim, I went there with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
Would it live up to my expectations or was I in for a horrible let-down? Arabs are famous for their generosity and hospitality, but I’d also been told scare-stories of tourists who’d been duped into being parted with their money. I travelled with two brothers: one Malaysian and one Filipino.
Exactly what i said...
Back in BLACK
Not everybody, just me.
Unless by 'everybody' you meant 'everybody who is cool', in which case you were correct in your assumption.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Who's that?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
No idea.
@ weds - send him a list of questions. if he answers, put them as a blog post. Job done.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
wow seven months since the last issue...PATHETIC! when is the next issue out...Ur gna b losing audience...no1 will b intrested nymore....If u cnt manage then dont do it!...SEVEN MONTHS SINCE THE LAST ISSUE ITS JUS PATHETIC!!!
have patience
it will come eventually
The Revival is a free magazine that costs you nothing and most people who recieve it have it placed into their hands by another individual. I think it is safe to assume that neither the readership nor the audience will evaporate - the market of "free" works a little differently.
EDIT - replaced original post with a new one with much less sarcasm.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Would now be a good time to suggest
Being renamed to 'donate'?
Otherwise there might be people who would have a legitimate claim to get their money back.
I met someone at IslamExpo who said he'd subscribed years before (with cash) at some event and had never received a single magazine to his house.
He was told to donate again - rather than get a free subscription to apologise.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Sounds like a wise move. Maybe you should contact shaid with the idea.
From what I have been told, all subscriptions/payments through other means are also on hold and actively monitored too, so there should be no such problems here.
interesting. once again something to take up with the powers that be.
(my post was just to suggest that a free magazine has no rights to fulfil to random people. If on the other hand money has been exchanged, that is a different thing.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
EMEL's pages are *bunrning* people.
Wait for their September edition