Assalámu `alaykum wa rahmatulláhi wa barakátuhu .

I pray that you are under the shade of Allah's mercy, in the
circle of his generosity and in the remembrance of his habib

We would like to invite you to the following:


Islamic Circles Presents:


By Imam Kalam Ahmed
(Prisoner Chaplain HMP Brixton, Graduate of Dar-Uloom Bury)*

And Presentation & Appeal by Muslim Youth Network*

Date: Sunday 16th October 2005
Time: 11am - 1pm
Venue: Froud Centre, Romford Road, Manor Park, London E12 5JF

According to current statistics Muslims make up nearly 10%
of the prison population, more than 3 times their representation
in the wider population.

Following on last years successful campaign over 1,000 Eid
Gift boxes were delivered to Youth Offending Institutes up
and down the country. The response from both the Prisoners
and Muslim Chaplains was overwhelming, and certainly had us
all holding back our tears. An example is as follows:

“Dear Muslim youth, I would like to thank you for helping
me to have a happy Eid and I like to thank you for the gifts.
So THANKS, even though I’m in prison I still enjoyed myself.
I would like you to know that you’ve gave me my first Quran
and I’m so grateful”–(17 Year Old Prisoner, Huntercombe) "

This year we would like to double the number to over 2,000
Muslim Youth Offenders (brothers and sisters) who will be
spending their Eid alone and in prison. This year’s campaign
will also work towards raising awareness of the support services
and rehabilitation programmes that are available to support
ex-offenders on their release, alongside encouraging members
of the Muslim community to get involved in volunteering
opportunities within the Prison service and associated
statutory and voluntary sector agencies.

Inshallah Imam Kalam Ahmed will explain his experiences
with Muslim youth offenders, their requirements
and issues post release.

*Imam Kalam Ahmed graduated as a Muslim scholar in 1990 having
studied Arabic literature and poetry, Islamic jurisprudence,
translation and classical interpretations of The Holy Quraan
and Prophetic Traditions over six years followed by memorisation
of the Quraan. He was appointed as an Imam in North London and
thereafter in South London. He has lectured on Islam at various
events and has also played an important part in building better
inter-faith relations in the community. From 1997, he taught
Islamic Studies and Arabic language at primary and secondary
level for six years. In 2003 he became a chaplaincy volunteer
at Brixton prison and was later appointed as the full time
Muslim Chaplain (Imam) there. At the prison, he contributes
to Drug Strategy, Safer Custody, Diversity and Race Relations
as well as conducting chaplaincy work and advising on Islamic issues.

*Muslim is Britain's first guidance and support channel
for Muslim youth.

To find out more about the campaign or to get involve,
this presentation and appeal will be extremely beneficial,
so your attendance is important.Yes,Sunday mornings are
important but Ramadan is not a month of sleeping but a month
a reward and 'it takes just 60 seconds to make someones Ramadhan'.


Buses: 25, 147, 86
Nearest Tube: East Ham (District Line)
Nearest Rail: Manor Park (From Liverpool St)


Road: From the A406 (North Circular), turn off at Ilford and go
towards Central London along the A118(Romford Road). The Froud
Centre is located on the 4th intersection on the right.

Rail: Come out of Manor Park station onto Station Road. Cross over,
turn right and walk to the main traffic lights. Turn left at this
junction onto Romford Road. Walk 300 metres up the road. The Froud
Centre is located on the 5th intersection on the left.

Tube: Come out of East Ham station, cross over to the opposite side
and catch the 147 bus. Ask the driver to drop you off on Romford
Road near the petrol station. When you exit the bus turn left
and walk 100 metres up the road. The Froud Centre will be on your right.

For more details contact:
Tel: 07092 032 136 / 07092 032 763


Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

- Islamic Circles is a community-based initiative that has been running
at the Froud Centre since January 2001. We hold Islamic lectures and
Arabic classes on a weekly basis, and also organise a wide range of
projects and activities, including short courses, seminars, workshops
on issues relevant to the Muslim community, social gatherings,
and matrimonial events.