There seem to be a few topics discussing the old forums.
Bring the discussion here.
for the people who have never been to the old forums:
I gotta say there seems to have been a better breadth of topics. And more peaceful...
What do we mean by "more peaceful" "less argumentive" and "more sectarian"
Out of curiosity... any explicit examples?
What about the guests problem - if we opened the forum back up to guests would it have an effect?
peacefullness is all probably rose tinted spectacles...
The old forums also had their sectarian spats.
However there I did not get involved. I just killed the discussion instead of giving answers.
Less argumentative? I dunno...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
[size=26]5 Days to go[/size]
for my first Revival birthday!
I think the old forum had a better balance, there only used to be a heated discussion once in a while and not all the time, it was mostly lighthearted conversation, but it was less active that why it avoided choas like this forum is sometimes. Plus in the old forum when a old member used to leave, another good new member would come along, that is still the case, but there normally another 10 immature members also come along.
I had a look at the old forum a little while ago and out of teh 19 pages of thread there was only 20-30 decent topic really, that could have been blamed on the guest being allowed to start topics. But surprisingly the quality of topic in this new forum ain't that good either. :?
The only difference i really seen is when i first started to post, i didn't think there was a accepted view, everyone seem to hold different views, I sometime start to think nowaday, it is really each too his own group. It feel like everyone got their crew on here. Plus, being here for a while all the establish posters have become predictable too me, i can kind of predict what they going to say, what jokes they going to pull out with and everything along that line. But it still the coolest islamic forum on the internet and that is due to the character of the posters.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Looks like yuit misses it a lot! Its tru old forums had that "interestin" factor to it, the debates were more in depth and the old members who have now left had a lot to contribute..
Maybe the problem lies with us leavin our old forum :evil:
Nah at time this new forum is much better and funnier then the old forum ever was, plus u didn't have members like Hayder and all the other members plus peopel like admin didn't even post much then. It right you do tend to look back with rose tinted glasses. But I do miss annoying Shabs about how rubbish United were, i could tell i used to get too her, the poor lass probably left because she couldn't handle Geirgy rubbing it in all the time. Plus aphro and latifah post used to get to the point straight away in their messages. But things are obviously going to change, because it be funny, if this place was called Voice of the muslim youth and it had all of us still posting as 40-50 years old.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
i have a funny feeling.....give it a few and my kids will all be posting at the same time!!
look back at the past and appreciate the good times, but you cant dwell on it so much that you hold onto it forever.
move with the times, if the forum isnt as good........MAKE IT GOOD!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I think there only a finite number of good topics that can be discussed.
and they will always get drowned out by the cruft.
I agree with Yuit.
We should not come into a subject with our minds made up, and just give it to the dif opinion.
Its give and take. discuss you opinions... and actually learn aswell...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I forgot to put this up this morning...
[size=26]4 Days to go[/size]
fo my 1st Revival birthday!
ok ok calm down ya big baby!
your only going to be one? I have been on longer than that been 1.5 yrs....
But you've not been sad enough the celebrate the 1 year milestone.
BTW y'all better be getting those cyber-prezies ready.
I got one for you already
its a surprise but its just for that day only!
Can't wait.
[color=white][size=5]Bet it'll be something silly. [/size][/color]
fine then, i wont give u no prezzie, ungrateful boy!! :evil:
I will await with high expectations.
You never got to me, and you never annoyed me.
This is because I am always right when it comes to the football, and I know so, so your opinion does not count. for Georgy...if I could've, I would've came on here when we beat them and totally rubbed it in. Tho' I couldn't.
Still might though!
And I could do so for when they lost to Betis and Charlton. (CC hup holders are no longer in the comp...great! oh, and nor are the finalists! even better.)
Nuff of the footie.
I haven't seen much of this new forum, but it looks like the old one pretty much (cept some changes in the members, oh and threads). we've got some loons on here from what I've seen.
This place wouldn't be the same without them though!