Salaam y'all!
So if you've checked out the Happy blog (if you haven't what u waiting for?!) you'll see that the title of this blog is the same as one of the books I got from the bookshop. I've started reading it and Im liking what Im seeing so far. Sooo I was thinking...I should be posting on revvy as I'm reading it so that you can get some good out of it as well inshAllah.
ATTENTION!: Dear ladies and gents
It has come to my attention....nah, I kid, I kid. What I really want to say is that after looong and hard deliberating, I have indeedy decided to break this thread into part! Can I hear a woot, woot?
So if you've just started reading this thread, look out for the other parts, they will be numbered..1, 2, 3..ya get the idea. If ya dont..really should do something about that. Ok, I think that is it from me, happy reading!
August 1st - Chapter 2: The Types of Du'a
(I left out chapter one because it's very basic, I didn't see the need)
4. With Respect to What is Asked (sub section in book)
The actual du'a can be categorised in many different ways depending on which perspective one looks from.
So it is possible to divide what is asked for into 2 categories: matters pertaining to religion and matters pertaining to the world.
Another way to categorise what is asked for is by examining the benefit or harm it caused. So, it is possible to state that the entire du'a of all creation centres around four pillars:
1) Asking for a good to continue existimg and not be taken away (health, wealth)
2) Ask for a good that is desired
3) Ask for an evil that exist to be taken away
4) Ask for an evil that does not exist to be averted
All these for types of du'a are found in Surah Al-Imran verses 193-194
"Our Lord! Forgive us our sins, and remit us from our evil deeds(no.3), and cause us to die in a state of righteousness(no 1). Our Lord! Grant us what you promised us through Your messengers(no 2), and do not disgrace us on the Day of Judgement, for You never break Your promise(no 4)
Note: I havent copied the section down word for word cos thats just long but I hope u can still understand. So inshAllah Ill be updating it every so often. stay tuned
August 2nd - Chapter 3: The Excellence and Benefits of Du'a (I'll be writing the date so you can see what bit I've added everytime)
7. Du'a is the Only Cause of Allah's Concern for Us
Were it not for the fact thst mankind makes du'a to Allah, Allah would not care about creation. This fact, in and of itself, is sufficient to make a person realise the importance of du'a. Allah states in the Quran
"Say(Oh Muhammad): My Lord only pasy attention to you because of your du'a to Him. But now you have indeed rejected (Him), so the (torment) will be yours permanently"-Surah al Furqan.
One of the authorities of the salaf (early generation of muslims) said: "It has reached me that the meaning of this verse is: I have not created you because you because I have a need for you, I have only created you so that you may ask Me, so I will forgive you and give you what you may ask".
8. Dua is an
-Indication of Allah's Generosity:
The prophet(saw) said: "When one of you wishes for something, then let him increase(his wishes) for verily he is asking his Lord, the Most Exalted and High".
Ubadh ibn Samit reports that the prophet(saw) said: "There is no muslim on the face of the earth that asks Allah for anything, except that Allah gives it to him, or averts from him a similar evil, as long as he does not ask for something evil or for breaking the ties of kinship".
-Repels Allah's anger:
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the prophet(saw) said: " Verily the person who does not ask Allah, Allah gets angry at him". Concerning this hadith, one of the poets versified "Allah gets angry if you stop asking Him and the son of Adam, when he is asked, gets angry!"
-Is a sign of humility
"And you Lord has said:Make du'a to Me, I will respond to You. For whoever is (too) haughty(and arrogant) to worship Me will enter the Fire of Hell, in a state of humiliation." - Surah Ghafir
I could have added more but Ill be keeping it short and sweet me thinks so as not to overburden you with pages and pages of text. Might stick more as well tht way.
August 4th
11. Du'a is a Cause of Being Saved from the Fire
If a person leaves du'a then he as left worhipping Allah. Aisha(ra) asked the prophet(saw) about a person who used to do good, but did not accept Islam. She said "O Messenger of Allah! Ibn Jud'an used to, in the days of Jahiliya, take care of his relatives,and feed the poor. Will(his actions) be of any benefit to him?"
So the prophet(saw)responded: "No,O Aisha! For never did he say: O Allah! Forgive me my sins ont he day of Judgement. So in this hadith, the prophet(saw) equated not accepting Islam with leaving du'a
12. Leaving Du'a is a Sign of Laziness
The prophet(saw) said: "The most incapable(or lazy) person is he who does not make du'a, and the most miserly is he who does not give salam."
13. Du'a is the Only Act that Repels Predestination
The prophet(saw)stated: "Nothing repels predestination(qadr) except du'a."
In other words, it is possible that a certain misfortune has been decreed for a person, yet, because the sincerity and quality of his du'a, Allah will repel that misfortune from him and change this decree.
14. Du'a is the Only Act that Changes Predestination
Not only does du'a repel a future misfortune that might befall a person, it also changes and removes a current calamity and misfortune. The prophet(saw) stated: "Caution will not be of any benefit against predestination, but du'a benefits(matters) that have occured and that are (yet) to occur. And indeed, du'a meets with a calamity, and fights it until the Day of Judgement"
18. The Reward of Du'a is Guaranteed
Jabir ibn 'Abdillah stated that the prophet(saw) said:
"There is no person who asks Allah for anyhting except that Allah gives it to him, or keeps away from him a similar evil, as long as he does not ask for something evil or fro breaking the ties of kinship". At this, a person said to the prophet(saw): "In that case, we will ask for plenty!" The prophet(saw) responded: "Allah(is even) more plentiful!"
Allah has taken upon Himself a promise to respond to the du'a of every person who asks Him as long as they fulfill the conditions of du'a.
20. Du'a is a Sign of Brotherhood
One of the du'as that had been guaranteed a response is the du'a that a muslim makes for his muslim brother in his absence.
22. Du'a is a Cure for All Diseases
Diseases are of 2 types. Physical and spiritual. Spiritual diseases can be subdivided into diseases of doubt and desires. Du'a is the cure for all of these diseases, by asking Allah to cure him of physical affliction or by turning to Allah in regards to spiritual diseases.
23. Du'a Makes a Person More Optimistic
When a person makes du'a, he finds in this du'a a way out of the way of the problems hes facing. His spirits are lifted and and he is optimistic about his situation, increasing his trust in Allah's mercy
24> Du'a Opens up a Dialogue with the Creator
A person who makes du'a sincerely open up a new 'relationship' with Allah that did nor exist before his du'a.A person remembers that his sins that prevent the du'a being responded to, so he repents to Allah and changes his life.
Ibn al-Qayyim writes: " Sometimes, I have a certain need(that I wish to ask Allah), so I ask Him earnestly. Then I find that the door of dialogue opens up for me and I recognise Allah more(become more aware of Him), and feel humbled before him, due to which I prefer that the answer to my prayer be delayed, so that this state may continue." (really liked this)
see..this is where using BLOGPOST come in handy.
and you're kinda making notes on a talk arent ya? "i dont get it why people make notes"
i joke i joke. my Quran teacher told us to do that, read a book and make notes. there's no point reading a book just like that coz you'll only get a small amount out of it. whereas writing stuff down helps. alot.
so i've been reading this AMAZZZZZZIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGg book called 3patience and gratitude" by Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah. and making notes on it.
when making notes, just imagine you're going to use these to teach someone else. that helps to sort out what to include and leave out. (you're not rewriting the book, just making NOTES)
what am i talking about... i need to pray witr and sleep...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
It's probably copyrighted as well
But thanks for thinking of us
I look forward to the next bit being on here 
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
So id be breaking some law if I DID copy it down word for word? lol!
and u should 
ur welcome
@Lills I get why people write notes now. Wish I had now. but im thinking whilst im writing things down ill be missing whats being said next :/
edit: are u gonna be blogging about ur book on revvy? I think u should.
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
I have that problem :/ Your uni lecture-note skills should be helpful here lol
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi! Ill try it and see how it goes. no harm in trying (hopefully). I wouldnt mind recording it. some people at uni do tht. something to consider I guess.
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
recording is good. you can pause it whhen they go to fast. but you can also make notes by listening to a whole chunck then making a summarizing note.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Really liked this one as i'm trying to be more optimistic and to look at the positive side of things more often no matter what the situation is.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Glad ya did and thats great mashAllah
. Same here actually. Not that I was a pessimist, but u can never be optimistic enough. Especially the last couple of months Ive experienced the 'theres always someones worse off' quite a few times. InshAllah well be fiiine! (see its working already
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Exactly the way i've been thinking in recent weeks
and when you happen to be in a bad situation just think alhamdulillah it could be worse. i could be in Somalia starving but i'm not and i have nothing to worry about compared to them. It makes your day so much better and the blessings you do have just seem to stand out.
Jazakallah khair for sharing
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
dude...its becoming too something..break it up...pleasseee....
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
are you going to make the other parts as blog? whatver you do, you can always post the links of the other parts at the bottom of this part.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?