SALAM I TOUGHT I WILL SHARE U THIS WITH U ALL this is on of the poems i love
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
If the Prophet Muhammad visited you,
Just for a day or two;
If he came unexpectedly
I wonder what you'd do.
Oh! I know you'd give your nicest room
To such an honored guest;
And all the food you'd serve to him
Would be the very best;
And you would keep assuring him,
You're glad to have him there;
Your hospitality would be beyond belief
And service beyond compare.
But... when you saw him coming,
Would you meet him at the door
With arms outstretched in welcome
To your honoured visitor?
Or... would you have to change your
Clothes before you let him in?
Or hide some magazines and put
The Quran where they had been?
Would you still watch movies
On your trusty TV set?
Or would you rush to switch it off
Before he gets upset?
Would you turn off the radio
And hope he hadn't heard?
And wish you hadn't uttered
That last loud nasty word?
Would you hide you worldly music
And instead take Islamic books out?
Could you let him walk right in,
Or would you rush about?
And, I wonder... if the Prophet spent
A day or two with you,
Would you go right on doing the things
That you always do?
Would you go right on saying the things
You always used to say?
Would life for you continue
As it does from day to day?
Would your family conversation
Keep its usual pace?
Or would you find it hard each meal
To say a table grace?
Would you keep up each and every
Prayer, forcing back a frown?
And would you always jump up early
For every prayer at dawn?
Would you sing the songs you always do
And read the books you read?
And let him know things on which
Your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take the Prophet with you
Everywhere you normally go?
Or would you , maybe, change your plan
Just for a day or so?
Would you be glad to have him meet
Your very closest friends?
Or would you hope they'd stay away
Until his visit ends?
Would you be glad to have him stay
Forever on and on?
Or would you sigh with great relief
When he at last was gone?
It might be interesting to know
The things you would do
If the Prophet Muhammad, in person,
Came to spend some time with you.
just imagine them visiting you
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
Assalamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters i hope that you are all well InshAllah
another chapter in the war against the Muslims)
Lebanon is screaming
Her face bloodied
Her hair on fire
Her hands in supplication
Lebanon is screaming
Running in circles of despair
In search of her children
Under burning buildings
Searching for her mothers
Floating in ruined rivers
Her fathers
Under ruined fruit stalls
Her husbands
Embraced in hot steel on the way home
Lebanon is screaming
Her babies boiled in the fire of hatred
Her students boiled in the fire of ignorance
Her body despoiled by beastly arrogance
Her destruction ignored by kings and presidents and prime ministers
Lebanon is screaming
Are there no men to save her?
To help her?
To get justice for her?
Muslim Men
Come out from your businesses!
Come out from your coffee shops!
Come out from your schools!
Come out from your mosques!
Come out!
Come out!
Wherever you are!
Lebanon is screaming!

And I can't sleep!
Can You?
I was looking for a Hero,
to admire and follow,
When I found myself in the Prophet's city,
And my journey toward Allah began.
The cool breeze of Medinah was like Da'wa
Calling me, inviting me
To visit the Best of Creation.
I am not worthy of this blessing,
I tell myself again and again.
His conduct was the Quran,
And I am merely a stumbling,
Human embodiment of broken efforts.
It was a long road to learn this simple lesson.
The path to Allah is through His Prophet .
My journey towards You Allah,
Begins with the Seerah of my Hero.
And since I love you Allah, I will follow Your Messenger.
I will love Your Messenger, when I study his Life.
When I love his Life, I will embody his Sunnah.
The Sunnah of the Chosen One.
The One who established the Deen.
The Ambassador of Allah,
The Teacher, the Warner,
The Exemplar,
The Best of Creation, Muhammad
check out the book pearls of wisdom 1, 2 & 3 bt Mufti Saiful Islam.. v good poems and words of wisdom mashallah
Gossip is the most destructive thing in the universe...