Thought provoking it was indeed.
The quote from some person about how Allah (swt) would side with just non-muslims over unjust Muslims should be more well known. It would correct a few misconceptions out there.
It reminds me of a time in Pakistan where someone asked someone else how they could live in the UK, prefer it when its full of Non-Muslims - surely the company of Muslims would be superior? (it was more than that - all about how you can trust non muslims and on and on and on)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Just a few things I picked up while listening:
Time of reflection. Most important reasons why Allah swt gave us the Qur'an so in order that we reflect, so we ponder deeply and think.
Danger of religion..religion becomes tribalism..separation..identity politics...
I really like the way Hamza Yusuf..'and I want to look'..in that tone.
Whoever submits his entire being to God... that is the one.
The Jews say the Christians have nothing..and they're reading the same book?
Think deeply about the hadith: 'you will follow those who went before you... you will follow the Jews and the Christians to the extent that if they go down a lizard’s hole you'll go down with them.......'
The one who has submitted his entire being to Allah swt.
Just as God has done good to you, do good to others, help other people,do things....this is what Prophet Muhammed
spend his life doing, serving other people...
..a man does not truly believe ..he Iman has not reached a completeion until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself...emcompasses the idea of Brotherhood...even if they disbelieve...this is Islam..
Muslims for too long have been caught up in their world...not realizing that the vast majority of the Muslim world today were Christians...did you know that the five golden centers of Christianity all became Muslims..which is one of the reasons why the Christians were so troubled by Islam and its spread..
whenever people are defeated or begin to lose..they always blame other people...very unusual of the Ottomans reaction when they began to lose land...the Ottoman's didn't blame anybody..they asked 'what are we doing wrong?'
They weren't blaming others.
Its useful to read the Qur'an objectively.
Allah swt will not give any aid to unjust people. He will aid just non Muslims over unjust Muslims. Justice..not just talking about religious justice...
The Deen of Allah swt is one. There is only one true religion.
Allah swt will decide on the Day of Judgment.
You got to know whats right and whats wrong.
I really liked that bit. It just shows that really that..going back to the basics..you simply just have to be a good person.
People from Muslim countries think like that about the West, don't they?
Why can't we add a comment on:
http://www.therevival.co.uk/blogs/you/lobotomy ?
erm... fixed. I had somehow accidentally turned the commenting off.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I need to listen to this.Just saying it here so it doesn't get lost once the spam gets deleted!
edit: WHATTTTT NOOOOOO, copyright?!
edit 2: whaaaaaat? part 2 ain subject to copyright but part 1 is?! hmm i could still learn something from part 2 alone?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
those who neglect the Quran/Prayer. they will have their head smashed with a boulder, you know the story? you're lieing there, then this person throws a boulder at your face and the boulder rolls away and by the time the man goes to get it and come back, your head is back to normal, ready to be smashed again.
okay, no more neglecting the Quran, that includes reading and not applying, not reading, etc..
"reading not applying" is worrying, you'd think you could get away with just reading.
yep, Sully, its all about being a good person a lil bit more. i think its more like, you have to start off being a good person and move up from there. not, "im a good person so im fine". do i make sense?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?