
The Gift of Youth

The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) has told us to appreciate five things before they go, one of which is youth before old age. Youth possess phenomenal amount of energy, and if this energy is channelled in the correct way it can guarantee a place in Paradise.

A person is physically and mentally the most active when they are young. It is during this stage in life that they can greatly benefit society around them. The great Mohammad Bin Qasim-Al-Thaqafi, a 19 year-old Arab general from Basra (Iraq) marched into Pakistan by way of Persia and Balochistan with an army of 60,000 men.

What's Our Aim In Life?

What is it that we want out of life? Where are we going? What are we doing? What should we be doing? What is the purpose of Allah (swa) sending us to this world? What exactly is our aim in life?

These are the most fundamental questions that we all need to ask ourselves. People answer these questions in different ways. Some people's aim in life is to collect money, property, to have perfect careers and perfect families, whilst other people desire name, fame and power.

What Do Our Friends Reveal About Us?

Due to obvious reasons we are more inclined to befriend like-minded individuals. Someone who's there for us when we need them, someone who empathises with us when we're stressed out, someone who understands us and thinks in the same way that we do, this is the basic criteria of choosing a friend. So if we have friends whom our parents don't approve of, friends who behave in a shameless and immoral manner, friends who break all the limits ordained by Allah (swa), what does this reveal about us?

If You Have No Shame Then Do As You Wish

With the significant increase in pre-marital relationships in the last 30 years amongst our Muslim brother and sisters, it does seem as if most of us no longer have any shame. One just needs to visit their local shopping centre, cinema or library to see the significant increase in unmarried Muslim couples. We have an increase in Romeo's roaming the streets, happily driving around the block all day long looking for girls and an increase in melodramatic Juliet's who'll "just die if they don't end up with their man".

On Pride, Arrogance And The Superiority Complex

Arrogance. The daddy of all sins, the characteristic found in history's most villainous beings, the reason behind the downfall of Satan and the root of all spiritual sicknesses. It is also the most despicable trait found in man. No one likes an arrogant person. We dislike those individuals who look down at others, those who think they are superior to others in terms of looks, intelligence, status or piety, those who are convinced that they are right whilst everyone else is wrong, those who can not speak without praising themselves, those who belittle or talk down to others and have huge egos. Since we strongly detest this trait, it makes sense that we scrutinise our own characters and check whether or not we possess the very same thing that we can't stand in others.

Why Don't We Practise Islam?

By Alveena Salim

Most of us are fortunate enough to be born in a Muslim family. However, it is common knowledge that those who get something after working hard for it appreciate and value it so much more then those who get something automatically. It is for this reason why, most of us do not value, appreciate or even know what it means to be a Muslim.

Fornication, adultery, drinking alcohol, gang feuds, drugs, mugging, running away from home, the minimal clothing our sisters have adopted and clubbing is widespread amongst our Muslim brothers and sisters. Is this how Muslims should act?

Silence Is Golden

In our society keeping quiet or being an introvert are characteristics that are looked down upon. This is because our society only values what is apparent; thus the self-effacing individuals who refrain from speaking unnecessarily are known as the ones who are insecure and lacking in self-confidence, whilst the long-winded individuals are deemed as being clever, witty and successful.

This is ironic, as this mentality was not shared by our pious predecessors, according to Hadrat Ali (ra) "when intelligence is complete speech becomes rare". Traditionally it has also been said that one should "be sure of the stupidity of a man if he speaks too much".

Cut The Culture

By Alveena Salim

Culture, what exactly is it? Well even though you might think it's got nothing to do with you; you are in fact surrounded by culture all the time – be it the culture of your parents/grandparents or the western 'British' culture.

Culture is the outward expressions of your values, beliefs, lifestyle etc. So from that point of view if culture is just basically your way of doing things then Islam can be your culture right? Yep too right it can and so it should be!

Of Fanatics and Muslims

Can We Be "Too" Into It?

We live in a society in which Western values dictate how we should live our lives. These external pressures, coupled with the inclination towards their desires, makes it increasingly difficult for people to practice their religion.

To become attached to Allah (swa) one must become detached from the world. That way even though our work may be on Earth, our hearts should always remain with our Lord.

Then why do we refer to those individuals who may spend all their time in the mosque and are not interested in the "normal" activities that "normal people" find pleasure in as "extremists", "religious fanatics" or "too much into it"?

Parents: A blessing or a pain?

Ok, admit it. You may be fifteen, or you may even be twenty-five, but there’s no way in hell you can get away with doing anything behind your parents’ backs. You get the third degree if you come home from school or work five minutes late. Your mates can stay out late clubbing, partying, and smoking sheesha whilst you have a silly four-thirty curfew... that is to say, 4:30 pm.
