refugee crisis

Cruel Britannia

Two Child Syrian Refugees

Anyone watching the news will have heard that there is a refugee crisis going on.

The coverage of the refugees has certainly softened over time, from describing them as vermin to swarms, to now describing them as migrants.

While this is still not accurate, it be better than the earlier coverage.

News has mostly turned to the stance taken in relation to refugees by Germany and Hungary.

Eastern European Hostility

The Hungarian Prime Minister has declared himself as the protector of Europe from the scurge of Islam (conveniently forgetting where some refugees from Hungary went during the time of the Ottoman Empire). He does not want any refugees in his country and considers the refugees as a German problem.

A solution for the refugees?

Naguib Sawiris

An Egyptian Telecoms billionaire has proposed buying a Mediterranean island to shelter refugees fleeing from Syria and other countries. 

Naguib Sawiris, who is believed to be worth $2.9billion, announced his idea on Twitter this week. 

He tweeted: “Greece or Italy sell me an island, I’ll call its independence and host the migrants and provide jobs for them building their new country.”

He added: “Crazy idea… Maybe but at least temporary until they can return to their countries??!!” 

Speaking to AFP later, he said: “Of course it’s feasible. You have dozens of islands which are deserted and could accommodate hundreds of thousands of refugees.”