Muslim father in law has sex with his daughter in law

An evil father-in-law who imprisoned his son’s Pakistani bride as a sex slave has been jailed – after his victim learned enough English to call police and beg for help.

The depraved 56-year-old stripped the bride of her jewellery and passport after she came to Britain following an arranged marriage, a court heard.

He made her swear on the Quran that she would keep the abuse a secret and promised to heap shame on her by forcing her to divorce his son if she refused his demands for sex.

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I swear there's some sick people out there




_Me_ wrote:

I swear there's some sick people out there

You sure that got that right, but ive heard even worse!


Hummus wrote:
ive heard even worse!


My English is not very good

Lollywood, I hate the way you comment. It's not even WHAT you say/ask but the way you ask it. It really bothers me. arghhhhhh. 

I'm talking about the way you divide each sentence and reply with something random and then expect to cover a whole load of stuff when it's got nothing to do with the topic at hand. 

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

I dont see what this topic has to do with Islam.

Just lollywood trying to attach all evils to Islam instead of blaming individuals for their depravities.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Why is he still here? Seriously? 

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH

Foysol89 wrote:

Why is he still here? Seriously? 

There's plenty of people like this in our world. Who like linking only bad to Islam. Don't want to learn / teach anything from it, just point it out to say it's Islam that's a bad religion.
When you come face to face with them you won't know what to do.
Take this opportunity to perfect your responses.
The more random crap this chap posts, the more opportunity you have to practice.
Silver line of the cloud and all that?


Northen Southener wrote:
Foysol89 wrote:

Why is he still here? Seriously? 

There's plenty of people like this in our world. Who like linking only bad to Islam. Don't want to learn / teach anything from it, just point it out to say it's Islam that's a bad religion. When you come face to face with them you won't know what to do. Take this opportunity to perfect your responses. The more random crap this chap posts, the more opportunity you have to practice. Silver line of the cloud and all that?

I understand what you're saying and for a long time i've just put up with the regular rubbish he posts on here. Thing is he neve listens, always fails to understand and IMO doesn't give a damn. Nowadays i just ignore his rubbish and so do most of the others, so i fail to see why he's still here...

Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH

You wrote:

I dont see what this topic has to do with Islam.

Just lollywood trying to attach all evils to Islam instead of blaming individuals for their depravities.


Please read this

He made her swear on the Quran

My English is not very good

Foysol89 wrote:
I understand what you're saying and for a long time i've just put up with the regular rubbish he posts on here. Thing is he never listens, always fails to understand and IMO doesn't give a damn.

I don't make up the news



My English is not very good

Yes we've read what you wrote perfectly, but the Quran cannot be used to justify that, it definitely does not allow what this guy did.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

The Lamp wrote:

Yes we've read what you wrote perfectly, but the Quran cannot be used to justify that, it definitely does not allow what this guy did.

The guy who did this sick thing used it to cover things up

My English is not very good