Nigerian advises against 86 wives

Nigerian advises against 86 wives
By Andrew Walker
BBC News, Bida, Nigeria

Baba Mohammed Bello Abubakar
Mr Bello Abubakar says he does not go and find women, they come to him

Nigerian Mohammed Bello Abubakar, 84, has advised other men not to follow his example and marry 86 women.

The former teacher and Muslim preacher, who lives in Niger State with his wives and at least 170 children, says he is able to cope only with the help of God.

"A man with 10 wives would collapse and die, but my own power is given by Allah. That is why I have been able to control 86 of them," he told the BBC.

He says his wives have sought him out because of his reputation as a healer.

"I don't go looking for them, they come to me. I will consider the fact that God has asked me to do it and I will just marry them."

But such claims have alienated the Islamic authorities in Nigeria, who have branded his family a cult.

Ganiat Bello Abubakar
When you marry a man with 86 wives you know he knows how to look after them
Wife Ganiat Bello Abubakar

Most Muslim scholars agree that a man is allowed to have four wives, as long as he can treat them equally.

But Mr Bello Abubakar says there is no punishment stated in the Koran for having more than four wives.

"To my understanding the Koran does not place a limit and it is up to what your own power, your own endowment and ability allows," he says.

"God did not say what the punishment should be for a man who has more than four wives, but he was specific about the punishment for fornication and adultery."

'Order from God'

As Mr Bello Abubakar emerged from his compound to speak to the BBC, his wives and children broke out into a praise song.

Mohammed Bello Abubakar of Bida and some of his wives
Some of Mr Bello Abubakar's wives are younger than some of his children

Most of his wives are less than a quarter of his age - and many are younger than some of his own children.

The wives the BBC spoke to say they met Mr Bello Abubakar when they went to him to seek help for various illnesses, which they say he cured.

"As soon as I met him the headache was gone," says Sharifat Bello Abubakar, who was 25 at the time and Mr Bello Abubakar 74.

"God told me it was time to be his wife. Praise be to God I am his wife now."

Ganiat Mohammed Bello has been married to the man everyone calls "Baba" for 20 years.

When she was in secondary school her mother took her for a consultation with Mr Bello Abubakar and he proposed afterwards.

"I said I couldn't marry an older man, but he said it was directly an order from God," she says.

She married another man but they divorced and she returned to Mr Bello Abubakar.

"I am now the happiest woman on earth. When you marry a man with 86 wives you know he knows how to look after them," she said.

No work

Mr Bello Abubakar and his wives do not work and he has no visible means of supporting such a large family.

Inside "Baba's" house
Many of the wives live three to a room, some have seven children

He refuses to say how he makes enough money to pay for the huge cost of feeding and clothing so many people.

Every mealtime they cook three 12kg bags of rice which all adds up to $915 (£457) every day.

"It's all from God," he says.

Other residents of Bida, the village where he lives in the northern Nigerian state, say they do not know how he supports the family.

According to one of his wives, Mr Bello Abubakar sometimes asks his children to go and beg for 200 naira ($1.69, £0.87), which if they all did so would bring in about $290 (£149).

Most of his wives live in a squalid, unfinished house in Bida; others live in his house in Lagos, Nigeria's commercial capital.

He refuses to allow any of his family or other devotees to take medicine and says he does not believe that malaria exists.

Hafsat Bello Abubakar
They were sick and we told God and God said their time has come
Wife Hafsat Bello Abubakar

"As you sit here if you have any illness I can see it and just remove it," he says.

But not everyone can be cured and one of his wives, Hafsat Bello Mohammed, says two of her children have died.

"They were sick and we told God and God said their time has come."

She says that most of the wives see Mr Bello Abubakar as next in line from the Prophet Muhammad.

Indeed, he claims the Prophet Muhammad speaks to him personally and gives detailed descriptions of his experiences.

It is a serious claim for a Muslim to make.

"This is heresy, he is a heretic," says Ustaz Abubakar Siddique, an imam of Abuja's Central Mosque.

That's more wives than years he's been alive...

Maybe he REALLY enjoys weddings.

Don't just do something! Stand there.


I just noticed he's from a village called 'Bida'. Do you think they're trying to tell him something?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

I read the title of this post and thought: "Well, duh!"
This guy needs to stop taking advantage of these women and polygamy. Quran says four MAXIMUM! If a girl rejects you then get over it!
Can't believe it took him to become 84 to know that it was a mistake.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Courage wrote:
Quran says four MAXIMUM!

In which particular verse?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Marry 2, 3 or 4. But if you can't treat them equally then just marry the 1. Something along those lines, in Sura Nisa.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

If you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, two, three, or four, but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one…(Surah al-Nisa, 3).

Islam allows a man to marry only 4 women. Shia Muslims are allowed to marry as women as they like as long as the marriage is temporary and not permant. It is called Muta Marriage. It was allowed by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his Companions were happy to marry women for a short time only.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

malik wrote:
Islam allows a man to marry only 4 women. Shia Muslims are allowed to marry as women as they like as long as the marriage is temporary and not permant. It is called Muta Marriage. It was allowed by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his Companions were happy to marry women for a short time only.

What is the reason people have these marriages?

It seems to many that it is just a way to make sex halal without the added responsibility of looking after the wife or supporting her. As a Shia, what is your view on this?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:

What is the reason people have these marriages?

It seems to many that it is just a way to make sex halal without the added responsibility of looking after the wife or supporting her. As a Shia, what is your view on this?

I believe in and love the Prophet (pbuh).
Whatever he made halal is halal. Whatever he made haraam is haraam.
If Muta Marriage is halal in sight of the Prophet (pbuh) and so it must be halal for Muslims. Prophet's Companions (RA) did it, so why not us? I have done it a few times myself. Sunni as well as Shia girls. Its even allowed with Christians and Jews. Its a blessing that Islam protects us from Zina. You don't feel guilty if you enjoy anything according to what Prophet (Pbuh) told us.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

So basically what your saying is you married those women for sex?

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

[]The foremost Companion who was alleged to have permitted temporary marriage was Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him. And the answer to this is:

Temporary marriage was permitted and outlawed several times as you will find recorded in Fath al-Bari and other [works] from the words of the Imams of Hadith. And the end of the matter was the outlawing [of temporary marriage] as was established in the Sahihain and other [books].

Based on this, the issue is not without some possibility that Ibn Abbas was aware of the unlawfulness [of temporary marriage] or was unaware. Even with the two possibilities, there is no proof that he spoke of its permissibility. If he was unaware [of its unlawfulness] then the matter is clear and that is: he came to a verdict of permissibility based on what [was the case] initially, where it was allowed. Then its permissibility was abrogated by its unlawfulness and he was unaware of this, so he is excused. But it is not permissible for anyone to follow him in this [matter], because whoever knows a proof is [held up] over the one who doesn�t know. And the benefit of the doubt should be given to Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, as with the rest of the Companions, that they hastened to fulfill the commands [of the religion]. Thus, if Ibn Abbas had been aware of this, he would not have allowed himself to go against it.

But, supposing that he knew that the last of the matter was its unlawfulness � and this has been established from him in Bukhari and others that Sayyiduna Ali and others informed him of it, then the response is:

That it was narrated from him that he went back on what he had said when he realized that the final matter was its unlawfulness. If this is established, then this is a non-issue and there is no debate.

If it can�t established that he went back [from allowing temporary marriage] then this is only what a Companion has said, and he and others [in this matter] cannot be proof in the face of clear, rigorously authenticated texts. The proof is in the Book of Allah and the tradition of His Messenger, peace be upon him. So what has been established from them textually takes precedence over anything else.

There is general conviction among the Imams after Ibn Abbas that temporary marriage is unlawful, with no difference among any of the Imams of Ahl al-Sunnah. The only ones who differed were the Shiites, and their differing is not considered. So the consensus of the Imams after Ibn Abbas is proof over everyone else.

But what of the question of how Ibn Abbas could have kept on saying that [temporary marriage] was permissible in spite of what was established in Bukhari and other [books] that he knew of its abrogation?

The answer: His persistence in saying that [temporary marriage] was permissible should be interpreted as his not having received evidence of its abrogation. For this reason, he kept saying that it was permissible. But if he had received evidence of its abrogation and conceded this, then far be it from him and other Companions that they would insist on going against a text of the Messenger, peace be upon him. So his excuse is that he was not certain of its abrogation until he was told of it by some of them [Companions].

Ibn Hajar said in Fath al-Bari: �And the righteous predecessors differed about temporary marriage. Ibn Mundhir said: �The earliest Companions allowed it, and I don�t know of anyone today that permits it, except some of the Rafidites [a Shiite sect]. And there is no significance for any saying which goes against the Book of Allah and the tradition of His Messenger.� And �Iyad said: �Then occurred the consensus of all the scholars that it was unlawful, except for the Rafidites. As for Ibn Abbas, it has been narrated from him that he allowed it. And it has also been narrated that he went back on this [position].� And Qurtubi said: The narrations all agree that temporary marriage was not allowed for very long and that it was outlawed. Then the predecessors and the successors come to a consensus that it was unlawful, except for those of the Rafidites, who are not paid heed to. And a number of the Imams have determined that Ibn Abbas was alone in permitting it. This is a famous question that is a rare example of a difference of opinion. But Ibn �Abd al-Barr said: Ibn Abbas�s associates from Mecca and Yemen allowed it. Then the jurisprudents of the various Muslim lands agreed on its unlawfulness.�

As to narrations of its permissibility from other than Ibn Abbas from the Companions and the next generation, these have been explained by Ibn Hajar in al-Fath that some of [these narrations] have not been established, and who was established [to have permitted it] went back on [his position], so what he had said [previously] should be reviewed.

The upshot is that the consensus of the recognized Imams that temporary marriage is unlawful nullifies all controversy about this issue.

And Allah alone gives success.

Amjad Rasheed [quote/]

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

Narrated Saburah ibn Ma'bad al-Juhani: "The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) prohibited temporary marriage with women. (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Book 11, Number 2068)"

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

@Malik ask yourself this if the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)approved of such marriages then why didnt he himself participate in them? I think your getting confused. Such marriages might have existed once upon a time but well before Islam was sent down by Allah(swt).

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Naz wrote:

Malik ask yourself this if the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)approved of such marriages then why didnt he himself participate in them? I think your getting confused. Such marriages might have existed once upon a time but well before Islam was sent down by Allah(swt). [

I think you need to read some books of Ahadith Brother Naz. Muta Marriage was not only allowed before Islam. Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also allowed it. How can you say Muta Marriages were practised before Allah sent down Islam as a religion. Prophet is Islam. He said to his companions go ahead and do Muta Marriage with women. Don't you get it? This is Islam. Whatever Prophet (pbuh) allows his companions is within Sharia. How can you say this is not Islam? Companions did it in front of him and he said this is acceptable. If you dont find it acceptable then this is your problem. Islam has no problem with marrying a woman for a day or two and then divorcing her. She is not forced into this you know. She has to give consent to be married within the Muta Marriage.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Funzo wrote:
Narrated Saburah ibn Ma'bad al-Juhani: "The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) prohibited temporary marriage with women. (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Book 11, Number 2068)"

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

malik wrote:
Naz wrote:

Malik ask yourself this if the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)approved of such marriages then why didnt he himself participate in them? I think your getting confused. Such marriages might have existed once upon a time but well before Islam was sent down by Allah(swt). [

I think you need to read some books of Ahadith Brother Naz. Muta Marriage was not only allowed before Islam. Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also allowed it. How can you say Muta Marriages were practised before Allah sent down Islam as a religion. Prophet is Islam. He said to his companions go ahead and do Muta Marriage with women. Don't you get it? This is Islam. Whatever Prophet (pbuh) allows his companions is within Sharia. How can you say this is not Islam? Companions did it in front of him and he said this is acceptable. If you dont find it acceptable then this is your problem. Islam has no problem with marrying a woman for a day or two and then divorcing her. She is not forced into this you know. She has to give consent to be married within the Muta Marriage.

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) also allowed drinking alcohol at the beginning of his mission, which was later forbidden. Are you going to drink alcohol too?

Malik, the Qur'an was revealed over a long period of time, and different rulings came at different times. When the first sahaba converted to Islam, they weren't expected to give up everything immediately from their earlier lives of jahaliyyah. This happened gradually.

Same with slavery, it wasn't forbidden in the Qur'an, and if it had been the primitive arab society would have fallen apart. But it is quite clear that it should be cut down slowly over time (one of the best deeds you can do is freeing a slave etc).

But you have admitted that the only reason you do this is to fulfil sexual urges. This is why people get married *permanently*. The only difference is that a permanent marriage also comes with big responsibilities for both husband and wife, while a Muta marriage is just "Wham! Bam! Thank you ma'am!"

Don't just do something! Stand there.

But some companion disageed whether he had banned it or not. Some continued to do Muta Marriage. We Shia Muslims believe that Prophet (pbuh) never forbade it. That is why it is still practised in Iran where Shia Muslims are the majority. Many Sunni Muslims in Egypt and other Arab countries also take this view and they agree with their Shia brothers that Muta Marriage is allowed in Islam. These type of Arabs also continue to practise this contract marriage.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Funzo wrote:
Funzo wrote:
Narrated Saburah ibn Ma'bad al-Juhani: "The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) prohibited temporary marriage with women. (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Book 11, Number 2068)"

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

There is no point trying to convince malik that muta marriage is haram. Most Shia insults the companions of the prophet SAW anyway, and they do not use/accept the commonly accepted books of hadith (Bukhari, Muslim, Nasaai, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud) accepted by majority of the muslims.

For majority of the muslims it is accepted that mutah marriage is haram based on hadith quoted below.

Remember Quran was revealed in 23 years initially alcohol was not considered haram and later on it was condemmed. It is the same with muta marriage it was allowed then condemed as supported with the hadith quoted below.

And Allah said If you love Allah follow his messenger and he will forgive you (Quran ayah out of the top of my head)

if the evidence quoted below is not sufficient (La kum deenukum wa liyadeen) unto you be your religion and unto me be mine.

Brother follow the evidences not the scholars.

Narrated Saburah ibn Ma'bad al-Juhani: "The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) prohibited temporary marriage with women. (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Book 11, Number 2068)"


Aminat wrote:
There is no point trying to convince malik that muta marriage is haram.

...and then you try to convince him anyway. Blum 3

Follow your own advice!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

malik wrote:
Naz wrote:

Malik ask yourself this if the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)approved of such marriages then why didnt he himself participate in them? I think your getting confused. Such marriages might have existed once upon a time but well before Islam was sent down by Allah(swt). [

Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also allowed it..... He said to his companions go ahead and do Muta Marriage with women.... Companions did it in front of him and he said this is acceptable.

Evidence please.

malik wrote:
Islam has no problem with marrying a woman for a day or two and then divorcing her.

Allah(swt) dislikes divorce. Evidence to prove my statement

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Among lawful things, divorce is most hated by Allah" (Reported by Abu Dawud)

Ppl dont forget shias are still Muslims so lets not get personal about it.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy


my bad i guess i got carried away

Aminat wrote:

Brother follow the evidences not the scholars.

Narrated Saburah ibn Ma'bad al-Juhani: "The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) prohibited temporary marriage with women. (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Book 11, Number 2068)"

i posted this like three times and nobodies paid attention to it, at least somebody did.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

surprise surprise
guys are in favour of temp marriages because they can use and abuse the system
thats it
its all about sex
in the name of marriage
how pretentious
n I cant see how any guy would know how to treat all his wives equally

1R4M wrote:
surprise surprise
guys are in favour of temp marriages because they can use and abuse the system
thats it
its all about sex
in the name of marriage
how pretentious
n I cant see how any guy would know how to treat all his wives equally

'guys' are in favour?

ONE person is in favour, and the user name is Malik. That could easily be a guy or a girl's surname.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

This is not some thing "new", but something "old".

As for the guy saying there is no punishment for marrying more than 4, that may be the case (I am not a scholar), but there is a punishment for adultery. I would expect any extra wives past the permitted limit would not be recognised and his conjugal relations with hem would probably be considered as adultery.

Again, I am not a scholar and this is just using logic, which may or may not be flawed.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
I would expect any extra wives past the permitted limit would not be recognised...

This is correct.

So marriage with the later 82 is considered void.

Hmm...just saw this bit at the end:

Indeed, he claims the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) speaks to him personally and gives detailed descriptions of his experiences.

It is a serious claim for a Muslim to make.

"This is heresy, he is a heretic," says Ustaz Abubakar Siddique, an imam of Abuja's Central Mosque.

Didn't the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) say that Shaitan could never take his form in a dream, so if you see the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in a dream than it really is him?

Unless the guy is lying altogether about it. TBH he just sounds deluded to me, not intentionally doing wrong.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
Hmm...just saw this bit at the end:

Indeed, he claims the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) speaks to him personally and gives detailed descriptions of his experiences.

It is a serious claim for a Muslim to make.

"This is heresy, he is a heretic," says Ustaz Abubakar Siddique, an imam of Abuja's Central Mosque.

Didn't the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) say that Shaitan could never take his form in a dream, so if you see the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in a dream than it really is him?

Unless the guy is lying altogether about it. TBH he just sounds deluded to me, not intentionally doing wrong.

Yes, the devil can not take the form of the Prophet (pbuh). As for the validity of his dream, whose to say whether its true or not.

Try to use some logic ppl. Who wants the stress of 86 wives... do you know how much that is in Child Maintenance?

Back in BLACK

Ya'qub wrote:
Hmm...just saw this bit at the end:

Indeed, he claims the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) speaks to him personally and gives detailed descriptions of his experiences.

It is a serious claim for a Muslim to make.

"This is heresy, he is a heretic," says Ustaz Abubakar Siddique, an imam of Abuja's Central Mosque.

Didn't the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) say that Shaitan could never take his form in a dream, so if you see the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in a dream than it really is him?

Unless the guy is lying altogether about it. TBH he just sounds deluded to me, not intentionally doing wrong.

Imam Suyuti (rh) saw the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) over 70 times whilst awake and he would ask the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) questions regarding certain matters. And yes, if you see the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in a dream, it is as if you have seen him Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in real life.
