Imam Husayn - The Way to Paradise

Hasan and Husayn are greatly loved by Allah

The Holy Prophet also loved Hasan and Husayn.

The Prophet told his Sahabas to love them too.

Both were his grandsons. They were 6 and 7, when the Holy Prophet died.


There are many hadith about Imam Husayn which really open you mind if you think about them.

For example, reflect on this one:


The Prophet said: Husayn is from Me, and I am from Husayn.


This is truly a remarkable Hadith. How can a grandnfather be from his own grandson?

Its a mindboggling Hadith.

It must mean that the grandfather and his mission was saved by his grandson.


In one Hadith, Prophet prayed to God against people who dislike his grandsons.

The Prophet said, O Allah destroy him whoever is against them.

In fact, the Prophet once said, I am AT WAR with those who hate my grandsons.


Holy Words of the Prophet are the reasons why I love Imam Hasan and Husayn.


Shia Muslims cry for Imam Husayn out of love for him.

Shias never fail to remember and mourn the Martyrdom of Husayn.

It is Sunnah to cry for Husayn.

In fact, the Holy Prophet cried for his grandson Imam Husayn, even before he was killed in Karbala.

Imam Husayn sacrificed himself  in Karbala to protect the religion of his grandfather from being destroyed by King Yazid.


Many Sunni Muslims also respect Imam Husayn in the Holy month of Moharram.

I saw on Sunnni TV Channels, such as Ummah and Takbeer, sunni scholars every day remember and cry for Husayn.

Ashura is the Day of Imam Husayn. Shias and Sunnis mark it for rememering the service he did for Islam.


There is a Hadith in which the Holy Prophet said Hasan and Husayn are Leaders of Paradise.

Allah made them its Leaders. Paradise now belongs to the grandsons of the Prophet.

If they are not happy with you, then you can forget about going there.

Without loving Imam Husayn, Allah will neither forgive you your sins, nor will He let you enter Paradise.


May Allah protect us all from ever disliking the Holy grandsons of the Messenger of Allah.

Allah bless Propeht and His Holy Family.



Ashura 1434.



loving the sahaba ra is a action all muslim must do, this is not just for hasan and hussain ra but all sahaba ra

al-Hasan and al-Husayn are the Leaders of the youth from the People of Paradise, and their father is better than them

ibn majah


narrated by ali ra: Abu Bakr and `Umar are the leaders of the mature inhabitants of Paradise, of the first and the last with the exception of the Prophets and the Messengers.? [Jami' al-Ahadith, Hadith 233]

All Muslims should love the family of the prophet (S) regardless of being Shia or Sunni.

End of.


Tell that to the people who triggered a suicide attack on a shia mosque in Pindi last week

tell that to the people in iran who kill muslim simply because their name is umar abubakr or uthman

ok, are the two abu's different people?

That would explain some of the confusion on this place...

Abu - the Non muslim pro-zionist

abualabbasassaffah - the member who is not a prozionist, has the opposite beliefs of Abu.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Shia's killed Hussein RA, they desserted him when he needed their help.

You wrote:
ok, are the two abu's different people?

That would explain some of the confusion on this place...

Abu - the Non muslim pro-zionist

abualabbasassaffah - the member who is not a prozionist, has the opposite beliefs of Abu.


all you had to do was check the ip address

or dont you even know that


and i have a life brother i have no need to do such a low life act like creating 2 accounts for some lame action

For the record I am not a prozionist but a modern muslim which means I focus on whats important


faith,culture,understanding and love of the book  not blind loyalty to wahhabhis like the other abu


Still to each their own



Abu wrote:
For the record I am not a prozionist but a modern muslim which means I focus on whats important


faith,culture,understanding and love of the book  not blind loyalty to wahhabhis like the other abu


Still to each their own




wahab is the name of allah wahabi means follower of allah,

i cant be a follower of allah for allah is allpowerfull allmercyfull allstrong these are attributes of allah which no human being can follow, if my blind view leads me to knowing the meaning of things in islam then id be that then what you are and be ignorant

Abu wrote:
For the record I am not a prozionist but a modern muslim which means I focus on whats important


faith,culture,understanding and love of the book  not blind loyalty to wahhabhis like the other abu


Still to each their own




Yeah for sure, you focus on "important" things like shaking hands with the opposite sex but jihad and martyrdom is not "important".

Abu wrote:
Abu wrote:
For the record I am not a prozionist but a modern muslim which means I focus on whats important


faith,culture,understanding and love of the book  not blind loyalty to wahhabhis like the other abu


Still to each their own




Yeah for sure, you focus on "important" things like shaking hands with the opposite sex but jihad and martyrdom is not "important".


i think one of you need to add another name after abu like abubakr