Imam Ghazali’s The Revival of the Religions Sciences (Iḥya ulum al-dīn) - 2-day intensive course

Al Buruj Press Presents

In association with Berbick Isoc
“one of the most anticipated courses of the year”!!!

Ihya ulum al-din-“Disciplining the Soul, Breaking the Two desires and The Defects of the tongue” with Shaykh Ahmed Ba’biker(Abu Bakr as-sudani) and Ustadh Abu Aaliya

“a course not to be missed”

A 2-day intensive course going through the third part of Imam Ghazali’s The Revival of the Religions Sciences (Iḥya ulum al-dīn) which is widely regarded as the greatest work of Muslim spirituality and is one of the most read works after the Quran itself in the Muslim world. The course will provide an in-depth guidance through The Book of Disciplining the Soul, Breaking the Two desires and The Defects of the tongue which we recommend as key actions to help maintain the purifying effect of Ramadan and also to gain considerable knowledge of how to keep the soul in a tranquil state and constantly in consideration of its creator. Experience for yourself the sweetness of the effect of knowledge on one’s own soul and let not these gems of wisdom pass by you!

Join us for some excellent guidance from our course instructors, Sheikh Ahmed Ba’bikir(Abu Bakr as-sudani) and Ustadh Abu Aaliya who have agreed to go through this work and provide in depth and expert knowledge that you may use to guide yourself in practising the methods of purification of your own soul inshaAllah for the rest of your life. We should always look to transform ourselves for the better and this powerful reminder could prove to be just what you need to take a step up and strengthen your emaan!


Cost: £35 includes course materials & refreshments

To Book tickets click here

Date: Saturday 25th October - Sunday 26th October 2008

Time: 9am to 7:30pm Regristration: 8:30am onwards

Venue: Birkbeck, University of London, Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HX

Nearest Stations are Russel Square, Kings Cross and Euston


Course Pre-requisites: None- Open to all

Ticket Details: Brothers: 07792307456/07908701480/07958791709
Sisters: 07944229254/07960383971/07965268450

Online payment:

Shaykh Babikir Ahmed Babikir (known also as Abu Bakr as Sudani), arrived in the UK in 1977 and since then he has been at the forefront of Daw’a in this country. He is currently the Imam of Yusuf Islam's Islamia School.

He studied the Islamic Sciences in Sudan under Shaykh Fatih Qaribullah (rahimah-ullah) son of Sayyidi Shaykh Qaribullah (rahimah-ullah) son of the Great Shaykh Ahmed At-Tayyib (rahimah-ullah). He has certified Ijaza’at in various Islamic disciplines including Maliki Fiqh, Hadith, Aqeeda, Dawa, Tajweed, Tassawuff etc. He has also studied and spent time with some of the most learned and noble men of this era including Shaykh Salih Al-Jaferi who was the Shaykh of Al-Azhar in the 70’s, Shaykh Syed Alawi Maliki al-Makki, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Saggaf of Jeddah and Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani.

Sidi Abu Aaliya is the director of Jawziyyah Institute in London. He has been engaged in delivering dawah and community work for over 20 years holding talks, circles and seminars in universities, Mosques and Islamic centres across the UK and abroad. He has studied with various scholars in particular Sheikh Abdullah Al Farsi and Sheikh 'Abd Al-Rahman Al-Luwayhiq. He is well versed in the Arabic language and hasbeen a prolific writer for many years having translated numerousscholarly works and books from Arabic to English such as Tenets ofFaith, The Ideological Attack, Etiquettes of Differing, The ExquisitePearl, Fadl 'Ilm al-Salaf (Virtue of Knowledge of the Predecessors) of Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, and Bidâyat al-Sul fî Tafdîl ar-Rasul (Virtues and Status of the Prophet [pbuh]) of al-'Izz ibn 'Abd as-Salâm. Also currently Abu Aaliyah teaches and serves as one of the Jummah Khateeb's in Masjid al Tawhid in East London.