Remembering the Beloved Messenger of Allah (saw)

After the demise of our Beloved Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) the venerable Bilal (may Allah be well pleased with him) felt quite forlorn. He would go round the streets of Madina saying: O people! Have you seen the Messenger of Allah anywhere? Show me too if you have seen him. In discomfort of love he left Madina and went to Halab in Syria. Six months passed when he saw the Beloved Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) in dream. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) said: 'O Bilal! You have stopped visiting us. Don't you want to meet us?'

When he woke up, the remembrance surged so passionately that the next moment he was on the camel back riding fast towards Madina chanting: labbaika ya Rasul Allah! (O Messenger of Allah! The slave is coming.)

Reaching Madina he would look around, looking for the Beloved Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). He would search the Prophetic mosque peeping into every nook and corner and also the private chambers of the Holy Prophet. When he found him nowhere he put his head down on the Holy grave and could not then control his sighs, cries and tears submitting: 'O Beloved Messenger! The slave has most humbly reported.' Then he lost his senses. The news of his arrival spread everywhere in Madina that the Holy Prophet's slave Bilal had come from Halab and was lying senseless near the holy shrine. Everybody turned up to see the Prophet's favourite caller to the ritual prayers.

People requested him to chant the call for prayer only once remembering Allah's Beloved Messenger but the venerable Bilal would not find in him enough strength to revive the most touching memory of the love-laden ritual. Some of the Companions suggested submitting to Hasnain Kremain to ask the venerable Bilal for adhan. So the venerable Imam Hussain (may Allah be well pleased with him) took Bilal's hand in his own sacred hand and expressed his desire for adhan. So he agreed and started chanting adhan from the same spot he used to call during the holy days of the Beloved Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). The moment he called loud Allahu Akbar, everyone present there burst into tears. As the adhan progressed this state of things further aggravated, and when the venerable Bilal called out ash'hadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasul Allah the situation went beyond description. Even the ladies left their homes and came out thinking as if the Beloved Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) had come. None can describe the sight. No one ever saw the residents of Madina weeping and crying in the remembrance of the Beloved Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) as intensely as they did on that day.

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"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.